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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. If you look at the full global history of HIV, the vast majority of those infected have NOT been men who have sex with men. You use the word normal as weapon. This is a public health issue of concern. But some people see it is another opportunity to inflame already severe HOMOPHOBIA.
  2. It's been in Africa for decades and not considered an STD there and not assoicated with men who have sex with men. It is spread through skin to skin contact, with or without sexual acts. It is not a homosexual disease. It's a virus. The current risk group outside of Africa is men who have sex with men. But I get it, you want to spread hatred.
  3. Hiv means your immunity is weak. Monkey Pox is NOT a STD. Anyone can potentially be Infected by skin contact.
  4. This is an issue for Hunter not Joe. If this sort of nothing burger is the best Trumpists can do that is truly pathetic.
  5. Yeah that chain is pretty good but I assume not as good as real Nandos. I think they are overpriced though which likely hurt their competiveness.
  6. Well it is true that Thailand has already been popular with LGBTQ international tourists, but seeing Thailand progress towards equal civil rights for Thai LGBTQ people will definitely add even more appeal to Thailand as a LGBTQ friendly destination. In Asia we can see the same effect in Taiwan which now has international reputation of being more LGBTQ friendly than other countries in the region. LGBTQ tourism thus increases. The opposite is also true. When a country gets more oppressive to LGBTQ people, it's international appeal diminishes. Consider Elton John's current position on the USA.
  7. This is just abother right wing bubble FAKE issue, and obviously a personal matter, but the way I see it is that Biden is supporting his son's stance on the status of that child. I don't see that he has any real choice.
  8. LGBT people have a culture. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_culture You respond with child like insults. I stand by comparing Pride Month decorations to Christmas ones If you lack the intellect to perceive the similarity that's on you. The gist of these LGBT people should be invisible arguments come off like everything will be OK if LGBT people aren't uppity and behave like gay equivalents of Uncle Toms. As far as corporations going rainbow during pride months in some countries that's their initiative because they think there's profit in it. It's not fair to collectively blame LGBT people for that.
  9. No. It's perfectly OK to call out risk groups by health officials. You're projecting "delicacy" that doesn't exist.
  10. No "need" for Christmas decorations either. Life must be very trying for you during Pride Month. All those bright colors. All that feeling of being offended. It can't be healthy.
  11. If it stands, this is problem with it: Read Justice Sotomayor's dissent in same-sex wedding website case : NPR While wedding websites may not be an essential service, it this stands, there is no doubt that the horrible precedent it establishes will be used to test discrimination for many of other PUBLIC ACCOMODATION goods and services that are more essential. This court which was created by STEALING two seats does not reflect the nation. It has gone rogue.
  12. Turns out it was based on a FAKE example. Hopefully, it will be overturned. The mean spirited lady who brought this to SCOTUS "Christian" though she may be, appears to lack basic ethics and morality.
  13. Get an Android box connected to your tv and install Stremio.
  14. Another cynical right wing game. Persecuting a group and trying to gaslight that it isn't happening.
  15. I understand it's a right wing talking point that discussion of gender identity as being a different thing than sex is an ideology. It is not. If you meet someone that says the earth is flat and you've provided sources proving its not and they still believe it's flat the discussion is over.
  16. Biological sex at birth is fixed except when ambiguous. The rest of your post is incoherent so no response.
  17. Point of view. You are projecting on me all your prejudices on this topic. Gender identity doesn't belong to me personally.
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