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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Well if they were able to place orders that's good news. Before pharmacists were telling me that the suppliers weren't even accepting orders.
  2. 72 percent by the DOJ April 2023. State of Georgia. Also 76 percent. Much sooner.
  3. Thanks. But I'm still confused. The source I showed does appear to show 10 mg equals 10 mg. It doesn't say that? So assuming it does show that, you're ssying it's wrong, yes?
  4. Never thought I'd say this: THANK YOU LIZ CHENEY! Dislike her politics, love her REAL patriotism. She'll likely pay with her seat, but she should be honored in every possible way.
  5. City of brotherly love which is clearly a euphemism.
  6. The Trumpists are flummoxed. While most of them.will never stop worshipping the object of their desire, I think many of them are starting to get that the jig is up! https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/06/28/trump-cassidy-hutchinson-jan6-hearing/ Pro-Trump web raced to debunk Jan. 6 testimony. Then they got confused. The former president’s supporters quickly spun an online conspiracy theory that he couldn’t have possibly lunged for his driver’s steering wheel on Jan. 6, 2021. When evidence suggested otherwise, they tried other routes to distract from the truth.
  7. This suggests 10 mg. Lisinopril.equals 10.mg. Enalapril . mmc1.pdf
  8. I'm calling it. Trump's political career is now officially over. The republicans won't nominate him now because he's too much damaged goods with no chance of winning solidly with independent voters and more right wing democrats Why? The hearing yesterday. He's toast. Mark my words. Doesn't matter now whether or not he's convicted of a crime. Of course nothing matters to Trump's cult of personality people. But they're only 30 percent. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/06/28/politics/donald-trump-january-6/index.html Why today's 1/6 hearing was utterly devastating for Donald Trump
  9. If I told you I'd have to kiss you.
  10. The new America -- it's Juntarific! https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/06/27/supreme-court-roe-abortion-christians/ This isn’t your country anymore. You are now governed by a secretive and unaccountable junta in long black robes, and there are going to be some changes around here. Our de facto rulers are Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel A. Alito Jr., Neil M. Gorsuch, Brett M. Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett, with Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. usually joining in.
  11. Are you joking? Are you that out of touch? Why are you even posting here when you clearly don't know what you're talking about? I've had enough of willful ignorance. GOODBYE https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/06/24/abortion-state-laws-criminalization-roe/ The Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade on Friday sets off a cascade of antiabortion legislation that will affect roughly half the country.
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