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Everything posted by WDSmart
Blow to Biden as poll shows Trump in lead for 2024 presidential election
WDSmart replied to CharlieH's topic in World News
Yes, I do agree that terms such as these are not interpreted the same by everyone. Here are my definitions of these terms: - Capitalism, socialism, and communism are economic systems, not governmental systems. Many (most, including many online definitions), however, interpret communism as also being a governmental system. - Capitalism is based on ownership of private property and competition. - Socialism is based on no ownership but exclusive usages of certain property (like an apartment) and "from each, according to ability, and to each according to need." - Communism is based on no private property. Everyone has the same rights to all property. All are treated equally. "The main difference between left wing and right wing is that left wing is characterized by equality, freedom, rights, progress, and reform, while right wing is characterized by duty, hierarchy, authority, order, tradition, and nationalism." - Online Oxford Language Dictionary. I agree with this definition. -
Blow to Biden as poll shows Trump in lead for 2024 presidential election
WDSmart replied to CharlieH's topic in World News
I'm not an expert on the US Constitution, but I've heard if you are convicted of TREASON, you can no longer hold any elected office. But, other than that, I, too, am not aware of any restriction on someone who has been convicted of a crime holding any office, including president. -
Blow to Biden as poll shows Trump in lead for 2024 presidential election
WDSmart replied to CharlieH's topic in World News
I don't think Trump has to worry about any one of the Republican presidential candidates. I think all he has to worry about are his trials. If one or more of them can actually be completed and if he is found guilty before the Republican nomination, that may derail him. A couple of his charges are probably going to be looked at by SCOTUS (US Supreme Court), and if they rule that because these charges were for things he did while he was president, he is immune to prosecution, then that game is probably mostly over, at least for most of the important charges. But, if SCOTUS rules that way, then that would mean or could be interpreted, that a president could do anything while in office and not be held accountable, like a king. For that reason, I'm hopeful they will not rule he is immune. -
Blow to Biden as poll shows Trump in lead for 2024 presidential election
WDSmart replied to CharlieH's topic in World News
I think Washington deserves him, as they have had 3 years to reform themselves and done nothing about it. They had the chance and blew it big time, IMO. I sadly agree with you somewhat. I agree that the USA is rapidly deteriorating, and yes, perhaps a second presidency of Trump is exactly what it deserves. But, being a US citizen and still having at least a hope that it can be salvaged, I'm completely against Trump's second term. If that happens, I predict the USA will quickly deteriorate into uncontrolled violence. -
Blow to Biden as poll shows Trump in lead for 2024 presidential election
WDSmart replied to CharlieH's topic in World News
I'm solidly left-wing. Mao and Stalin were not left-wing. They were extreme right-wing autocrats pretending to be left-wing (communist). The states they ended up leading were certainly not socialist or communist, were they? No, they were plutocracies. -
Blow to Biden as poll shows Trump in lead for 2024 presidential election
WDSmart replied to CharlieH's topic in World News
Thanks for your response. This is my combined reply to this and your two prior comments. - APEC: I don't know anything about APEC, but I assume its some kind of trade deal that is thought to be of benefit to the USA. If you think APEC would be detrimental to New Zealand, I can understand why you would oppose it. - War: Wars aren't usually started by only one side. They are, IMO, a result of the actions/non-actions of both (or many) sides. Trump, however, might be thought to be able to overt wars by cozying up to the leaders of what could be thought of as "enemy" countries, like North Korea and Russia. I think we have to be very careful about making pacts with people like that, and the tension that results in disagreements can eventually escalate into a war. However, as I've said before, I don't think there will ever be a real "shooting" war between the major countries (USA, China, Russia) because of the damage that would result on both sides. I think "war" now will consist many of attacks in cyberspace resulting in damaged public images, lies, cyber disruption, stolen information, etc. And, as far as Biden's support of Israel, I too dislike that. I see Israel as having been successful over the last 70 years or so, in taking over the former country of Palestine, and slowly purging Palestinians from their land, forcing them into two small areas (Gaza and the West Bank), or if allowing them to live in what is now called "Israel," treating them as lower-class citizens without full rights. This entire conflict is, IMO, probably going to explode, and in spite of what I've said above and unless we (USA) change our position on our total support of the Zionists in Israel, could actually involve us is a real, widespread "shooting" war in the Middle East. - Keystone XL Pipeline: I am against any project that would be damaging to the environment regardless of its potential benefit to our economy. - VP Harris: I, like I think most US citizens, don't know much about her. Personally, I do not think she would be a good president, so I sympathize with your worries about