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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. He's the only incumbent democratic president. Just the one.
  2. I don’t know if Ukraine will succeed in evicting the Z fascists from Crimea or not but I do think doing so would signal a real victory rather than what might be coming an eternal conflict Korea type of situation.
  3. The vast majority of El Paso Texas is Mexican. Any hard core Russian loyalists in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine are presumably welcome in actual Russia. Ukraine is a sovereign nation Hands off Ruzzkies!
  4. Crimea was ethnic cleansed by Russia. That referendum holds no legal weight. It was not approved by Ukraine but held by an invading force. Regions of nations have no right to choose to separate unilaterally.
  5. As published not the opinion.og The Hill. It was not a news item..
  6. Biden might not be OK but he beats the alternative.
  7. Responsible messages from public health authorities correctly pointing out that men who have sex men are the primary risk group are very welcome and indeed necessary. It's not LGBTQ community. It's men who have sex with men that are the high risk group now. Public health messages explaining that this virus can be spread via skin contact with or without sex are also welcome. Information on access to VACCINES for high risk group members is very welcome but apparently missing, WHY?!? Bleeding into homophobic rhetoric, right wing inspired ranting about queer IDEOLOGY, blaming and shaming men who have sex with men for the disease are extremely unhelpful. I've said what I want to say. I will leave the topic now.
  8. Bigotry loves a vacuum. This is about a disease. Where are the VACCINES? It shouldn't be about fueling homophobia. Monkeypox shows that if we can’t talk openly about sex and disease, bigots will | Zoe Williams | The Guardian
  9. Queer ideology huh? Code again. If you're going to post homophobic garbage, man up and deal with being called out. Anti-LGBT rhetoric - Wikipedia
  10. If you're going to assert a link asserts something, it's ON YOU to actual post a clear credible link that backs that up.
  11. No your rhetoric has been explicitly homophobic. Not the sort of language used by responsible health authorities. Also you took my quote out of context.
  12. Africa is relevant because of the history. I see MP as quite different than HIV as MP is spread via skin contact while HIV is spread via sex or shared needles, etc. Also HIV is much more serious though there are good treatments now. There is a VACCINE for MP, Is it even available in Thailand? There is no vaccine for HIV.
  13. When people refer to stuff being shoved down throats, it's an easily transparent CODE.
  14. If you look at the full global history of HIV, the vast majority of those infected have NOT been men who have sex with men. You use the word normal as weapon. This is a public health issue of concern. But some people see it is another opportunity to inflame already severe HOMOPHOBIA.
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