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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. No. I just found it hard to believe that there were people unaware of the connection between using globalist (especially when Soros is mentioned) as a slur and antisemitism.
  2. Open. Schmopen. I know from open and Thailand ain't open. Take off the chastity belt pass wind and then we can book.
  3. I'm not applying such values to people experiencing such values either way.
  4. Arguably people living in a faux western bubble here are more globalist than those that have somewhat assimilated. The former would be more dependent on international connectedness.
  5. Our modern lives I would be a yes. I realize there are prepper survivalist types that would see it differently.
  6. I've been advocating avoiding using the global words as weapons from any side as globalism is a fact of life and issues related to it are better discussed as specific issues. To say you hate globalism when your life depends on it is kind of like saying you hate oxygen.
  7. Sounds like the days of almost free short Bolt rides are over. It was obviously too good to last.
  8. Out of my control what you think. The topic here is not me.
  9. It isn't true. I'm interested here in the practical realities of living as an expat. Any expat that espouses extreme anti globalism from the left or right is a walking contradiction. Expats are globalism!
  10. https://slate.com/business/2016/06/bernie-sanders-take-on-globalization-is-simple-ideologically-comforting-and-factually-wrong.html https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-wing_populism
  11. Yes but its gone way beyond whistling. But as I mentioned before there is also a left wing populist movement that espouses anti globalism as well.
  12. Don't be ridiculous. I obviously wasn't suggesting that all Hungarian people are anti globalist extremists. But their leader.is and he has a lot of power in Hungary and has many admirers internationally.
  13. Not the Soros thing again! That's exactly what I was talking about complaining about the unhelpful weaponization of these globalist based words. https://forward.com/scribe/412627/globalism-anti-semitism/ Here's a standard definition. https://www.wordnik.com/words/globalism
  14. https://www.politico.eu/article/viktor-orban-warns-of-dangers-of-european-empire/
  15. There are many legitimately debatable issues related to globalism. Immigration, trade policy, internet freedom, changes to traditional local cultures, etc. etc. But I really don't think anyone in their right mind particularly expats wants the fact of life of globalism to go away. Think about the restrictions to international travel under Covid. Perhaps necessary but painful and unpleasant. More globalism in that regard asap! In any case it seems very stupid to me how the very words globalist and globalization have been weaponized. Even given the downsides just consider how most of our lives have been enriched because of globalization. Of course many people suffer because of it too. It seems almost impossible these days to have civil disagreements on such matters.
  16. Bad timing. The trick is to know what time to.arrive. It ain't rocket science. However in your case I think you arrived after the office was closed for multiple days because of Covid! Of course that would mean huge numbers of people coming in for days after the closing! The same phenom happens close the holiday closings.
  17. I'm not suggesting globalism is a black and white issue. Globalism is a fact of life. It is not new. The ancient Chinese silk road is a classic example of that. Globalism has both positive and negative consequences on people and societies. Globalization is about the levels and speed of the spread of globalism. Anti globalist sentiment is not only from the right. It is also from the left. For example in railing against mulit national corporations. As expats I would argue we couldn't exist as expats without globalism. International travel connections, currency transfers, being able to establish a home in a foreign land are manifestations of globalism. Thus I would argue that it would be clearly hypocritical for expats to espouse extremist anti globalist sentiments.
  18. Globalism, globalist, and globalization have become hot button weaponized words used by diverse political sides in many countries. But there are more sober not loaded definitions and ways to consider these words. I was thinking about this from an expat perspective. Aren't most all expats globalists to some degree or another? I think that they are. So the question here is IF you're an expat, do you see that connection, and self identify as a globalist or not? This POLL is intended only for expats (or former / future expats) but if you're not that, I can't stop you from voting! Who Is a Globalist? - The Globalist
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