Biden's ability to complete a second term. Of course, we don't yet know for sure she would be the VP candidate with Biden, but I do expect that. But, my bottom line is ANYONE would be better than Trump. - Right Wing: I consider Trump extreme right-wing because I mainly associate right-wingers with being concerned only about themselves and don't care about the welfare of others. That, IMO, is why they support capitalism. I associate left-wingers with being concerned with everyone equally. That is why they support socialism. I've often said the difference between right-wingers and left-wingers in the first letter of one word: "me" vs. "we." Okay, I think that covers my response to all the points you made in your last three comments. Thanks for dialoging with me. I've learned something about why you, and maybe many others, disapprove of Biden, but I still can't fathom why ANYONE would think a second Trump presidency would be good for anyone - except maybe Trump himself. -
Blow to Biden as poll shows Trump in lead for 2024 presidential election
WDSmart replied to CharlieH's topic in World News
Thanks for your response. See my reply on your last comment below... -
Blow to Biden as poll shows Trump in lead for 2024 presidential election
WDSmart replied to CharlieH's topic in World News
Thanks for your response. See my reply on your last comment below... -
Blow to Biden as poll shows Trump in lead for 2024 presidential election
WDSmart replied to CharlieH's topic in World News
Again, I don't understand. Are you saying that Biden is right-wing? That's not what I see. He's not far left-wing like I am, but leans that way. He's certainly not right-wing. Trump is someone I would definitely call right-wing. And Bannon and Goebbels? Surely you must be referring to Trump, not Biden. But I do agree with your last statement. This kind of neo-fascist approach does seem to work well in rousing up the extreme groups in the Republican (right-wing) Party. -
Blow to Biden as poll shows Trump in lead for 2024 presidential election
WDSmart replied to CharlieH's topic in World News
I am an American and an American from the USA. (I'll explain that if you don't understand it.) And, on this and other forums, I've seen that we agree with each other on most issues, so I'm very surprised to read your comment above. I don't understand why you think Biden has taken [or Hillary would have taken] the US in some direction that would be [have been] detrimental to New Zealand. What are you talking about? And, after explaining that, tell me why you think a second Trump presidency would be good for New Zealand in any way. And, if you could, also tell me what it is that you think Biden has done or not done during his presidency that makes you oppose a second term for him. And I invite anyone else on this forum to answer this, also. I just don't understand why so many people think he's done such a bad job. I don't think he's been a great president, but I also don't see where he's done anything so wrong as to have so many people think he's not suitable for a second term. Thanks... -
Blow to Biden as poll shows Trump in lead for 2024 presidential election
WDSmart replied to CharlieH's topic in World News
Not to pick on you because everyone does this...but are you not doing the same thing, adding to the divisiveness, by taking a negative stance on a forum against a politician you don't like? QuantumQuandry: Yes, I'm doing the same thing. That's what I've been saying. Trump has solidified the divisiveness, including mine. -
Blow to Biden as poll shows Trump in lead for 2024 presidential election
WDSmart replied to CharlieH's topic in World News
I don't know much about Biden and Sunak, but if what you say is true, I hope you in the UK can remedy that. And I say that not because I think Biden might give Sunak bad advice but Sunak should do what is best for the UK, regardless of what the US thinks. Hopefully, we (US/UK) will have the same goals, but I'm sure sometimes that's not the case. -
Blow to Biden as poll shows Trump in lead for 2024 presidential election
WDSmart replied to CharlieH's topic in World News
I don't think there will be any more "shooting wars," at least not against any countries of note. I'm sure we (US) will continue to support other countries' wars with finance, supplies, and occasionally troops, but if we were to actually get into a real war with a major country, that would probably be the last one ever because of the widespread nuclear capabilities. I believe there will be more and more focus on economic, cyber-sabotage, and social media disruption over actually "shooting." But, yes, see can agree to disagree if we don't see things the same way. That's alright with me; however, MAGA supporters are on the other side of that line as far as I'm concerned. -
Blow to Biden as poll shows Trump in lead for 2024 presidential election
WDSmart replied to CharlieH's topic in World News
QuantumQuandry: I like your quote and would also like to see that approach. But Trump, IMO, has strongly contributed to making the future of our (USA) population not a "quantum quandary" but a "digital yes/no" choice. -
Blow to Biden as poll shows Trump in lead for 2024 presidential election
WDSmart replied to CharlieH's topic in World News
IMO, Trump is a fascist. He's extreme right-wing, nationalistic, racist, xenophobic, sexist, etc. Again, IMO, he "made friends" with other fascist foreign leaders. I don't think an actual shooting war was in the cards, but an economic and social media war certainly was and still is. -
Blow to Biden as poll shows Trump in lead for 2024 presidential election
WDSmart replied to CharlieH's topic in World News
