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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Again it all depends on the office you're sending the document to. My issue was a real estate title. Thai notary definitely not ok!
  2. A person could change pesos in Europe, the US, and the rest of Latin America, etc. I think a 20 percent discount is fair. The traveling buyer can get a profit and help an expat brother out. But expecting anywhere near a market rate is probably dreaming.
  3. Actually its very difficult to get enough D from DIET alone! You might be thinking of other vitamins. D is more like a hormone.
  4. Often travelers have an excess of local currency near the end of their trips. I think most people tend to just spend it on splurges and souvenir dreck much to the delight of local vendors.
  5. Fun facts. Thailand is ranked 26th in GDP. Mexico 15th. Nerve of them not to trade pesos.
  6. Well he didn't have that as a good option. Anti vaxxers should be dissed till the cows come home but people that shouldn't be vaccinated for legit medical reasons deserve great respect and understanding.
  7. Yes. I was responding. I saw that show about the ex-Nazis too. It definitely showed that there were limits to any de-Nazification efforts.
  8. Well I was also thinking along those lines. The same variety of "stinkin' thinkin' links both movements. Germans said it can't happen here too.
  9. If you read youtube / twitter comments, you wouldn't be surprised.
  10. You took me too literally. Thailand and Mexico are on the same planet. Mexican Pesos are legal currency for anyone now in Thailand that will be travelling to Mexico or even another country that will exchange them. So don't throw the notes in the trash.
  11. Well here are some (not very attractive) options. Is this list even believable? Best Cities To Retire on a Budget of $1,500 a Month (msn.com)
  12. If he find someone planning to travel to Mexico they might go for a 20 percent discount. I wouldn't contact the Mexican embassy. They didn't become diplomats for such trivial matters.
  13. Perhaps what he can or can't afford is his own business. The Mex Pesos are worth something in Thailand. Its still money.
  14. I think the seller should expect to take a bigger hit because of poor demand here.
  15. I did. It shows a normal range. Sometimes Covid patients feel OK but they are actually in big trouble lungwise. Less of an issue with Omicron though.
  16. Have you confirmed with the office in the US that a Thai notary will be accepted? I did this once for a document where only a US notary would work which in Thailand is only at the US embassy or consulate. Alternatively an online US notary via zoom might work but laws vary state by state. In any case I wouldn't pay money for a Thai notary unless you're certain that will be accepted.
  17. I only intend to use it if I think I've picked up Covid, flu, or a similar infection.
  18. I think it's hard to beat four vowels though OUJIA usually fails to get to show the exact positioning. Of course my second word will have an E in it.
  19. It's time to talk about first words. I've settled on OUIJA
  20. Update. Bought this model. Arrived quickly. Easy to use. Measurement appears credible. It's nice to have around if I really need it.
  21. I think it's wrong for smokers to spread their smoke to others, but in this case, the smoking condo dweller is fully within his legal rights. As far as "fake" coughs, they aren't always fake, speaking as an asthmatic.
  22. I think that's part of it, sure. Why not? Enjoy a little bit of success every day. What's not to like. At least it engages the brain a little bit. I seriously doubt a person that is always failing will continue with it.
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