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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. An interesting factoid. The mortality rate of American women giving birth is massively higher than other developed countries. Most of the women that will now be forced to give birth are poor with usually substandard health care. This decision.will result in the deaths of many of these poor women.
  2. NO!!! Roe vs Wade gave a CONSTITUTIONAL right to abortion. That has been stripped away. This is disgusting.
  3. Both seats were obtained unethically Both are far right and pro theocracy. They just overturned Roe v Wade. I didn't mention qualification.
  4. Please take the Roe vs Wade tragedy to the other thread. This thread can now be used to comment on the real threat to marriage equality from the same right wing bozos that killed Roe v Wade.
  5. It really is and quickly. But there are two Americas now. Can they live together?
  6. Again many poor women won't be able to afford the travel. FACT. A very common reason for wanting an abortion is being too poor to raise the child. FACT So many poor women will be forced to go through pregnancies they don't want or to seek medically unsafe at home remedies.
  7. Justice Thomas said he encourages revisiting the gay marriage cases. The fascists are on a roll.
  8. Many or most poor women won't be able to travel. Richer women including the hypocrite republicans that brought this tragedy about will indeed be able to still get abortions. This is a direct attack on poor people. Truly dystopian.
  9. Its ironic that macho and Catholic Latin America is becoming more progressive on abortion rights and gay rights and the USA is quickly moving BACKWARDS.
  10. Passed by a supreme court with little legitimacy as two of those far right wing justices were unfairly installed.
  11. Roe vs. Wade just struck down. The US is becoming such a backwards country.
  12. I think he might favor the.Thai angle because the Thai law language about sexual minorities suits his own deresive views. Of course right now the US is suffering a wave of anti trans laws fueled by fundamentalist Christian right wing demagogues. Such as in Alabama making it a felony crime to provide supportive health care to trans youth.
  13. The way some of you talk it's like some kind of toxic personal vendetta against trans people. Did they steal your lunch money?
  14. So your resentment is about your knee? As said before these are local issues. I'n sure there are many trans people in Canada similarly unhappy with how their specific situation is being dealt with. Maybe you guys should team up, eh?
  15. For those doing medical transition, it is very much medical. Coverage for that depends on where you live and the details. For examples Canada and Iran do assist.
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