Definitions of "fascist" from the online Oxford Language Dictionary with which I agree is: - "an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization," and; - "extremely authoritarian, intolerant, or oppressive ideas or behaviour." I think that described Trump exactly. I also am a socialist and an anti-capitalist. I assume by "donkey poo," you refer to "Biden," correct? Why do you use that term? I would vote for ANYONE else other than Trump, or, if the alternative was just too unacceptable, I would not vote, but I can't think of anyone that would cause me to to that. Mabye RFK... If I did that, however, not vote or write-in someone who has no chance, it would be like giving up completely, which I just might do eventually. I think I do "get" that people support Trump out of frustration, but I just can't imagine anyone going to that extreme. Turmp supporters are, IMO, disgraceful, and MAGA supporters remind me of one of my favorite quotes about Nazis: -
Blow to Biden as poll shows Trump in lead for 2024 presidential election
WDSmart replied to CharlieH's topic in World News
thaibeachlovers, I just don't understand your thinking. I, too, would prefer Bernie Sanders, but that's because I'm a far-left liberal. So, I don't understand how you could even consider voting for Trump who is a far-right fascist. Also, your remark about not being a fan of rich people doesn't seem to fit either. I know all these people are "rich" compared to me and most in the US, but Trump runs touting his wealth. I also am disgusted with Congress, but mostly because it is so evenly split that nothing of importance can get through. Of course, I would like to see liberal bills, but the way it is now, NOTHING seems to be able to be passed. Anyway, I am totally against Trump and all his followers, so if part of his agenda was to create a complete split of the US citizenry, he's succeeded, at least in my case. -
Blow to Biden as poll shows Trump in lead for 2024 presidential election
WDSmart replied to CharlieH's topic in World News
IMO you are in the same trap as most Trump haters. Look at WHY Trump was elected, and you will understand why he got elected first time and may get elected again. They had a chance with Biden to sort congress out, but IMO it's still just as rotten as when Trump took over. Unfortunately the IMO despicable Sessions left the way open for the haters to make it about Trump instead of the rotten political system, so nothing was changed during his term. A vote for Biden is a vote to keep the same rotten system unchanged as he personifies a rotten system, IMO. thiabeachlovers, My original comment was not meant to imply that I like Biden. I don't think he's done a bad job, as many people do, but he would not be my first choice for president. HOWEVER, I would vote for ANYONE if they were running against Trump. My comment was meant to criticize my fellow countrymen for even considering voting for Trump. -
Blow to Biden as poll shows Trump in lead for 2024 presidential election
WDSmart replied to CharlieH's topic in World News
I agree with everything you say above. I don't know of any Democrat that could replace Trump on the ticket. Of everyone I do know of, I guess my first choice would be Pete Buttigieg, but since he's gay, I'm sure a lot of people would not vote for him. I think your last comment could unfortunately be true, "...perhaps the nation is long gone." -
Blow to Biden as poll shows Trump in lead for 2024 presidential election
WDSmart replied to CharlieH's topic in World News
I agree with you. Biden would not be my choice for president, but I would vote for almost anyone if they were running against Trump. I'm so shocked and disappointed that my fellow countrymen would even consider someone like Trump. When I was growing up in northern Indiana sixty years ago, I knew there were racists and other despicable, selfish people, but I always assumed they only made up maybe 10%, or at most 20%, of our population. Now it seems like there are 40% or even 50%! Also, I predict that as the presidential election in 2024 comes closer, there will be more and more violence in the streets. And no matter who wins, I'm sure the other side will claim "fraud!" which will incite more continuing violence. These are just some of the reasons I continue to live in Thailand and have no desire at this time to return to the USA. -
Blow to Biden as poll shows Trump in lead for 2024 presidential election
WDSmart replied to CharlieH's topic in World News
Yes, I'm tired of having to vote AGAINST someone instead of FOR someone... -
Blow to Biden as poll shows Trump in lead for 2024 presidential election
WDSmart replied to CharlieH's topic in World News
I see one thing... Trump! -
UN warns of ‘blatant disregard for basic humanity’ in Gaza warfare
WDSmart replied to CharlieH's topic in The War in Israel
Normally I would agree with you. But i've been warned by a moderator not to go back farther than 7 Oct. -
UN warns of ‘blatant disregard for basic humanity’ in Gaza warfare
WDSmart replied to CharlieH's topic in The War in Israel
I don't know how we can properly discuss the war in Gaza without referring to history. How far can we go back? Can we mention the Oct 7th Hamas attack, or is that too far back in "history" now? IMO, the history of this conflict is what is most important in fully understanding the motives, tactics, strategies, and goals of both sides. -
UN warns of ‘blatant disregard for basic humanity’ in Gaza warfare
WDSmart replied to CharlieH's topic in The War in Israel
I have not altered or added any lines on this map. I did add a remark at the end of a dictionary definition I posted, but I stated that before the quote, and I [put my addition in brackets] just as I said I would. Also, that addition did not change the definition.