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Everything posted by WDSmart

  1. Thank you for terminating our discussion.
  2. No, I'm not wrong; I just disagree with you. Israel may now include 20% Arabs, but 50 years ago, Palestine also contained a few Jews, but mostly Arabs. The Zionists have driven Arabs out of Palestine or into the small, controlled areas of Gaza and the West Bank. And, Israel is continually carving out land for its Jewish citizens out of these areas.
  3. Zionist: a person who believes in the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. - Oxford Dictionary. The "what is now Israel" should be preceded by "what used to be Palestine."
  4. Why would the Palestinians accept as two-state solution to allow some other group to inhabit part of their land? Anyway, I think the best approach would be a one-state solution where all parties, Jews and Palestinians, have equal rights as citizens.
  5. And Zionists goals are to either expel all non-Jews from Palestine (what is now called "Israel'), or at least to contain them into small areas such as Gaza and the West Bank, and to control them. And, as we have seen over the last month and a half, they will do that using any means they can, including deadly force.
  6. No, I my full reference was that I support the elimination of BOTH Hamas and Zionists, NOT all Palestinians and Jews.
  7. You are only assuming your "facts" are true. I have also based much of what I posted in this exchange on "facts" that I have read online, and I have even quoted and posted links to them. And, yes, I have added my opinion to them also, but not to the point that I have distorted what I have read (and quoted) to make them "untrue." I have suggested that many of your comments seem to be antisemitic because they contain a lot of one-sided criticism of Hamas and Palestinians. Of course, I'm sure you think that criticism is warranted and one-sided because that one side is based on what you believe to be "facts," so it is, of course, "true."
  8. There is some agreement and some similarity. I claim something I believe is true and so do you. I am not trolling but you seem to be. Why? Why can't you just accept that some people, like me, have different opinions about certain issues than you, and their opinions are based on things they've read and believe they know? That's what I think about you. The only difference between us is you are so certain that what you believe is "true and the ONLY TRUTH!" that you just cannot tolerate someone who disagrees with you. And, the bottom line is all I have said initially is I believe BOTH Hamas and Zionists (okay, I'll amend that to "extreme, right-wing, violence-advocating Zionists) should be eliminated. I believe what we are seeing right now in Palestine/Israel is the clash of the most extreme factions of these two groups. I am not antisemitic, but your comments regarding Palestinians and Hamas seem to be.
  9. There is "ditto." We do agree on this one thing - kind of. There are two definitions of "trolling," according to the the Oxford Language Dictionary. I am "not guilty" of one but "guilty" of the second. #1 - Trolling is "...to make a deliberately offensive or provocative online post with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them." I plead "not guilty" to this. You are the one who continually posts remarks to my posts that end with some insulting references to me. I did not do that in my counter-remarks until my "Ditto" remark. #2 - Trolling can also be defined as "carefully and systematically search[ing] an area for something." I plead "guilty" to this. This is exactly what my posts and remarks have been intended to do. I do not accuse you of posting things that are "untrue," but just based on your opinion from what you've read. I am just doing the same..."ditto."
  10. Ditto! At least we agree on something...
  11. So, quotes from Wikipedia are "uninformed biased nonsense," but both of the two online versions (presumably translated to English) of the "Hamas Charter" are respected references? The bottom line is BOTH Hamas and Zionists want the same land. They each have their own arguments for this. They BOTH have tried/are trying to enforce their expectations using force. And, as I keep suggesting, they BOTH need to be eliminated.
