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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Obviously if they do raise the 800K in the bank number they will also raise the income requirement to match.
  2. Irrational if you like their coffee but you're free to be irrational and you're also free to be a bigot.
  3. It's not different. It's exactly the same. It's "interesting" that you view depiction of a Jew as promoting Jewish "ideology" as if that's even a thing and boycotting because of a depiction of a Jew as a religious matter when it's obviously a racist matter.
  4. It definitely is. Let's say they showed a Jew. And people supporting boycotting them because they showed a Jew. According to you, that wouldn't be bigotry? I CALL B.S. Yes, people do have the right to boycott whatever they want. But not without consequences. Not without exposing themselves as vile bigots if they are boycotting because they don't like a marketing depiction of a minority group that they hate.
  5. Perhaps but then aren't the expats sometimes locked into using that agent for future matters? Doesn't that complicate address reporting?
  6. Doesn't need but doesn't matter either. Boycotting them over this is bigotry. Simple as that.
  7. Idiotic and dangerous bigotry. They start with scapegoating trans people and even refusing to acknowledge even their existence. They intend and indeed are succeeding in making the lives of trans people as difficult as possible in many countries with a plethora of petty new tranparently vindictive laws. This is true EVIL. Tip of the iceberg for who these bigots want to erase. They're obviously also after all LGBTQ people, racial minorities, etc. Learn from history.
  8. About Malaysia. There are loopholes. Much lower requirements for Surawak and coming soon similar for Sabah.
  9. I'll answer that. I use my Thai address when it benefits me and I also use my U.S. address when it benefits me. Hoping there isn't too much communication going on, ha ha. So I file with my Thai address. It gets automatic filing extensions and cleanly divorces me from my last U.S. state which isn't a no state income tax state.
  10. Well I get that concept. Each year an expat does pay Part B is another year he won't be subject to that year's penalty if repatriating. So it doesn't need to be an all or nothing thing. Another point. Probably the main reason retired people do unplanned repatriations is related to declining health. For US people we've got Medicare back home. So if you're going back for an end of life thing whether it be days, months, or years, the time of your penalty is limited that way.
  11. Yes Georgian food is popular with Russians as Russian Russian food is let's face it on the boring side.
  12. I get what you're saying about freezing money expats might spend, but on the other hand money in the bank is circulated to the economy by the banks.
  13. Hopefully this is true: Fox News Analyst Pronounces Trump's 2024 Campaign Dead (mediaite.com) ‘He Can’t Win’: Fox News Legal Analyst Andy McCarthy Predicts Trump Will ‘Get Drubbed’ in 2024 A prominent conservative voice is warning Republicans that “Trump Can’t Win” in a new article for National Review. Andrew McCarthy, National Review contributing editor and Fox News legal analyst, has come out strongly against Donald Trump‘s chances at the presidency in 2024, writing, “I persist in the conviction that Trump doesn’t have a prayer of being elected president again.” McCarthy’s reasoning? There’s nothing redeeming about the former president and voters have already made up their minds about him.
  14. Marxism 4.0? World Economic Forum? Here we go again with right wing conspiracy theories.
  15. Wrong. Trump hits back at GOP candidate who said he’s running to ‘stay out of jail’ - POLITICO
  16. They need scapegoats for their resentful feelings that they are losing their unearned privileged position in societies.
  17. In any case, it's obvious now that he's running for president to stay out of prison, not to be of service to the American people.
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