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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. It can be addictive actually but in a different way than drugs we associate with addiction. https://www.healthline.com/health-news/marijuana-addiction-rare-but-real-072014#Legalization-and-addiction-
  2. A nightmare for him? Oh dear, bless his heart. That maga fascist grifter in chief has been a nightmare for the majority of Americans for many years now can't say it isn't deserved.
  3. Water wars day would be the day to not carry valuables, even (especially) your phone.
  4. Yes there have been multiple genocides since the holocaust. Cambodia right next door for example. That's one of the key missions of the USHMM to call attention to more current horrors. https://www.ushmm.org/genocide-prevention
  5. Does there have to be a rule for reaizing doing such a glamour shot in that setting is incredibly clueless?
  6. This topic is definitely not about the Israel Palestinian conflict.
  7. They matter. Nobody said they didn't matter. Not every news item can be expected to be universally inclusive of everything related to the subject.
  8. But the Nazis did the killing. Even with completely open refugee options clearly the holocaust would have still happened.
  9. I referred you to the heading in that article which talks about all the other persecuted groups that weren't Jrws. Calling that article propaganda is the kind of thing holocaust deniers would say. I would paste in that entire long section about non Jewish targets but I can't because of fair usage rules here.
  10. Yes that was very bad and it includes the USA but saying they are just as responsible is massively stupid.
  11. Answering a question that YOU asked dude. The link that you intentionally left out. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/introduction-to-the-holocaust
  12. No it isn't. Comer is a super maga doing dirty work for Trump. He has zero credibility. https://congressionalintegrity.org/statement-shocking-new-allegations-against-james-comer-must-be-investigated/
  13. I found that paying the 68 baht by cc automatically signed you up for a dodgy recurring charge membership with ambiguous info about costs and no doubt difficult to cancel so of course I didn't go for it. Possibly with personal info and cc info they are selling to identity thrives who would try to drain bank accounts.
  14. Well regardless if you ever do need to change your Medicare address.you must do that through Social Security and the addresses must match
  15. That's a lot. But more practically you change your Medicare address through Social Security and when doing that they won't allow your Social Security and Medicare address to be different.
  16. Not sure if everyone needs to visit death camps but I think everyone should be educated about the holocaust in schools. There is tons of evidence about it including film records and vile holocaust deniers need to be aggressively rebutted. Even more so going forward as the last of the survivors will soon to be gone to give live accounts. I did visit Dachau at age 15 and it was very moving.
  17. You can find a general answer to your questionably sincere query at this link at this header. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/introduction-to-the-holocaust Who were the other victims of Nazi persecution and mass murder?
  18. Dumb lady but I suggest not giving her any more attention than she's already getting.
  19. It is true that those on retirement status are on a one year lease. Which means limited long term residency security if rules or personal circumstances change and no path to higher status. The Thailand retirement scheme is very good and doable for most middle class foreigners. But it's temporarility is its biggest downside. Many other countries offer much better residency security to retired expats even paths to citizenship.
  20. There's that of course but perhaps it's more about the recurring membership contract.
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