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Everything posted by WDSmart

  1. I hate Trump, but I'd think Zelensky would like that Trump called him a dictator. Trump likes dictators, so that might help Zelensky in these negotiations with Russia.
  2. I hate Trump, but I'd think Zelensky would like that Trump called him a dictator. Trump likes dictators, so that might help Zelensky in these negotiations with Russia.
  3. How "irresponsible" to stop fraud, waste & abuse.... Stopping fraud, waste, and abuse is not irresponsible, but that's not what the Musk/Trump horror show is doing. Preventing USAID from doing its job, which is administering civilian foreign aid and development assistance, is discriminatory and irresponsible.
  4. "irresponsible" like this....? No, that was not a statement by Trump, but just about everything Trump says and does is irresponible.
  5. I buy it online from Lazada. There, you can find an 800g can for under THB 1,000. I usually pay around 800 to 900. I buy four together and the shipping/delivery costs are only THB 100 or so. Sometimes you'll find it cheaper, but the above is about the average.
  6. I had Ensure (six scoops) churned up with a banana, followed by Metamucil and vitamins.
  7. I currently have three bank accounts: two with one bank and one with another. The rules regarding changing things on them have become more strict now. For example, to get a new bank book, if mine is full, I have to go to the bank, bring my passport, and have my photo taken (again). But other than that, I've had no difficulty maintaining and accessing all three of these accounts.
  8. Yes, the US Embassy did this a long time ago, maybe 15 years or so. The instructions about transferring an amount to your Thai bank account every month are correct. That's what I'm doing now.
  9. I haven't heard about these incidents, but as far as I know, it's the same BBC. The one and only BBC.
  10. I hope you're better. I'm feeling much better today, about a week after I came down with the symptoms.
  11. I hope you are trying to be sarcastic! If not where did you hear this scurrilous rumour I just read about it here, and I do see some criticism of the BBC on Facebook. I support their efforts to tell both sides of the story.
  12. This a news report about biasedness from the BBC . Biased , favour one side . Did you understand that as being "fair" ? Did you not understand what was written ? Or is it that you don't favour fair reports and you favour reports which are biased to your side ? I think they are "fair" because they report on both sides of the story, not just one (Israeli). Most reports are based on and only favor Israel. An easy way to tell that is to look at what terms they use to describe each side, such as terrorists vs. soldiers and hostages vs. prisoners.
  13. Round them up, put them in jail, void their visas, and then deport them.
  14. I advise you to try some other country, any other country...
  15. I think I came down with influenza last Tuesday while visiting a hospital for a checkup from a doctor. My symptoms started that night. It's now been a week since then, and I just starting to feel better the last couple of days. I tested myself for COVID-19, but that was negative. This just seems like the "flu" which was fairly common in the USA when I was growing up. I'm going to stay home and isolated until I'm sure all the symptoms have disappeared and for a few days after that.
  16. I don't know the details about all this, but no one uses DEI to employ MORE people. DEI is only used as one of the factors considered when hiring replacement staff or additional people that presumably are needed.
  17. I'm happy to hear that the BBC, which I don't listen to much, is reporting more fairly on the Israel/Palestinian crisis. I encourage them to continue.
  18. I have learned. I don't "thrive" off the "rewards capitalism provided" me. I live modestly and contribute a lot to my community here in Thailand. And, yes, what I do have are the results of my capitalist activities, but I've diminished those long ago. I am not a monk, but I am an avid humanitarian. That's what socialism is all about. To put it simply, "The difference between capitalism and socialism is the first letter of a two-letter word. Capitalists are all about 'me,' and socialists are all about 'we.'"' I'm glad to hear you live "quite selfless." I respect that.
  19. I don't know why you call me (or anyone else) a "hypocrite" because I admit I've made some poor choices and committed errors during my life, but now I say I've learned from those and encourage others not to make the same mistakes. And I will say that even now, I realize I will continue to make some poor choices and continue to learn from them. So, if you think those tourists in Pai are doing Pai, Thailand, their home country, or even themselves any good by acting the way they do, then I'd suggest you think about that for a while and, hopefully, learn from it. .
  20. I take it you have never been a tourist. Great work. I have traveled to many places around the world. Most of that was for work, but I have also been a tourist. In some of those travels, including when I was a tourist, I engaged in activities detrimental to the native culture. I regret those doing those things now. I don't know what "Great work" refers to. Please be more specific.
  21. You sow all the horrible things you've done to your home country, tourists, 😞
  22. USAID: The Big Exposure Reveals...the complete discriminatory and irresponsible actions of the Trump Presidency. 😞
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