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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. You have no idea why that was. The alternatives were: 800 k in bank Monthly transfer 65k difficult for many to set up Attempt combo method, for many months the rules for that were extremely unclear, especially if doing monthly transfers plus dealing with concurrent radical onerous changes to money seasoning rules. I think you are probably implying they were all cheating. In reality there were other good reasons to leave at the time.
  2. No. That is NOT what happened. It is a complete distortion. What REALLY happened is that Thai immigration decided to make it a problem that the US income letters were done with a sworn affidavit without asking for or even allowing Americans to present proof of the income. So then Thai immigration pressured the US to start demanding proof and to take responsibility the proof was valid. The US responded with a hard no. They wouldn't be bothered with the additional work and responsibility shift So then the US decided if Thai immigration refuses to accept our sworn affidavit policy, fine, no more letters. The US would have never stopped the letters (they were a cash cow) if Thai immigration hadn't made what they considered were unreasonable demands to dramatically change their long standing policy. This was NOT the fault of American expats. They got caught in the cross fire.
  3. My guess if they ever get marriage equality here is that they'll simply exclude foreigners.
  4. This is what the right wing does. Call the other side what they are. Thankfully their game is transparent. Dude please start your own topic if you insist on hijacking this one to promote your political agenda
  5. Putin is very dangerous but he's not as brilliant as most people seem to think.
  6. Yes right now Putin is channeling his inner gazpacho. WW3? Up to him.
  7. I don't plan either frequent travel or repatriation to the US but I decided to enroll in B anyway. Just in case. You never know. The fee while not cheap and its a shame to flush it down the toilet won't really change my quality of life in Thailand.
  8. There are other retired expat destinations more suitable for the non wealthy other than Thailand.
  9. This is about RETIRED expats. Canada has no retirement visa and Australia's retirement rules only allow the very wealthy.
  10. You don't need to hijack every topic to promote the right wing side of western culture wars.
  11. OK. Getting into the weeds here. Combo method was always complex. For those of us that can't get income letters anymore the complexity is multiplied. There needs to be a monthly import and bank account for such people. The qualification levels are confusing. Surely not all offices will even accept combo. The Integrity Legal.lawyer guy recently said combo was finished. You're saying at least for your office you can do.it OK.
  12. Dude. You said nothing has changed. I proved to you that you were utterly wrong. So instead of being decent and saying yeah I was wrong you deflect to an attack on Americans. I'm not playing your game.
  13. Americans weren't allowed to show proof of the income by our own embassy. That was hardly their fault.
  14. No! The assertion that all or most Americans that were using the letters before were lying is a disgusting lie.
  15. As an American. No income letters possible. Combo method out. 800k .money seasoning rules radically changed. Insurance for OA extensions.
  16. I would be comparing to other retirement destinations. Note how Thailand is rated very low in multiple categories.
  17. Perhaps but the total numbers are definitely way down from 5 years ago. I would only recommend Thailand now to wealthy retired expats. Less than that there are better options.
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