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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I have the same DTAC Sim plan, recently purchased. I've never had close to 30 in my 4g SIM router. I think 10 max. The 15 DTAC that I first tested with was getting relatively better speeds to the stated limit. But it's actually good enough speed for my needs. Also, it blocks torrents, but OK with a VPN. I'm interested in a 5g sim router but I'm not seeing any that aren't super expensive. I'll keep testing it. I only recently started using it so maybe it'll get better (hope springs eternal).
  2. Accepted. Yeah, definitely avoid that stuff you were thinking about.
  3. Sure but people can potentially become addicted to a substance even if they think they are in control. Of course different substances have different levels of physical addiction potential and level of consequences if that happens. I could cite some personal experiences of "flirting" with more potentially dangerous addictive substances but I'd rather not share that here. Let's just say there are substances that even if you try once you can feel them creeping into your system and I suppose in some cases one use will create an addiction. Weed is not one of those substances. A reason it has been described as a SOFT drug.
  4. Yes, coffee is DEFINITELY addictive. FACT. 8 Signs You’re Addicted to Coffee - Coffee Informer I think you see the word "addiction" as stigmatizing. I do not. It depends on the substance. The majority of western adults are addicted to caffeine. Should they all be stigmatized?
  5. Uruguay has been mentioned. It's documented that he has an escape plan.
  6. It was my reasoned personal impression based on his description of somewhat severe physical withdrawal symptoms. I think we're allowed to voice our opinions I am not anti weed. I love modern weed. But I do support efforts to suppress youths using it as I'm convinced its not good for developing brains. You are free to use the report button. Knock yourself out dude.
  7. That's interesting. Thanks. You sound addicted to me. My anecdotal report of barely noticeable physical withdrawal symptoms was based on old style weak assed ganja.
  8. I think people are getting overly hung up on the specific terms. Addiction. Dependency. That syndrome thing mentioned before. They are all similar enough. The psychological vs physical part is in my opinion more important. Again in my opinion with weed the psychological part dominates. Unlike harder physically addictive substances like nicotine, alcohol, speed, heroin etc. From a personal anecdotal POV I consider myself an addictive personality. But I only get "addicted" to some things thankfully. Some addictions are deadly, some are not great but relatively mild, and some are arguably downright wonderful. My most dominant lifetime addiction is to coffee. It is definitely a physical addiction and there are definite very unpleasant long term withdrawal symptoms. I see no good reason to quit. I was a very habitual daily weed user (bong) in my adolescence for about 4 ir 5 years. But I still got good grades. I think it was psychological addiction. One day I decided it wasn't fun any more as it made me paranoid and I quit cold turkey. Physical withdrawal was hardly noticeable. Nothing compared to the times I foolishly quit coffee. Taking up the new weed world decades later with the fancy strains and dry herb vaping I haven't felt paranoid at all. I also see no point in getting high every day. A person's reaction to weed and other substances are highly individual.
  9. Nobody knows how this coup attempt will turn out but if you want to experience a fascinating history in the making feeling by a very wise anti war Russian exile check this out.
  10. This is pathetic. History will show that Florida man and box hoarder Trump was impeached Twice regardless of what they do.
  11. OK. So your comments before where you incorrectly asserted that vaping weed was more harmful than smoking weed were based on a misunderstanding and lack of awareness of DRY HERB VAPING.
  12. Duh! That's the point. Dry herb vaping is definitely healthier than smoking on the lungs! Vaping liquids different. I've never talked about any kind of weed vaping other than DRY HERB.
  13. So you're not dependent or addicted or whatever. Big whoop. Do you think you represent all human experience with weed?
  14. Your point about vaping in dry herb vapes not worth 2 cents. It is definitely healthier than smoking. Your dime store pop psychology unsolicited personal commentary that I am incapable of enjoying weed worth even less. Cheers.
  15. It's relative. Reuters - Media Bias/Fact Check (mediabiasfactcheck.com) Also AP and PBS News Hour, left center but accurate. Fox News questionable source. Obviously! Fox News (foxnews.com) - Bias and Credibility - Media Bias/Fact Check (mediabiasfactcheck.com)
  16. Fox "News" is not a credibly objective news source. That's obvious from their recent massive settlement with Dominion.
  17. True story. My elementary school took us on a field trip to a Wonder bread factory! I still remember the smell.
  18. Very late in the game maybe. But that would be because of a health crisis. Possible but unlikely timing. Earlier a fully open contest.
  19. Not a chance. I also reject your assertion that Harris would automatically be the replacement nominee. If he decides not to run it'll be an open contest.
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