  12. Here is Wikipedia's definition of Zionism: "The common denominator among all Zionists has been a claim to Palestine, a land traditionally known in Jewish writings as the Land of Israel ("Eretz Israel") as a national homeland of the Jews and as the legitimate focus for Jewish national self-determination. It is based on historical ties and religious traditions linking the Jewish people to the Land of Israel." It's probably true that not all Zionists want to expel or isolate all non-Jews or want to accomplish the goals above by force, but I associate the most extreme motives of Zionism with the group I call "Zionists." Hamas is defined as "...a Palestinian Islamic movement founded in 1987 with the aim of establishing a Palestinian state incorporating present-day Israel and the West Bank." And it is just as probably true that not all those who support Hamas want that done by force, but again, I (and probably you and most everyone else who reads the news) associate the most extreme motives of Hamas with that group as a whole. That's why I posted what I did way above that began this thread. I basically said, "BOTH Hamas and Zionists should be eliminated." And, by that, I mean I do associate the most extreme motives with both groups.
  13. Zionism is a movement with clear goals and a more or less coherent ideology. Both extreme. Their goal is to continue to take over Palestine and either remove all non-Jews or isolate them into small, controlled areas like those that already exist in Gaza and the West Bank. Their ideology is that this land (then called "Canaan") was first given to them by their "God" (Yahweh) thousands of years ago and then again by Britain (who then controlled Palestine) in 1917. (See History of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict - Wikipedia for details.) The Zionists have used force to gain more and more control over Palestine (now called "Israel") ever since. Dec 4th is just a continuation of the struggle of the Palestinians to try to regain their state, or at least be recognized as equals in it, and of the Zionists to take it over. Knowledge is not bliss, and in fact, can be upsetting - but it is necessary for understanding.
  14. It looks like it made her lips swell up!
  15. Why isn't this (and releasing balloons in the air at a funeral or wedding in the USA) considered littering and made illegal?
  16. I thought Thailand already allowed same-sex marriages...
  17. Lazada, but you have to buy sizes much larger than you would in the USA. In the US, I would wear an XL. At Lazada, I need at least a 5XL or even larger! Their size charts don't seem to work either. You can order some and send them back if they don't fit until you find out your size.
  18. I agree that you seldom see older "ladyboys," but just a few days ago, I saw one just in front of me in a line to check out at a Big C. He was with his partner (I assume), who didn't appear to be a "ladyboy." Anyway, he looked like he was certainly over 50 and maybe as old as I am, which is 77. He noticed I was staring at him, so he smiled and said "hello" in English. I smiled and answered him back in Thai, but we didn't have a long conversation. Anyway, "he" is the only elderly "ladyboy" I recall ever seeing. 🙂
  19. I have just the opposite "problem." About four months ago, my electric bill, which is usually THB 5K or more, was only a couple hundred baht. I had no idea what had happened, but I thought it might be some sort of rebate from the government. However, the next month, it was the same, only a couple hundred baht. I also noticed then that the meter reading was very low. I had my wife (Thai) tell the electric company that we think the bill is incorrect and suspect the meter is malfunctioning. But nothing has changed for the past two months, even though my wife reminds them every time we get a bill. So, who knows what's going to happen? 😦
  20. Yes, I do believe Israel is planning to wipe out as many Palestinians as it can, soldiers (a.k.a. "terrorists") and civilians, men and women, adults and children. All Israel's efforts for the past 60 years have been focused on taking over what used to be Palestine and establish a Jewish-only state of Israel, as they believe was promised them in the Torah (Old Testament). ???? And, as the saying go, "There will be blood!" ????
  21. If "remaining neutral" means not taking sides, then I agree with Thailand's decision on this. If "remaining neutral" means not condemning either side for atrocities that Hamas has committed in the past and especially over the past several days, and the atrocities that Israel has committed over the past 60 years and will surely commit in the next few days and weeks, then I disagree. We should all condemn all of that! ????
  22. The wheels on the bus go round and round, Round and round, Round and round...
  23. First of all, all you have to do to reinstate your ability to sign in to Lazada is change your password. That should be shown as an option when you attempt to sign in with your "incorrect" password. They'll just send a link to do that to the email associated with your account. Secondly, I primarily buy online using Lazada, but Shopee is my second choice. I first search for what I want on Lazada. If they don't have it, I check Shopee. I've had no problems with either and have even returned some items to Lazada and received a refund with no problems. Good luck with your online shopping... ????
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