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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. We'll see. According to this about one third of the American volunteers died. Not sure about other foreigner nationalities. Spanish Civil War Summary | The Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (alba-valb.org) Volunteering to fight in a war is obviously not a tea party.
  2. That wasn't my point. Foreign volunteers fir wars doing it for ideals as opposed to money is not unprecedented.
  3. Reporting fake crimes is a serious offense. Being a "celebrity" (I suppose) meant the Chicago police had to waste a lot of resources on the case. The conviction is very credible. That said, I was looking at news of this on youtube and the comments section was filled with hate speech, mostly anti-gay. Fake reports like his probably do the most damage to minority groups that often are the targets of REAL hate crimes. Real crime victims will now be less willing to come forward out of justified fear of being called another Smollett. Given his behavior in court today, I wonder if he would have done better with an insanity defense. What kind of future does he have? Doesn't look good but he literally did that to himself.
  4. Also to mention there are established fines for failure to do 90 day address reports. There are no established fines for skipping a balance check. Let's imagine someone being not in balance compliance at the time of an asked for balance check As if they're going to show up That would be crazy. Such a person would have the rest of the year to either leave Thailand or find an agent fixer for the next extension.
  5. It is NOT tied to 90 day address reports!.Totally separate.
  6. Remember balance checks are never mentioned in national immigration law. The balance rules are. Again. Get the difference?
  7. If someone can provide evidence of a consequence I will change my opinion immediately. I'm waiting ....
  8. Because there is no evidence whatsoever that there is s consequence for not doing it. There are serious consequences for not complying with the balance rules though. Get the BIG difference? I do.
  9. If an average American worker or pensioner in an average American city can't even afford small no frills shelter then obviously housing is too expensive. Since when is BASIC shelter a luxury item only for financial elites? Again looking at some of the countries that are retired expat destinations that some arrogant Americans call sh**hole countries, those countries seem to offer basic housing for regular workers. Sorry but America is definitely NOT numbah one by this metric. In fact its moving rapidly in the wrong direction.
  10. DEFINITELY don't do it if not asked. But I'm suggesting that people should not bother to do it even if asked.
  11. Not really. Its like the foreign volunteers to fight Franco.
  12. Its really a big nothing. My opinion is that the reason for these orders is to increase compliance with the balance rules. But if you know the balance rules and comply there is no reason at all that ignoring that order would be a problem at the next extension!
  13. The brand is Mountain Spring. I'm in Jomtien so you'd have to ask if they service Central Pattaya.
  14. Correct. I don't think there is a consequence. But of course you do need to comply with the balance rules or your next extension will be rejected.
  15. Right no bank letter IF you do it. I don't think people should. Just comply with the balance rules to qualify for the next extension.
  16. Is there any consequence for skipping this check as long as you are in compliance for the next extension? We had a report from a Jomtien expat that pushed this question. The answer.given was NO CONSEQUENCE Of course you are correct 90 day address reports are totally separate and indeed are required.
  17. No. If not complying it shows up at next extension. If complying whether you showed up or not for that Mickey Mouse report is a moot point!
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