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Everything posted by WDSmart

  1. Now, at 78, I guess the most appropriate hairstyle for me to express my gender is bald...
  2. Great, why not try it............. All I'll say is that before Trump, I was an opponent of our (USA's) 2nd Amendment. Now, I've been forced to reconsider my position on that.
  3. If I were to give my opinion on what Trump should do, my comment would be taken down, and I would be banned from AseanNow.
  4. I've lived in Thailand for over 20 years and have NEVER been threatened by a Thai. Of course, I live in a rural area in northeastern Thailand and don't go to bars to drink or stay out late at night. I also have been married to a Thai woman for most of that time, so I also don't go looking for street sex. These are the scenarios that I assume Farangs are engaged in when they are threatened by Thais. I have been threatened by Farangs a couple of times, but that was over disputes about golf at my golf club. These threats have never come to blows or have led to any retaliation.
  5. No, I'm saying if you come to a foreign country, or even in your home country, you are subject to the local laws. Some of those laws may not be totally congruent with UN articles. Challenging and trying to straighten all that out is a problem you shouldn't want to have. So what I'm saying is the best course of action is to obey the local laws - or leave the country if they are too unacceptable to you.
  6. I'm only a laugh for those that are allowed to stay...
  7. Check article 19 of the UN According to Article 19 of the UN, you can complain if you don't like it. I think you still have to comply with it or be ready to suffer the consequences. It's the law in Thailand. Live by it or go home.
  8. Or...the Brit was drunk and was mistaken about the amount he had given the driver. The dashcam might be able to help clarify that.
  9. I'm only saying that REGARDLESS of whether the taxi driver cheated him (short-changed him), that does not justify an assault. That's my only point here.
  10. I don't know the details, but perhaps the dashcam backed up the claims of the driver, not the foreigner. Anyway, the foreigner assaulted him, and that's on the dashcam. Cheating does not change that.
  11. And then you would have been in jail, and would have deserved that.
  12. The foreigner was charged with assault, and I think that's the right charge...EVEN IF THE TUK-TUK DRIVE DID CHEAT HIM! Just because someone cheats you doesn't give you the right to assault him.
  13. ...and why would you call the tuk-tuk driver a "thief"? Why would you believe the foreigner's description of the incident over the tuk-tuk drivers? By the way, another forum reports that the foreigner in this case has been arrested.
  14. I am in Thailand and have lived here for over 20 years. The police are the police in Thailand. Your judgment of them doesn't change their authority. I would notify them if someone did something I considered illegal that greatly concerned me. In the case cited in this forum, 200, 500, or even 1,000 baht would not be of great enough concern for me to report it to the police. If the concern were over money, it would have to be much more than that, at least 5,000 baht or more like 10,000 baht or more.
  15. No one should act like this even if they KNOW they are being cheated. If that is the case, they should notify the police. They should not take matters into their own hands (fists). I am for real. My head doesn't wobble; it thinks. bill.
  16. It's the law in Thailand. Live by it or go home.
  17. No one should act like this, even if they were not given the change they thought they deserved.
  18. So, what's new? People are most often forced into joining a religion out of fear.
  19. If Hamas gave the hostages back, Israel's onslaught of Rafah wouldn't be stopped. It would just be delayed a week or so.
  20. Israel could stop the onslaught much easier if they wanted to...
  21. Only someone very cautious attacks unexpectedly from behind.
  22. "Notably, a tattoo of a koi fish marked his back, indicating that he had likely been dead for at least three days." What does this mean? 🤔
  23. I've understood you state false things all the time. Even if Israel attacked the GARAGE adjacent to the embassy, that's good enough for me to see it as an unprovoked Israeli attack. They say they thought the consultant was being used for purposes Israel didn't like. I"m sure Israel has people like this in all their embassies, consulates, and garages all over the world.
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