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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Have you confirmed with the office in the US that a Thai notary will be accepted? I did this once for a document where only a US notary would work which in Thailand is only at the US embassy or consulate. Alternatively an online US notary via zoom might work but laws vary state by state. In any case I wouldn't pay money for a Thai notary unless you're certain that will be accepted.
  2. I only intend to use it if I think I've picked up Covid, flu, or a similar infection.
  3. I think it's hard to beat four vowels though OUJIA usually fails to get to show the exact positioning. Of course my second word will have an E in it.
  4. It's time to talk about first words. I've settled on OUIJA
  5. Update. Bought this model. Arrived quickly. Easy to use. Measurement appears credible. It's nice to have around if I really need it.
  6. I think it's wrong for smokers to spread their smoke to others, but in this case, the smoking condo dweller is fully within his legal rights. As far as "fake" coughs, they aren't always fake, speaking as an asthmatic.
  7. I think that's part of it, sure. Why not? Enjoy a little bit of success every day. What's not to like. At least it engages the brain a little bit. I seriously doubt a person that is always failing will continue with it.
  8. https://www.hitc.com/en-gb/2022/01/25/hard-mode-wordle/
  9. "Curses" to the person that suggested Bates Motel. It runs several seasons, is pretty trashy, but now I'm totally addicted. Tragic. It's not really must see tv for anyone but its insidious how such guilty pleasure type shows can suck you in.
  10. This explains why D toxicity from supplement overdose is so rare. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-answers/vitamin-d-toxicity/faq-20058108 A typical dose is 500 to 10,000 IU with most people taking 5,000 IU or less. This link talks of toxicity with a 60,000 IU daily dose. You'd have to be crazy to take a daily dose that high unless told by a doctor to do a very short term boost to quickly reverse deficiency. On the other hand I would assert the typical government recommended doses are way too low and basically useless if you're not getting sun. Also if you choose to dose with 4,000 IU and up do consider adding K as well to help.with the use of calcium.
  11. For FBAR I'm pretty sure you're supposed to use the last day of last year's rate NOT any kind of average.
  12. Unless there are medical reasons that you might have poor absorption it sounds like a reasonable assumption that you are getting enough D. Of course too much sun carries other health risks. To add, it's not practical for people to get enough D from diet alone. Without supplements sun is the way.
  13. I watched the first two episodes of Gilded Age and agree its a good show. There is a black lady playing a black character. They correctly show the discrimination such a character would have faced then. There is a closeted gay couple where the actor's sexuality is irrelevant. They correctly showed their need to be closeted in that era. There was nothing box ticking or alternative casting of these characters in that historical setting. The story lines of these characters add to the richness of the series. Educated blacks and closeted gays were not unusual in the New York of that era. While I do understand objections to Henry the 8th being played by a Polynesian trans man I see no fair objection to the inclusion of the above characters in Gilded Age.
  14. Its not so simple as to say get sun. There are various factors. Skin color Location on earth, season, intensity of sun Amount of skin exposed Old age inhibits absorption Obesity inhibits absorption Various chronic medical conditions / inhibit absorption If you're clinically D deficient you should definitely supplement and thats for overall health not only Covid If you don't know then you have a decision to make. If you supplement 4k IU daily or more you should also take Vitamon K. 2K don't bother. D toxicicity is very rare and would only happen at absurdly high levels much much higher than 10k IU daily so don't worry about that. D is not instead of vaccines. Its in addition to vaccines. This isn't really news. The big question that I have is why public health authorities globally haven't embraced this.
  15. Play loud obnoxious music (polkas?) 24/7 and drive him out! Also a pile of rotting durian on your balcony might mask the devilish ciggie smoke.
  16. Heavenly Bites. Delightful. https://decider.com/2022/01/19/heavenly-bites-mexico-netflix-review/
  17. If you think there is even a smallish chance.that you will repatriate pay for Part B.
  18. The ones that got away: Washington Bureaucrats Washington Foreskins Washington Traffic Jams Washington Trillion Dollar Deficits Washington Chocolate Cities Washington East Coast Elites Washington Jurgensons Washington Million Man March Washington Vagina Hats Washington Locusts Washington Red Scares Washington False Flags Washington Bloggers Washington Conspiracies Washington Cute Interns
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