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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I think the local season is ending. Higher percentage of never to ripen rotters now.
  2. OK the blackface isn't PC but this was 1927. The Jazz Singer starring Al Jolsen. A historic movie as first partial talkie but also a very good melodramatic story. To me the theme was about the tensions of American Jews assimilating specifically in show business. I think this was the first time I saw this but it would be easy to forget a movie watched 50 years ago.
  3. How about moving to a lower cost much warmer southern EU country? Perhaps that would be less depressing for y'all?
  4. Here is a more unusual high level critique of crypto and its fans by a former finance minister of Greece. Start 22:30
  5. Guadalajara Mexico tv announcer perhaps says it best.
  6. I think but am not sure that the half dose for Moderna booster is preferable because it does the job of boosting with less risk of side effects. Like with any medical thing you want the right dose and more than you need is not better.
  7. Wowza!. Do you happen to know if it was a full dose or a half dose more appropriate for a booster?
  8. Huh? They haven't been requiring this from EXPATS recently in PATTAYA. End of discussion unless that changes.
  9. I have no idea what agenda you're pushing.
  10. It depends on how the gatekeepers see it. Recently they aren't requiring such books.
  11. Weird question. People with two jabs get Omicron and are infectious. You don't want to be in any crowded indoor space now! The topic here relates to vaccine sites.
  12. Not sure about that but the beauty part is that nobody is forced to watch his channel and thank "God" for that.
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