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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Not to me. I don't care. But scads of people do. So now "we" as in the so called collective LGBT agenda have messed with their straight Superman. Not in my name! Straight people -- you can keep him! That's what I would say.
  2. Near the space needle. That's prime location. What was the same space in a dodgy area going for back then? I have a related story. I never paid more than 200 a month rent during the many years I lived in San Francisco.
  3. Perhaps an interesting academic discussion for some but Superman is a long standing iconic thing that's not going away so we deal with things as they are.
  4. I have no idea what you're saying. I'm not pleased that the new Superman is bi because I don't think it's worth the international homophobic backlash. Here's a better idea:
  5. What sort of job? Yes we know Cambodia is much easier visa wise for retirees but surely there are tradeoffs such as lower level medical care.
  6. Indeed. There really isn't any precedent in the U.S. for this current specific mix of very serious problems so it's hard to know how to react to it. Pandemic Not over. Mass resistance to pandemic mitigation measures largely based on irrational political cultural positioning. Roaring inflation particularly in housing. Masses of people unwilling to be near slave labor in jobs that don't even pay rent Internal tribal/cultural hatred and divisions at civil war levels Threat to democracy from one of two major parties taken over by a pro autocratic demagogue cult of personality populist leader The rapid rise of China now being a bully and threat of war related to Taiwan Unbridled Putin in Russia leading a successful movement to challenge the justifications behind western liberal democracy ironically ideologically allied with the forementioned American demagogue. The middle east same caca storm as ever. Degradation of previously won progressive gains such as abortion rights, LGBT civil rights, worker unionization rights, etc. Last but not least -- man made climate change
  7. Yes it seems obvious that overall the US is in a bad place but as always there are many people winning in these conditions. I had two immigrant grandfathers that lived through the great depression. One was crushed to an early death by it (reduced to being a Yankee carpetbagger in the deep south) and the other was in the right kind of business (connections to fresh farm produce to sell in a city) to get through it. Everyone wants delicious tomatoes. Expats may often be winners in the current scenario but they will have to manage to remain expats. Many of us are still tied to back home in ways that could potentially harm us. A country where different tribes hate each other so extremely as enemies has a questionable future. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/montana-extreme-trump/2021/10/22/0f82afbc-0037-11ec-a664-4f6de3e17ff0_story.html Montanans used to live and let live. Today bitter confrontations dim Big Sky Country.
  8. I have no idea with what you're implying by the people are no longer there comment.
  9. I understand your POV but the fact that both Putin Russian and trumpist American propagandists both instantly reacted to this news with exactly the same hate filled talking points indicates to me this particular change is a gift to enemies of LGBT civil rights internationally. Pick your battles. Again I don't think this comic book level change is good for LGBT people.
  10. The predictable extremely homophobic reactions triggered by bi Superman are perhaps ammunition for my thesis here -- that gay people need this like a hole in the head. More ammunition for the haters all over the world. Is it worth it? I say no. Don't get me wrong I'm generally all for LGBT visibility but maybe better to leave triggering icons like Superman in the bad old days. This reminds me of a recurring discussion point among American Jews about why there hasn't ever been a Jewish president. The argument often goes, don't even wish for that, it would be too much unhelpful attention (no matter how good a president she might be).
  11. This is definitely an error but perhaps of interest to applicants there. Irrelevant to everyone else.
  12. It's quite popular among Canadians and I can see why after visiting there. Retirement Ready: Retiring to Vancouver Island - Real Estate | Business in Vancouver (biv.com) But Canada still doesn't belong on any list for people other than Canadians.
  13. You're doubling down on your homophobia. That kind of garbage isn't welcome here. Either post on the actual topic or go away mate.
  14. Bull. You gave away your extreme bias with the pedo comment. Don't even bother. Maybe back to the Superman topic?
  15. Not exactly. There are very nice more temperate places such as Vancouver Island. However there is no visa option for foreigners to retire there so it doesn't belong on the list.
  16. You're entitled to your opinion but if you support codifying such extreme homophobia into law you're into Putinesque authoritarian dictator territory.
  17. It's not the original Superman so it's a different entity so your argument is moot.
  18. Nothing. But nothing wrong if he's gay either. But he's bi now wink wink nod nod.
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