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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. This is just wrong. Both are known and both are jokes. You're right most democrats would prefer another credible candidate to run rather than Joe. But so far as he's the incumbent none has come forward.
  2. If the American lady's passport shows her gender as male then they could legally marry in Thailand a d it would not be a same sex marriage under the law as unfortunately same sex marriage is not yet legal here.
  3. The maga movement is anti democratic, pro authoritarian at its core. Biden would debate if there were any serious challengers. As of now there are none.
  4. There was still an American flag there. No problem except for anti gay demagoguery.
  5. It was a nice gesture to recognize the service of diverse veterans throughout American history.
  6. I call BS. If it's Biden vs Trump which in all livelihood it's going to be, for pro democracy, anti maga fascism Americans there is no choice but Biden.
  7. There is a thing called studying history. Perhaps you've heard of it. We've had wives act as president too. Nothing new. Trump or DeSantis means the end of American democracy. So if the democrats are running a roasted zucchini, that's better.
  8. Nothing new in American history to have president's dealing with human factors. Remember FDR. Bottom line, Biden in a coma is still a million times better than Trump.
  9. That's what happens when a powerful fascist movement (maga) focuses in on a group to scapegoat.
  10. Cisgender is a very useful word is why. What is your definition of woke? Do you even have one?
  11. The D-Link sounds like a no brainer to buy? Apparently it will take any sim? Why not just buy that and then do some testing with different SIM providers?
  12. You seriously didn't know what cisgender is already? I assume you're straight (sorry) and cisgender. Right? I'm gay and cisgender. It's not that hard. Come on man!
  13. There is the matter of official forms which might be different to how a couple refers to each other socially. They may or may not be the same. Keep in mind when we're talking about "same sex" we're talking about LGBTQ people. In general two cisgender gay men would be both husbands or spouses to each other but other people that identify differently may want to use different terms. A straight identified man might marry a transgender woman who has officially changed to female gender -- I would assume they would not want to be husband and husband. I don't think official forms should even try to accommodate all the variations. I like the Virginia example above. Keep it simple. Kiss kiss.
  14. Bucko? Very respectful for the most popular politician in Thailand now, the choice of the people.
  15. When laws change, forms are modified.. Its not rocket science.
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