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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. You've probably heard the term small movie. Well this is a small tv series and I like it. It's very fresh to meet these characters in the context of small town Kansas. We're not in Kansas anymore? They are!
  2. Yes I knew about the cam. I explicitly asked for NON cam.
  3. Wordle bought by the New York Times! Still free. For now.
  4. Looks great. Want to watch it. Don't know how to (non cam) in Thailand. Described by some as the best movie of 2021. Yes that's Philip Seymour Hoffman’s son Cooper.
  5. This doesn't pass the smell OR the smile test. Send a memo when (if?) they really want tourists back.
  6. Henderson used to be on my own list of somewhat affordable but still with attractions places to consider in the US. Now my list would be more about living in a converted van which might be fun for some but for me would be a version of hell on earth. You can't go home again? Could be true now for low wealth people. Somewhat darkly ironically Mexico which is the top expat retirement destination for budget oriented Americans has recently greatly increased its financial requirements for residence and also harshly cracked down on people living there for years on visa runs. So maybe now we can say for many you can't go home again or Mexico either!
  7. Yet another series about Nilsen the serial killer. This one focused on humanizing the victims instead of just looking at the killer and also about how severe homophobia within the police, press, and public likely led to there being many more victims than there had to be. Strong evidence is presented to prove that premise. A sub heading might well be Gay Lives Matter even if they're rent boys.
  8. Now even more ridiculous! https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2022/01/30/rent-inflation-housing/ Rents are up 40 percent in some cities, forcing millions to find another place to live Kiara Age moved in less than a year ago and now it’s time to move again: Rent on her two-bedroom apartment in Henderson, Nev., is rising 23 percent to nearly $1,600 a month, making it impossibly out of reach for the single mother.
  9. Nope. You're thinking of Johnson & Johnson.
  10. Thank you. That's very weird considering you owed previous years (as I do). I somehow suspect that this is one of those "your mileage may vary" kinds of situations.
  11. Can you please tell me what documents you were required to show at city hall when you paid? Just the bills, or if more what exactly? Thank you.
  12. Not everything good is all smiley face. Such as The Wire. https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2022/jan/24/the-responder-review-martin-freeman-is-magnificent-in-tour-de-police-force The Responder review – Martin Freeman is magnificent in tour de police force Martin Freeman in a nightmare is an absolute dream for viewers.
  13. I think most people over age 60 should avoid traditional Thai massage Also the medical knowledge of the workers is usually poor. I've always thought they should promote Swedish massage here as a more relaxing and safer alternative.
  14. No. This is serious. Don't be boiling frogs. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/01/28/tennessee-bans-maus-snowflake-red-states/ Opinion: Current weather: A blizzard of snowflakes in the red states
  15. They think their product is more attractive than it really is. Perhaps this is about the education system here..
  16. There is such a thing as a middle way. Thailand will.never succeed as an elite only tourism destination but at the same time yes mass tourism can also be reduced.
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