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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. There's no mystery about the result from that height. Also plenty of time in the air to think this was a mistake. I don't understand workers covering their eyes. Yes no doubt the scene was very horrible but don't workers need to see what they're doing?
  2. The reason I am encouraging people to not make this a political debate topic and instead talk about impacts on expats in Thailand is that members may not start political debate topics.
  3. You edited my post OUT OF CONTEXT to intentionally change the meaning of what I wrote. Do you really think that is acceptable?
  4. The topic HERE is lasagna.
  5. It can actually be excellent but usually isn't.
  6. Yes subjective. I've had it at the first two. Both OK but wouldn't repeat. Bechamel or not I also think really great lasagna is very hard to find here.
  7. Like I said ricotta (plus other cheeses), no bechamel, and sometimes spinach is the standard Italian American style. Its how my Mother made it. I think its much better to get the creamy element from ricotta but of course food tastes are subjective.
  8. Do you want bechamel sauce in it or not? I prefer not. What I love is more Italian American style including ricotta and spinach.
  9. To repeat. This NOT a POLITICAL discussion topic. This is NOT the place to express pro Russian or pro Ukraine / NATO / Western feelings. This is NOT the place to make predictions about what will happen there, as in war or no war. etc.
  10. As another said. Investment hits. Stock market hits. That kind of thing that helps fund a lot of many expats lives here.
  11. You may have been flip with that, but yeah there would lots of Ukrainian refugees globally, but any hoping to flee to Thailand would need to go through those difficult Covid era Thai immigration hoops. There is no way Thailand will be accepting them as formal refugees. So really I wouldn't expect a war there to result in a noticeable increase in Ukrainians here.
  12. This NOT a POLITICAL discussion topic. This is NOT the place to express pro Russian or pro Ukraine / NATO / Western feelings. This is NOT the place to make predictions about what will happen there, as in war or no war. etc. The idea of this topic is that a war in Ukraine would represent the most significant war in Europe since WW2. So what are your concerns/predictions about the impact on your life here as expats in Thailand (if any) IF this happens?
  13. Look we've done the U.S. ending income letters (long ago history now) can of worms thing to death. That's only a small aspect of this general topic. Can we move on and agree to disagree? What do people think about my very, very rough income level classifications (other than complaining that they were expressed in USD)?
  14. OK. This is hilarious. I had tried to logon about an hour ago and still down. So just after posting this topic, I tried again. IT WORKED! I've found often the best action in life is no action. Like not to call for help right away. I'm still curious if this was a wide outage. I suspect it probably was.
  15. I'm a little concerned because this will be the first time for me to deal with NT. I found TOT usually OK for service but they aren't TOT anymore.
  16. Unintended silly consequences of this silly policy. But I reckon totally predictable in this superficial land of Make Believe.
  17. Internet connection went down since last night. Logged me out. Attempts to relogin don't work. Its been months since I've had a longer term outage like this. Haven't called them yet but it would be helpful to know if its a wide problem or not.
  18. Stop insulting me personally! Your attacks are both disgusting and WRONG. Again the topic is stated in the OP. I AM NOT THE TOPIC.
  19. I think a few people have asked for definitions of income levels. I think that's probably impossible to be precise about. First of all, levels for lower cost of living retired expat destinations like Thailand, even lower cost options like Nicaragua, or western countries? For purposes here I would say for a Thailand level country. But there are so many individual factors. For example if a lower income person has a million dollars then they are higher wealth, not lower. Or perhaps they have excellent health insurance. Significant because health crises are the most likely thing to wipe people out here although many would argue misbehaving Thai partners. Then there is real estate. Own or rent? Live in central Bangkok or in the sticks? Overhead? Families to support, etc. So you see the required retirement levels (800k or 65k monthly) really have little to do with what it would actually cost to live here, higher or lower. People under 65k monthly income would need to use 800k in bank or a dodgy agent. I still contend the combo method is mostly not feasible anymore. So given all that I can make a stab at guestimating rough levels. Others would legitimately come up with very different numbers. Monthly income Under 800 USD Be afraid. Be very afraid. LOWER 800 to 1300 USD You're very vulnerable to life events, immigration changes MIDDLE 1300 to 2500 USD Still vulnerable but less so
  20. Up to you but be clear no legitimate doctor would recommend intentional infection.
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