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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Sorry for not clarifying. I was referring to a personal situational thing. If I had to pay rent here that money would come from taxable withdraws from my traditional IRA. So not needing to do that lowers my taxable income.
  2. If people enjoy preaching and gloating about how this real problem won't ever effect them, do what you will. But that's not what this topic is about. The topic is about something real and dramatic that is indeed a very serious issue for masses of Americans, some of whom are potentially repatriating expats. Such people can't possibly know the life histories including the financial aspects of everyone who may be negatively impacted by this dramatic and historic housing price inflation. Cheers
  3. This hasn't been anything like normal housing inflation. It's obviously hit a lot more non expats than returning expats.
  4. There are reasons. To do what you want with your space. To get well settled. No landlord. To lower the risk of being forced to move. To prepay rent. In my case as an American there have been US tax advantages.
  5. Perhaps someone can help with this. I had two AZ jabs already and the hospital that did those issued me with a Thai ID formatted number which was needed to get my vaccination record in Morphrom. So far so good. Well I paid for a Moderna jab at a private hospital and showed them both my printed certificate and my record in Morphrom hoping they would then know to enter my existing Thai ID formatted number into my record so that the booster would show up in Morphrom. Almost needless to say they did no such thing. They only entered my passport number. I will soon get my booster. I will try to get them to add my Thai ID formatted number but based on my experience so far not confident that they will. If they will, is it important that it be added before the shot or can it be done after? Is it possible that Morphrom will match the passport number and not even need the Thai number? If I'm unable to fix it at the hospital, is there a way to request a fix directly through Morphrom?
  6. It's a theory but there is still no good reason NOT to address D deficiency.
  7. Not at all impressed by this youtuber but why should f-rangs care if he has a work permit. Stockholm Syndrome.
  8. Most news coming out of the US is quite depressing. Drum beats of civil war coming from both sides. Creeping towards authoritarianism. Hard fought civil rights progress won over generations being reversed. A government in gridlock about most important issues. So even a tidbit of good news like this reflecting what America should be is most welcome!
  9. Yes there is. The problem word is boost. https://www.cedars-sinai.org/blog/boosting-your-immune-system.html Can You Really Boost Your Immune System? The idea of boosting your immune system is appealing, but is it even possible to build up your immune system so that you rarely get sick? Dr. Suzanne Cassel, an immunologist at Cedars-Sinai, says that the concept of boosting your immune system is inaccurate. There's also widely held confusion about how your immune system functions and how your body is designed to combat diseases and infections.
  10. This is a danger of promoting D. Many people will see that as instead of vaccines. No! In addition. Both.
  11. Well I'm with you on one thing. I think global governments should have been promoting Vitamin D as possibly helpful even before vaccines and they still aren't doing that.
  12. Look. Bottom line supplementing with D is affordable, not likely to hurt you, and may well help you a lot. So why not? But if you choose 4k iu or more research why you should balance with K. Doses that high without K could hurt you cardiovascularly.
  13. Fort Wayne Indiana from the best low budget list doesn't sound so.bad. Is anyone here familiar with it? Of course it has those brutal midwestern winters but on the other hand its a nice sized smaller population city and they have an Ethiopian restaurant!
  14. La Paz Baja is quite popular with expats. Haven't heard too.much about cartel issues there. Of course while I see the draws for the safest cities in Mexico such as Queretaro and Merida, I don't really think cartel violence is often targeted at gringos. Its more like they sometimes get in the way. I wonder about Morelia, a lower cost big city with wonderful attractions. The city is considered reasonably safe but its in one of the most violent states. Similarly Mazatlan.
  15. There is obviously politics involved in any visa crackdown. Political winds change. If short term tourists are good, permanent tourists are good too and they spend on establishing households. That 170 figure was for temp or perm residency?
  16. I'm not convinced yet that Mexico's crackdown on serial 180 day visa runners is a permanent change. My hunch is its more like a shakeout that may last a few years or so. It is true that its very hard to get an appointment at a consulate for temp or perm residence because masses of visa runners. have indeed been pushed into that. Yes the financial requirements have gone up but keep in mind you can also qualify by showing money outside of Mexico and my information says funds in retirement accounts such as IRA are accepted.
  17. 1500 a month is poverty level especially if you need to rent. So it's "best" in that context. I reckon those places beat homelessness or living in a car, though I seriously doubt 1500 would cut it above total misery even in those places unless supplemented with savings. Not to mention many people have S.S. checks much lower than 1500.
  18. Maus author speaks. Creeping authoritarianism.
  19. Its my impression that horror stories involving mysterious money vanishing are very common here. Your condo is worthless if the building its in falls apart. Special assessments. Be afraid.
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