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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. "Banging a porn star" is not part of any of the 34 felony charges against the Florida Man of Mar a Lardo.
  2. You can present monthly statements if your book doesn't show all transactions.
  3. They won't even know! I had an officer openly admit to me the only reason for it is as an extra measure to remind people that they must follow the actual balance maintenance rules and if those rules have been followed at next extension no problem, if not big problem, NOTHING at all to do with that show money report! When people do hand it in, they don't even give a receipt. It's a nothing burger. I'm usually follow all "rules" kind of guy, but this isn't a real rule.
  4. That's good because he isn't. There won't be one UNLESS there is a massive event relating to Biden during the time window when a challenger would appear. In other words in time to get on ballots. Such as a major health crisis or a very major political loss.
  5. It isn't a real requirement because there is no consequence for ignoring the order.
  6. You don't get it. Kennedy isn't a serious challenger. You can't beat a somebody with a nobody. If someone like Gavin Newsom not that he will and not that I like him challenged Biden there might be a contest.
  7. In my view light years is apt because I think he's a space cadet.
  8. Well by that time he could be president and you can't touch a president. I doubt they would pursue a new trial regardless. You're technically right but I think most defense teams see hung juries as a kind of win.
  9. If you get the order at Jomtien you can ignore it! What you can't ignore are the actual balance maintenance rules.
  10. Not a new rule at all on needing to keep 800k in account three months after extensions. A few offices notoriously Jomtien order you to show compliance after three months. However there are NO CONSEQUENCES for IGNORING the order. But if you haven't complied it will be checked at your next extension.
  11. Of course it's a strong case or he wouldn't dare move on it. But just one stealth maga nutcase on the jury who won't consider the evidence and no convictions. So Trump could fairly easily win this. But other indictments are definitely coming.
  12. Lots of people don't know. I've seen interviews with maggats who.think the charges are sex.
  13. No chance to win even one state. Last name recognition might work for some random people. Biden assuming he's running will not face any real opposition in the democratic primary.
  14. Stormy Daniels Merchandise Sales Skyrocket After Trump Indictment (businessinsider.com)
  15. There was no mugshot. Period. He wasn't treated as a regular citizen.
  16. Objecting to people specifically supporting Ukraine against genocidal war criminal Putin because that leaves out all other conflicts past and current is similar to responding to Black Lives Matter with All Lives Matter. A lame deflector generally from the right wing that doesn't recognize the specific issues with anti Black racism.and a cudgel for those that buy into Kremlin propaganda.
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