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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. How do you know the American has a penis? Was that mentioned in the article? Have you seen a picture? Is it anyone's business if she does or not? You're correct they didn't mention the marriage details. If the American's passport says male they could legally marry here.
  2. Not sure why he's running. He has zero chance of being nominated. Hasn't he been humiliate enough already?
  3. Definitely antisemitic 100 percent. But common these days coming from American fascists, magadonians, etc. BTW magadonian was recently suggested by Trump himself to call the maga people. You couldn't make this stuff up.
  4. OK. I hear you. I'm annoying you. But again from my POV I really haven't been intentionally trying to add complications. I guess I understand why you think that. Rather you give short answers assuming that I have a basic knowledge base which I don't have at least yet. So because of that I just haven't understood some of your answers.
  5. Do you think it's worth testing Thunder at all as I do live on a high floor?
  6. Please try to understand that I just don’t understand basic stuff that you seem to assume everyone knows. Like your suggestion to buy those Sims. That makes no sense to me! Don't the Sims need to be associated to a plan to test the speed performance? If you think I'm an idiot it doesn't bother me at all. I know what I know. This stuff I don't.
  7. Thanks for the info. I'm on a high floor in a condo. Am I screwed?
  8. Thanks. I could go to the mall but I don't understand exactly what to buy. You're assuming way too much about what I understand about this. I'm learning but there's a curve.
  9. The thing is this war crime along with chemical weapons is one step short of nukes. Putin is very desperate.
  10. For the water pipe try very small amounts in the bowl for a smaller single hit. You don't want an amount that you light multiple times and end up smoking ash.
  11. One reason I recommended the Fenix Pro is that it's designed to be as easy as possible to clean. My mechanical aptitude is a weakness but even I've been able to figure it out. Yes you need to grind. No biggie. Buy a grinder. You need to experiment with bowl fill level and how much to pack it down which can vary based on strain. Also if your herb is stale dried out its no good for vaping.
  12. OK, as suggested I'm looking to buy some Sims to test. DTAC and Thunder. But looking on Lazada I'm very confused as to what to select. I understand a testing Sim would be cheaper than a one year plan. Of course I'm looking for the highest speeds possible (understanding that they may not be realized at my location) and UNLIMITED data.
  13. No chance any of them and most are running to be Trump's VP. That or to raise their political profile to run for higher offices or president later. Longshot that he is, I see Christie as a serious candidate because he is actually doing something very different. Directly attacking Trump. So he owns that lane. Turns out Sununu isn't running. I would be surprised if he doesn't endorse Christie. As pundits have pointed out Trump won't allow himself to be on a debate stage with Christie. Too bad because that's what people really NEED to see.
  14. I wouldn't be happy if even a non maga fascist republican wins but that would be a normal outcome in a democracy and not the existential threat to democracy that the maga fascists represent. So I could tolerate Christie as president and I'm sure those key suburban white women will vote for him, another reason Biden is toast if the Rs nominate Christie.
  15. Yes but I think this will change the psychology of the allies in a positive direction for the defense of Ukraine. Another point about who did it that not many people are talking about. The Inside Russia youtube channel is run by a self exiled Russian expert on energy, dams, etc. He points out that even if the Russians didn't blow it up, simple NEGLECT of maintenance of the dam is virtually the same thing. The dam was on Russian occupied land, they took over running the dam, they are responsible for neglect if that caused the tragedy. But I still think they exploded it.
  16. Extremist anti LGBT views are usually a strong indicator. Sorry if I got it wrong but frankly I doubt it.
  17. Christie is doing a public service, like Liz Cheney. But heck, if Trump world falls apart and he's convicted on multiple felonies, who knows, Christie might still have a small chance.
  18. Probably. Hopefully. But DeSantis is a maga fascist but I think if nominated he has a chance of fooling enough people.
  19. No, I'm saying you ARE allowed to hate. And if that post above isn't a hate filled rant, I'm the Duchess of Poughkeepsie.
  20. If the Kremlin isn't paying him, they should be. Unpaid assets are called useful idiots for Putin.
  21. Following your example of Zelenskyophile you're saying you're a Putinphile.
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