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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I like Louis CK and Dave Chapelle. Comedy is important.
  2. I favor treating people with these issues with love and compassion rather than bigotry and ignorance. Those seeking procedures need to be thoroughly screened physically and psychologically. I also favor much more exposure to risks including later regretting it. Professionals should be supportive of patient's needs but never in the role of pushing procedures.
  3. Right wing transphobic propaganda by a notorious right wing.demagogue.
  4. Educate yourself better on.what it means to be a trans person.
  5. Aging is brutal for most. Getting puberty blockers help later. Yes older transgender people definitely exist.
  6. A tangential issue. Depends on local health policies.
  7. More like homophobia. https://culturacolectiva.com/movies/lightyear-ban-countries-homophobia-lgbtq-content/ What century do they live in? 14 countries ban ‘Lightyear’ for LGBTQ+ content Middle Eastern countries decided to cancel the premiere of the long-awaited movie because of homophobia.
  8. Teens? 18? Adults. I think you're conflating puberty blocker meds with genital surgery.
  9. It is not happening with children! You are making a stink about a nonexistent problem.
  10. The actor's real life transition is FACT. Why not explore that in the show with his character?
  11. Adults should have the choice as long as they are screened by medical professionals. Including psychologists. It is true that some people regret it later All patients should be informed of that possibility just as risks are discussed for any other medical procedure
  12. That actor has transitioned from female to male in real life. So adding that to the plot was not about woke but about incorporating that reality into the show. Or they could have just canceled it eh?
  13. Fear mongering garbage. Children are not being offered such surgery.
  14. Is VYKE also VOIP? It is correct that having a VOIP number for 2FA is problematical. The trend is definitely the need for a real U.S. mobile number in your name.
  15. Its even worse now. https://phys.org/news/2020-06-lack-housing-worse.html The lack of affordable housing is getting worse in the U.S. America is facing an affordable housing crunch—and it was getting worse even before the pandemic struck and eviscerated jobs and incomes.
  16. If he's hopefully indicted then he will his chance.at legal defense the same as any other accused citizen but of course he will have a team of very expensive lawyers.
  17. Funny. Well the topic here is about very high housing costs making repatriation extremely unappealing for many expats. So. This guy sounds like a crackpot and not likely to win. I bet not one expat will repatriate to that town to live "Japanese" style in a tiny compartment in a converted old school that will probably never happen anyway. Of course having an address is vital. The bigger issue is that there is very very little affordable housing including SROs being built anywhere in the US, Japanese or any other style. The "free market" isn't building it and neither is the government. Some might say housing is a human right but that's pie in the sky when it simply doesn't exist at an affordable price. So repatriation for those needing affordable housing in the US translates into.a dystopian nightmare. I wish this wasn't so but unfortunately it is so.
  18. The beauty part is that here in Thailand you don't have to tip if you don't want to tip and you really don't need a reason either way.
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