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About WDSmart

  • Birthday 01/02/1946

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    Wangchomphu, Phetchabun

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  1. The largest threat by far to the entire world's ecosystem is humans.
  2. No, I don't feel sorry for him. I'm grateful for his service to his country over the past 50 years or so, but I'm just relieved he decided to step aside and let Harris face Trump in the upcoming elections. I think she has a lot better chance than he would have.
  3. For more information on this topic, read my recent book, The Icarus Syndrome: The Icarus Syndrome (books2read.com).
  4. My weekly Tuesday golf game was rained out this Tuesday. This is only the second or third time in around 20 years.
  5. An example of "extreme right-wing, Neo-fascist diatribe" is Turmp's threats to use the executive and judicial branches of government to "go after" his legislative branch political opponents and, of course, his claim that he will be a "dictator" on day one of his presidency. The attempt to "preserve their culture" is also an example of an extreme right-wing goal. Left-wingers, like me, are not only open to evolving their culture by welcoming immigrants but encouraging it. I agree with you somewhat that "the left ...has lost its way," but that is because of the tremendous pressure it's being put under by Trump and his extreme-right, MAGA supporters. But it is my hope that the left will continue to have influence, like an expansion of inclusiveness and "wokeness," in our schools and universities and will continue to expand our government programs until we truly have a country who's economy is based on democratic socialism, not plutocratic capitalism.
  6. That's just your, clearly, biased interpretation of the "Fight" gesture, not fact. What are you talking about? He's yelling, "Fight!" while holding up his fist. Look at the video again...
  7. That's what Biden would have done as well.😄 Trump behaved like a leader. A rockstar. Like Terry Butcher against Sweden in '89. That's what leaders do. That's why I'll vote for Biden or whomever the Democrats put up as their nominee. It's really a vote AGAINST Trump and all his extreme right-wing, neo-fascist diatribe.
  8. I agree with your statement above with the following changes... "That's right, MAGA's let the Dark Side consume them. Do you know how scary you sound to scary people? They are what this thread is about."
  9. Yes, that's closer to what I would have done as opposed to what Trump did. What do you think you would have done?
  10. That is my interpretation of his fist in the air shouting, "Fight! Fight!" What is your interpretation of his actions and words?
  11. Above the ear is the head. Look at the wound it was his head that got hit. Other than that you are simply ridiculous. @Cryingdick Why do you think that what I wrote above is "ridiculous"? And, what would have been your reaction to being shot in a circumstance like this?
  12. ...in the ear... I would have laid on the ground and allowed myself to be carried to the limo. I might have raised my hand and waved to the crowd to let them know I was okay, or at least not dead, but I would not have raised my fist in the air and shouted, "FIGHT! FIGHT!" Of course, I'm a far-left, woke liberal...
  13. I'm not condoning the assassination attempt, but the photo bove shows another example of the problem with Trump. How does he gesture to his fans after being shot? Does he wave, showing he is okay? No! He gives them a scowling face and a fist in the air... It's as if he is saying, "Fight! Our opponents are evil and need to be conquered. They need to be crushed. Fight! Physically fight them like you did on Jan 6!" As long as he has that attitude, which I know he will never lose, there will be social, verbal, physical, and probably armed fighting between the extremes in both groups. I think the future looks very bad for the USA, especially for the next three or four months. I have no doubt this will not be the last horrific event. Buckle up!
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