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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. One thing I think you're missing. Trump represents an existential threat to American democracy. It is assumed the maga party will run Trump. Thus it becomes a national priority to stop Trump from taking power. In the US system ANY incumbent president has a built in significant advantage. Sticking with Biden is a safety move as he is objectively the best best to beat Trump because he is incumbent.
  2. Could but won't. Biden the incumbent is running and unless he drops out the nomination is his.
  3. The way I see it. These attacks about Biden's fitness are primarily from people that know the most likely contest will be Biden vs Trump. They want Trump. In no concievabke universe is Trump ever the better choice.
  4. Stigmatizing hurts. That is a medical issue. There is a vaccine but not clear if Thailand is doing that. There is current separate topic on MP.
  5. Thailand has been a major International gay tourist destination for decades. Thailand tourism authorities promoting that are not at all new either.
  6. Their default decorations all year are heterosexual. The entire world is dominated by heteronormative culture. It's hilarious to me how heterosexuals are so often blind to that. A straight flag would be redundant overkill.
  7. Approval ratings have nothing to do with historian's assessments. You crack me up. If you LIKED the ratings, you would never bring up how "new" a school is.
  8. No. You don't get to do that. You made the assertion and provided zero evidence. I see now that you can't. So your assertion is pure GARBAGE.
  9. No. I meant Trump. The likely maga party nominee. Sorry so many people fail to get that obvious point.
  10. I would assume that Nandos corporate has rejected Thailand as a market though I can't imagine why.
  11. Provide a credible source for your outrageous assertion.
  12. You didn't read it did you? Nothing to do with CBS. Note that Trump is rated third from last which sounds generous to me. "... Here are the results of a sweeping survey of historians, political scientists and presidential scholars maintained by Siena College Research Institute. Since 1982, SCRI has ranked presidents across 20 categories, ranging from integrity to executive ability."
  13. Incorrect. https://www2.cbsnews.com/presidents-ranked-worst-best/5 The ranking of presidents... so far Is President Joe Biden the best president in history — or the worst? Turns out, it's neither. According to the latest available survey of presidential historians, he's somewhere in between.
  14. Is it? My experience with real peri peri chicken in Portugal certainly wasn't bland.
  15. He's obviously going to be rated by historians as at least a middle level president and potentially top tier depending on how the war turns out and whether the Trumpist fascist forces can be crushed.
  16. Yes the republican party embodies hatred and bigotry.
  17. I can't even process supporting Trump at this point.
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