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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I buy so much from Lazada that I just write off 1 percent of orders that are mistakes (from me or them). In other words, I don't even bother with returns if an item is about 1,000 baht or less. Of course I would bother with a high priced item but so far that hasn't happened.
  2. Exactly. This is a private grift and has nothing to do with the campaign. The "campaign" is a sham anyway as it's obviously meant as a shield against prosecution.
  3. What does yellow indicate racially in the UK? Of course in the UK Asian mainly means South Asian while in the US South Asian people usually are not even included in Asian and are seen as another category. In the US yellow skin color does refer to Asians and Asian people there don't much like it, but I don't think it's a severe slur either. Also in the US there is "high yellow" which is a derogatory reference between black people referring to lighter skinned black people who may be putting on superior airs. Of course I don't see the point of censoring the song unless there is UK thing that I don't know about. I don't think the race of Mathis makes any difference in this.
  4. No. There is always corruption. It's a positive sign that they're catching some of it.
  5. I think Jesus was dark olive so of the choices in the song closest to black.
  6. Bolt has been great for me but I'm not a frequent user and haven't tried since the crackdown.
  7. I propose an alternate set of these. Trump in various prison poses. Perp walk scenarios Orange jump suit. On the chain gang crying like a dog In the showers picking up soap. With Ivanka turning away Melania divorce court scene The eviction at Merry Lardo Man on Man poses with Vladimir Storming the Capitol.with an upside down Bible Being pinned down by Nancy Pelosi Twists on the original collection but showing his real fat body instead
  8. In my experience 24 hours open was usual. Rent a cubicle and bring earplugs. Great shower access anyway.. I was more suggesting that people without privacy at home can go there with a date and use as a sex hotel.
  9. 8th and Howard was like Ground Zero for HIV and was closed with good reason by health authorities. I remember being there before the disease emerged thinking something like that was going to develop as the debauchery there was at historically extreme levels. It had kind of a "not since ancient Rome" kind of vibe. Yeah there was that one coed place also.south of Market. I never went but it had a reputation as a place straight people went to watch gay people have butt sex.
  10. Well its a huge city. I'm surprised so many would still.be open. How did they make it through Covid? On the other hand it kind of makes sense. They are mostly for Thais and so many Thais live in family group situations. Gay saunas can act as a cheap hotel as well.
  11. After Covid are there any gay saunas left in Bangkok? I would assume most are closed but not sure if all are. Americans usually say gay baths or bathhouses but saying gay saunas is more International.
  12. Hookup palaces. Private cubicles for bonking. Mazes. Orgy rooms. Sticky floors. You guys didn't know?
  13. I have no idea what you're on about. If you're just talking about spas not hookup palaces they are everywhere and gay men could go there as well for the steam, etc. Gay sauna means sex. Period.
  14. Some memories. Steamworks Berkeley Babylon Bangkok Man's Country Chicago 8th and Howard San Francisco Watergarden San Jose I think all closed except for Steamworks. The best city in the world for gay saunas used to be Montreal but not sure about now.
  15. I find yout post very funny. Not many gay men in Bangkok? OMG! Gay saunas are about sex. There are very few saunas in the world that are about straight sex.
  16. Its a global trend for gay bars and saunas to close down mainly because of hookup apps but the Covid years ended some iconic ones.
  17. That's an obnoxious baiting question. Not beyond scrutiny of course but the scrutiny should not be based on an ignorant bigoted double standard. There was no justification at all based on the facts we were given in the news story to insinuate that the British man was a pedo. Well unless coming from a billionaire world class A hole like Elon Musk. It wouldn't have happened if the Thai partner with the same facts had been a woman. Get real!
  18. Yes at Jomtien. There are NO CONSEQUENCES for ignoring that. Yes they will check at the next extension application.
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