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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. If you had it, recent studies are indicating that your protection is inferior to getting vaccinated. Some are suggesting one dose instead of two for those that KNOW they were infected. But you don't even know.
  2. Before I have stated and I continue to believe it that there are locations in Mexico that are quite safe crime wise including cartel crime. But there is some recent bad news. Personally I have never promoted the Riviera Maya (the coast with Cancun) and there have been some major cartel incidents in that area over the years (as opposed to the Yucatan city of Merida). But it's quite popular. Indeed the vloggers Vagabond Awake recently named Puerto Morelos as their top budget retirement pick in the world. Well, uh oh. In a beach showdown by luxury hotels near Cancun, 2 people were shot dead : NPR
  3. In light of the recent kerfuffle over insurance requirements even for O visa retirement extenders returning to Thailand under the new Thailand Pass, it seems a good time to bump this topic.
  4. Afraid is a loaded word. Especially men don't want to admit fear as it shows weakness and men are conditioned to project machismo. Boy don't cry, ha ha. It's rational for humans to seek pleasure and try to avoid pain and death. Personally I was extremely anxious for the many months that I was struggling to get vaccinated as I'm high risk if infected. That is lessened now after my second dose but understand that vaccinations greatly help to reduce risks (for a certain time span) but do not eliminate them. We don't know yet about how long protection lasts with boosters. Bottom line. Call it fear or run from the word. In any case, you really don't want Covid-19. You may think you're young and healthy and won't have a bad case or not have long term health damage. You do not KNOW that.
  5. Yes. https://health.ucdavis.edu/health-news/newsroom/studies-show-long-haul-covid-19-afflicts-1-in-4-covid-19-patients-regardless-of-severity/2021/03
  6. My point was that their usefulness is limited even when diligently enforced. In a way they're theater.
  7. Such scans provide limited protection. Large percentages of infected would pass. Infected people are contagious before symptoms.
  8. This is very misleading. It ignores LONG COVID which is very common.
  9. That sounds like the best of all possible visas if you want to enter Cloud Cuckooland.
  10. We can only hope this current onerous scheme is temporary but I see it lasting at least one or two years and perhaps permanent. The horror!
  11. You buy it for the time until your current extension of stay expiration date. Upon renewal no insurance needed. This isn't a matter of honesty. Just following the current rules.
  12. The 800k needs to be in for five months, not six. Two months before extension application and three months after.
  13. Probably over 99 percent of people claiming medical reasons are faking it which of course hurts the small number of people with legitimate reasons. If you really have a problem I would not worry about letters in Thailand. Can't you tolerate a flimsy one layer cloth mask?
  14. You'll be denied entry to most places.
  15. I think its opening up to SRRV visa applicants though. Tourists not far behind.
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