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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Well that was way over the top but it is known that crowded bars are a high risk setting for airborne virus transmission. Nothing controversial about that. Also its known that excessive drinking is in general unhealthy. The much bigger risk obviously is the gathering of people in close quarters indoors. I suppose if bars are opened they could limit number of drinks but overall that would probably be silly. People could simply bar hop.
  2. OK, just for sport, I predict they will reach verdicts on the third day of deliberations.
  3. I think many people prepaid thinking they couldn't get anything else earlier. They could have. Personally I have zero understanding or sympathy for people that have waited for a perceived "better" vaccine for several months, going without any vaccination which HAS BEEN AVAILABLE in the meantime. Of course people should get what they paid for in general but this is a very specific and historic situation.
  4. OK, as this started as a prediction of verdicts topic, now that we are into the second day of the jury deliberating, how about predictions for how many days they take to deliver their verdicts? Today? Tomorrow? Next week?
  5. They shouldn't have waited. They could have had Astra Zenica or Sinovac with a booster.
  6. It's not supposed to be a political trial. It's a murder trial. Video evidence isn't left or right.
  7. Biden did not directly call him that. Here is what really happened. You have to look at the context. https://news.yahoo.com/psaki-refuses-explain-why-biden-204338524.html .
  8. May have deprived him. That's the jury's call. I watched this trial. Before the judge allowed provocation to be considered I imagined I would vote not guilty because of reasonable doubt. But after the closing arguments which detailed provocation I would be inclined to convict on even the most serious charges.
  9. Dropping the misdemeanor gun charge is a double edged sword for Master R. If the jury decides on a compromise they could have convicted on that alone which carries about one year jail time. Now if they compromise he will be convicted of at least one felony carrying much more jail time. Or he could walk entirely. My impression is that those that view Master R as some kind of folk hero are happy the gun charge was dropped. Careful what you wish for. While he still might walk getting only a one year misdemeanor would have been an incredibly mild result in the context of the severity of the charges.
  10. So do you think they will reach verdicts today? If not probably bodes well for the defense.
  11. I don't like heavy handed measures but I approve of pushing people to do the right thing to get vaccinated. Also people denying the seriousness of this pandemic to the general public are forgetting the very high incidence of long covid even for younger healthier people that had mild cases. Assuming most people will eventually be exposed you really do want to be vaccinated.
  12. I think I missed that one. Thanks. https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/a-serious-man-2009
  13. You're right that there's an obscene amount of packaging garbage from that industry.
  14. There are numerous lesser charges in effect but they are all felonies.
  15. You're correct. It's supposed to be four weeks not three. It's outrageous to be forced into that incorrect interval.
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