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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Thank you. That's a good start. So you're suggesting not buying a year plan right away it seems. So let's say I pick a SIM then how to buy a good router for it? It sounds like you're angry and I don't know why. I thought I have been responding to you. I have no idea what you asked about my phone that I didn't answer. Regrets if there has been a miscommunication.
  2. I am not. Again my current ais sim in my phone is only a stopgap for tethering as my usual dsl has been down for several days and maybe permanently So I'm not married to AIS except for my phone. Again I am looking for a good bet sim card router and Sim to try out that way of net access. I understand it might not be good but I have no idea how else to try this.
  3. I'm honestly at a loss at how to speed test a bunch of routers and a bunch of Sims without buying a bunch of routers and a bunch of Sims. So for my need is it impossible to come up with a good chance bet sim router and Sim for my needs? Sorry if I am slow on this stuff. It's new to me.
  4. Maybe that 27 was wrong or I read it wrong. That was on tether using speedtest. I need to test again using test.my.
  5. Thanks. I will. I have Mao Mao unlimited net 4 Mbps Download 5.3 But that is on my phone. Not tethered at the moment.
  6. I will spell this out. I meant no offense by pointing out that people were posting here from a heterocentric POV. If you were offended by that, I am sincerely sorry.
  7. I am pretty sure that AIS mobile is completely blacking torrent downloads. Everything else works fine including youtube streaming. A friend told me some mobile Sims block torrent downloads if using USB toggle which is what I'm using now as stopgap. Its not about Slow torrent dl speeds. It's about NO speed at all. I did test on speed test and got a 27. I am not looking to usb toggle a phone as my solution. I want to see if I can make a sim card router work for me but again I don't know which router and Sim to buy. By now I do understand that whatever I buy might be inadequate based on the router sim and my specific location. But surely there's a good bet way to try ss far as which router and simcard to buy?
  8. No. You have no idea what the rules will be or even if they will allow Thai foreign same sex marriages at all!
  9. A wildly extreme overreaction to an observation of fact. Not saying don't post. It's understandable that people post based on their experiences. I didn't call a heterocentric pov homophobia. I mentioned it as a matter of fact that this actually is a topic about same sex marriage. So seeing so many posts about opposite sex marriage was notable. I am not the gatekeeper! Post as you like but realize people might comment on what you posted.
  10. Premature. We don't have marriage equality yet. Even when that eventually happens it isn't a given they will allow Thai to foreign marriages at all. It's interesting that people seem to be viewing this from a heterocentric POV. Interesting but not surprising.
  11. No it's about marriage rights. No marriage rights no immigration issues. You have a valid complaint though of course.
  12. Also previous governments have been working on this for several years already!
  13. Dollars to donuts he'll be indicted at least two more times. But convicting him will be very hard. Even with perfect cases all it takes is one stealth maga cult member to gum it up.
  14. Governments can do multiple things. Marriage equality is popular.
  15. You can already get married. Sounds selfish to ask for priority over people with NO marriage rights at all.
  16. It can be a heaven or hell thing depending on lots of variables. Back in the day believe it or not we were seeking much more than just getting high.
  17. Of course I have no interest in hooking a phone up to a router. I know that's possible with some phones/routers. But with a SIM card router there's a slot for the SIM.
  18. A good suggestion but perhaps my specific needs as posted above will be relevant. I'm not looking to become an expert. My dream is for someone knowledgeable to tell me what to buy, ha ha.
  19. OK, as I've led up to this, here goes. I'm interested in trying out a SIM router solution, see if it works for me, before possibly going for TOT/NT fiber later (if it doesn't). I want to get it right the first time so preferably I'll be able to choose a good fit router and SIM without expensive trial and error. Basically my needs for this possible SIM card router Connect to PC Connect to my Android box on TV could be wire connect or wireless Need ethernet port for a VOIP phone Internet use lots of surfing on PC HIGH PRIORITY: download torrents youtube on the TV from Android box HIGH PRIORITY: Stremio on the TV from Android box Youtube streaming doesn't need much speed. As far as torrents and Stemio I do need decent speed. Not sure what number that is exactly. I don't need well seeded torrents to download in seconds. Just a reasonable amount of time but of course the faster the better I don't mind a little overkill in speed (with the added cost) which would be better than too slow. I'm concerned about which SIM cards might just block or slow down torrents. As I said before my AIS plan on my phone seems to be blocking them with USB tethering. As far as the router I would prefer easy to use of course for setting up. As far as the SIM I assume it would be some kind of annual plan bought on Lazada. There are likely things I'm not mentioning or asking about because I don't know enough to do so. If people would be so kind as to steer me in the right direction, it would be much appreciated. So the idea here is SPECIFIC suggestions for SIM routers and SIMs to buy, if at all possible.
  20. I am interested in trying out the SIM router option, something I didn't know was an option before. But I really know nothing about it. I'm going to post about my needs and maybe you or someone else who's knowledgeble can help me figure out what to buy.
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