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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Cisgender does not refer to sex. The word is about gender identity. Woof woof.
  2. I think they are based on willful ignorance and hysteria. I see it as fake manufactured outrage. The word is a neutral descriptive adjective Also who used it specifically about you personally?
  3. Absurd level of possibly willful misunderstanding and false conflation.
  4. Based on your post, I don't think that you know the definition of cisgender.
  5. Well I expected that kind of sarcasm but I was obviously wondering about a very niche type of micro business. Not for me, but if it is something that has a demand, perhaps a good niche for other people (as the need if there would be location dependent). My inital guess is that such a service might be worth about 1000 baht. Visiting the location, the testing could be done in minutes, the main thing being paid for is the consultant having active Sims of all the IPs saving the customer of the hassle of getting multiple test sims himself. Also saving the customer the TIME that would be involved in the process to do multiple SIM testing himself.
  6. You do you. But that's a different thing. Categorizing a person as cisgender if they are cisgender is a simple objective fact.
  7. Just wondering here. Not something I would want to do. But perhaps this would be good niche business for a Thai person, perhaps a partner of a f-rang that can help them get set up. So the idea: Imagine you want Sim card in a router net access. But you don't know which IP Sims will work for your location, if any? So you call this consultant. He comes with active SIMS of all the providers and does speed tests in your location. He advises which SIM is best, knowing all the current best deal plans on Shoppee or Lazada. He advises on specific routers. He brings SIM routers to resell for a small profit if you want that convenience. Optional, maybe not worth it. He talks you through the initial activation and plan starting actions if language is an issue. He follows up seeking feedback on your experience with your IPs SIM which might help him make better recommendations to new customers. Do you think there is a demand for that? If so, what price would people think is fair? If there is a demand the money needed to setup would be quite low, getting all the test Sims, doing research on the deals, facebook ads, etc.
  8. Here's a question. If you have an existing annual SIM card that you've bought online, is it usually possible to contact the vendor when it runs out, pay the vendor whatever for whatever their current offer is for that IP, and then renew for another year without starting over with a new Sim? Or do you always need to start over with a new Sim?
  9. Dude, I can't read minds. It sounds like you're blaming the victims of cynical manufactured right wing demonization instead of the perpertrators. So I suppose you have a list to present of why they deserve to be scapegoated You hear the same kind of garbage throughout history of why this or that group "deserved" to be persecuted. Granted there are bad actors within any group of humans, are you suggesting transgender people are a monolith? Like I said I can't read minds. So you might consider saying exactly what you're talking about.
  10. I doubt it will.ever be a big spot but happy to hear that they're making progress.
  11. Cisgender is a scientifically based word that you can choose to use or not use when you wish to be PRECISE about stating an OPPOSITE of trans gender identity. Find me ONE dictionary where man or woman is defined as a precise opposite of trans gender identity. It doesn't exist because those are general words. I think people are confused and think there is an agenda to push the use of cisgender in every circumstance. No! It is useful specifically when you want to precisely express an OPPOSITE when the overall context of the discussion is about gender identity. There is no movement for news sources to have headlines like Cisgender Man On Drunken Rampage on Pattaya Beach. People that think there is such a movement are expressing paranoia and hysteria typically ginned up by right wing media bubbles. Demonizing and scapegoating trans people is the flavor these days, so naturally there has also been an attack focus on the word cisgender. It's just a word. It's not a slur. It has it's uses in some contexts. That's all.
  12. That is wrong! Man does not mean not transgender. Woman does not mean not transgender. The only word that I'm aware of that does mean not transgender is cisgender. You can say that man and woman means not transgender a million times and that wouldn't make it any more FALSE.
  13. Cisgender means not transgender and is not in any conceivable way a slur. But this has made me wonder is there a word that means not transgender that IS a slur? If so, I do not know it. If you know such a word, please post it. There is at least one slur word for straight and many many slur words for gay. But we're talking about gender identity here, not sexual orientation. This discussion made me think of the word goy vs. gentile which both mean non-Jew. Goy, unfortunately can be taken as derogatory. But gentile cannot. Cisgender meaning not transgender is equivalent to gentile meaning non-Jew. I hear hysterical reactions claiming cisgender is a slur. It absolutely 100 percent is not and those reacting that it is may be advised to look at themselves and why they think such an objectively FALSE thing. Is 'goy' a slur? - Jewish Telegraphic Agency (jta.org)
  14. Who said it meant that? Not me. The vast majority of people gay and straight are cisgender.
  15. It did answer your question. I'm not in control of other people's comprehension competence.
  16. There is nothing derogatory about the word cisgender. It is a neutral descriptive scientific word.
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