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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. For those that support this HORRIFIC misogynist court ruling by the theocratic right wing radicals, consider that in much of the world what has happened in the US is a cautionary tale that they should take pains to avoid themselves. Shining city on a hill? More like a putrid mountain of dog poo. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/06/27/global-abortion-reproductive-rights-united-states-cautionary/ The Supreme Court turns the U.S. into a cautionary tale The American right loves to trumpet their nation’s “exceptionalism,” the myth that the United States’ political system and values are inherently unique and implicitly better than anything found elsewhere in the world. But whatever the merits of the belief, the United States in recent years has been seen by its closest partners as exceptional for all the wrong reasons.
  2. You do you. But that doesn't give you or any man to FORCE any woman to bear a child she doesn't want to bear.
  3. Unfortunately it is not the same. The damaging politicization of mask wearing from the west (and Russia etv.) has sadly infected Thailand at least among westerners here.
  4. I will add that for those that sensibly intend to keep masking, if you haven't done so already, up your mask game. With so many people being unmasked cloth and medical procedure masks are almost useless for SELF PROTECTION. Also Omicron variants are much more infectious I favor the Korean standard KF94.
  5. This isn't Chiang Mai. Our lungs are thankful for that. Next ....
  6. I'm high risk and intend to mask going forward. I am already being confronted and mocked by moronic maskless westerners who are clearly more high risk than me. Thais are at least polite about this. I think the government could be doing a better job messaging on this issue as we are in a confusing transition phase. I am not dissing the maskless now but mocking the masked by bully f-rangs who have stupidly POLITICIZED masks really angers me.
  7. No. This is nothing new. Dolphin is end of the line before reversing direction.
  8. Perhaps expand on that. I do see a trend to stop helping Ukraine as much (or at all) which would happen when the republicans take more power. Obviously with these right wing radicals in power, the US will not be a leader in climate issues. Gun violence is a domestic issue.
  9. It will be. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2022/06/25/abortion-pills-supreme-court/ Chasm opens between states over abortion pills and out-of-state care The overturning of Roe v. Wade sets up tensions between competing state laws unseen since slavery
  10. Going backwards quickly. It's becoming harder to be proud to be American. Decent Americans have viewed our country as on a long bumpy path towards expanding civil rights. But the fascists are winning. Its not realistic to see America that way anymore. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/06/25/abortion-constitutional-rights/ 2022 The Supreme Court prompts the question: Who gets rights in America? Amy Martin was 14 years old when Roe v. Wade was decided, establishing a right to abortion that she took for granted for nearly five decades. Martin was 56 when the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage in 2015, a right she took advantage of when she married her partner of 30 years last week. And when the court overturned that first decision on Friday, with Justice Clarence Thomas writing in his opinion that the court should next reexamine cases granting LGBTQ rights, Martin found herself seized with new terror that the second one could also fall.
  11. OMG! PAY ATTENTION. https://thehill.com/homenews/3535880-pence-calls-for-all-states-to-ban-abortion-after-supreme-court-ruling/ Pence calls for all states to ban abortion after Supreme Court ruling As far as fetal personhood all that would take is the republicans taking congress and the white house or as few as one more right wing radical on the supreme court. https://ballsandstrikes.org/law-politics/fetal-personhood-explainer/ The leaked Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization opinion is bad on its face, given the fact that Justice Samuel Alito’s writing would gleefully destroy the constitutional right to abortion. But Alito doesn’t stop there, and anti-choice activists have no intention of letting him stop there, either. Instead, these activists are already teeing up their next big legal fight: for the constitutional recognition of fetal personhood.
  12. A million other countries? Huh? The USA is not even close to being the freest country. https://www.businessinsider.com/countries-most-freedom-in-the-world-2018-4?op=1#8-new-zealand-20
  13. No it isn't. Pence just yesterday announced his advocacy to ban abortion nationally. That is clearly their movement's goal.
  14. According to your logic blacks would still be 3/5 of a person and women would have no constitutional rights. Also these radicals are.working on criminalizing abortion nationally or short of that criminalizing traveling for abortion or helping such a woman in any way including driving her there.
  15. Not only are they not done, they're on a roll. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/06/25/roe-antiabortion-lawmakers-restrictions-state-legislatures/ Roe’s gone. Now antiabortion lawmakers want more.
  16. They're rich so they would see their family as exceptions.
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