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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I don't think Fidelity will allow you to trade with a stated permanent foreign address. If you call them with questions they are likely to put you on their suspected expat shut list. I did recently change my US address with them online quite easily but with a US IP login.
  2. They could potentially craft a custom security deal for Ukraine even if Russia still held occupied lands that the west doesn't recognize. They might have more flexibility than you think.
  3. Well it sounded like you used it to include anyone who is a democrat or a Biden supporter which is of course a gross perversion of the word even with its current meaning as an attack word.
  4. Well of course entering with a 90 day O visa obtained in the US would be ideal. But I have no.idea which Thai consulates if any would grant that with the reason to retire in Thailand. O visa doesn’t require a criminal background check and of course tourist visas don't either. Entering on a 30 day stamp is a possible starting point but the time pressure doing that is significant.
  5. Hearing this report increases my respect for Uncle Joe.
  6. About the proposed village in Russia for escaping right wing Americans. I don't know if this will ever happen but of course from Russia's POV it would be a propaganda win and the Americans would be allowing themselves to be used for that purpose. Russian propaganda and right wing American rhetoric have been nearly identical. Russia to Build Village for Americans Tired of Liberals: State Media (businessinsider.com) The American far-right's Russian embrace | On Point (wbur.org)
  7. The 30 day "visa" is not a visa. It's a stamp that he would get upon entry. I would advise applying for an actual visa, a 60 day tourist visa in the U.S. before traveling. The reason to do that would be to reduce any time pressure that will exist with the 30 day stamp to get all the documents in order before applying for the CONVERSION step to a 90 day O visa in Thailand.
  8. You can't negotiate with Putin PERIOD. Putin has to be out of power first. That is probably in the process of happening though it's hard to tell how long it will take.
  9. I call B.S. What is anti woke now? It's bigoted implicitly pro Putin videos such as featured in this topic and fascist politicians like DeSantis who is obsessed with demonizing LGBT people, especially trans people, and also white washing black history. I think your perception of what is going on with this woke politics thing is horribly DATED. The people being attacked and it's almost all coming from the far right (which is basically the right in the U.S.) as woke do NOT identify as woke. The concept has been completely PERVERTED. Your take may have made more sense some years ago. It doesn't now.
  10. Not at all. What a bizarre assumption. Again DUH my decision to move to Thailand and its timing had absolutely nothing to do with politics.
  11. Thailand doesn't do referendums. Laws are passed by the legislators. The winning Move Forward party ran on a pro marriage equality platform. Civil partnerships as a compromise are very passe. I'm guessing you're not Thai so whatever retrograde limitations that you might support on marriage equality in Thailand are really of no consequence.
  12. That's absurd. Woke is an attack word now. The people that right wingers call woke don't think of themselves that way. If you're talking about the original black culture positive definition it's just not relevant anymore
  13. He's likely talking about the original black culture definition of woke. The word has been completely perverted into an attack slur by the right wing.
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