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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I assume your country gives new passport numbers with new passports. I would suggest the cleanest timing would be to get the new passport, get your visa info transferred to it at immigration, then go to your bank. I'm not sure if Bangkok Bank will do that at any branch or require you to go to your home branch where you opened the account. I did this with them at my home branch. Its relatively painless.
  2. I am one of those O visa based retirement extenders that feels trapped. Dazed and confused too. In real fear that if I travel out of Thailand that I won't be able to get back. This thread has done pish all to relieve that. Its very clear this Thailand Pass scheme us designed for tourists with no thought whatsover for settled invested in Thailand expats. Yet another dark consequence of the lack of residency security offered to expats. Future potential expats: You have been warned! At this point I'm thinking wait another year and maybe just maybe things will be much smoother and clearer by then. But that might be overly optimistic.
  3. I think a big factor in many people feeling hostile towards shifting public health policies is because things have indeed changed substantially over time. New findings, new conditions, new mutations, those changes are unfortunately necessary. I reckon some people bought the overly optimistic Koolaid that much lower levels of vaccination would bring some kind of magical "herd immunity" and the end to all this misery. Nope. I think mature people can understand that attitudes do need to be adjusted as conditions and knowledge advances. Obviously public messaging hasn't been near perfect in any country, but I don't think the masses ever really wanted to hear more realistic pessimistic possible scenarios before they had to.
  4. The truth is that everyone of good will should be hoping that boosters are going to be available to all in Thailand during their time window, because that on top of massive vax rates (like 95 percent) is the only thing that is going to make the pandemic "over" here.
  5. It implies they are available to everyone that wants/needs them. NOT TRUE!
  6. There is none but it's credible that it will happen again later when you look at other countries that are feeling the need to do that with populations much more vaccinated than in Thailand. If/when 95 percent of the people here including children are double vaxxed and boosted as needed, then and only then can we talk about this being in the endemic stage here. As of now, not even close.
  7. Under very limited guidelines. I am in a group that in the U.S. would be classed as you MUST get a booster, and as yet, I have no path whatsoever to get a booster in Thailand. The good news is that I have time until my time window for a booster comes up so maybe by then it will be. But again no assurance whatsoever that a booster will be available to me then. I am speaking personally because I'm certain that my situation applies to the majority of people living in Thailand now.
  8. Yes. A small percentage of people that have been double jabbed do die from Covid-19. That is not news. All informed people knew that already. But to highlight one case of that is very misleading. Are we going to get a new topic for all the people in the world that got double jabbed, were then exposed to the virus, and did not die? Come on people!
  9. I think incentives can be helpful along with negative consequences for being stubborn. But it's kind of unfair to give a reward to the stragglers and not to those that stepped up to do the right thing because it was the right thing.
  10. Indeed. Note that the accused murderer is doing the white power hand signal here. Of course the jury wasn't shown that nor were they told of a social media post where the baby faced vigilante expressed a desire to shoot people doing property damage. https://www.newsweek.com/kyle-rittenhouse-ok-white-supremacist-proud-boys-1561465
  11. No! I meant remorse for the people he murdered and shot. The crying was all about himself.
  12. If this wasn't a high profile case then 30 years. Because it is 10 years. The reason is to mitigate him being seen as a martyr.
  13. I still think they will be in a let's make a deal compromise mode on Friday and want to.get it over with.
  14. In any case as well pointed out by the state he hasn't expressed any remorse whatsoever.
  15. Keep in mind that jurors are human. They aren't legal scholars. Often verdicts depend on the believability of the competing narrative stories. So boiled down its believe the Academy Award crying act or believe that after Master R murdered Rosenbaum the crowd had every right to chase and attack the active shooter. I still think it will be a mixed result with at least one felony conviction.
  16. The verdicts and or hangs will surely come Friday Kenosha time, yes!?!
  17. Yes overall to Tree Town a bolt car door to door service makes much more sense than baht busses.
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