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Everything posted by WDSmart

  1. Okay, but I'll ignore the period and ask you WHY are they fighting to kill Israelis?
  2. War crimes are not matters of opinion. That, of course, is what "IMO" means. These are war crimes "in my (and many others') opinion." You may not agree, and that's your prerogative, just as labeling them "war crimes" or "acts of terror" is mine.
  3. Wouldn't the act of "burning your house down" most aptly apply to the IDF's indiscriminate bombings in Gaza? What, then, should the IDF be called?
  4. And you don't consider the indiscriminate IDF bombings and killings in Gaza "terror"?
  5. Yes, and those reasons are mostly that they back Israel.
  6. I just don't understand why you go on and on like this. I disagree with everything you say above. The only one, the first one, depends on what you take the word "country" to mean. Since you've objected to it so much, I've changed my wording and now refer to it as a "territory" or just a "land." Anyway, all that's before the UN made it an official state.
  7. This is where you and I differ the most. What I believe (and assume and deduce) is very material to me. It might not be to you, I understand that, but it is to me.
  8. Thanks, I didn't remember that. So, yes, I guess they could be called "Freedom Fighters" because of the above explanation.
  9. I don't recall ever referring to Hamas as "freedom fighters," but I do believe they are fighting to drive the Israelis out of what they believe is their country.
  10. The 10% (actually 9%) figure was before 1948, and what I said was correct. The 32% figure was probably just before or the same date that the UN created the state of Israel.
  11. If that's the wording, then the recent IDF bombings in Gaza do not comply with that. In fact, that's exactly what the charges against Israel are that the ICJ was reviewing.
  12. If you are referring to the rule of "no history lessons," then what were you doing when you posted the percentages of Jews living in Palestine before it became a state? You're the one who first posted that, not me. I just responded to it by disagreeing with it and posting what I thought was a more accurate figure.
  13. And, I do not support Hamas. I do support the Palestinians' struggle against the Zionist forces of the Israelis.
  14. I don't think I've ever used the term "war crimes" in any of my posts until today. I may have, but that is not a phrase I usually use. IMO, both Israel and Palestine in the past, and now Hamas and the IDF, have committed heinous acts against each other in the horrible conflict.
  15. What do you think the rules are? That someone cannot disagree with you? You stated the percentages first. I disagreed since you only referred to it as "before the state of Israel" or something like that. The percentages of the population changed over time. If you want to specify a specific date, I could probably find the percentages at that date. And, you could too. My point was there were more non-Jews living in Palestine than Jews when the UN created the state of Israel.
  16. At the risk of irritating our moderator, I'll post a table that I copied from Wikipedia that shows the population of Palestine since 1922. I won't post the whole table or the link, (I'll provide that in a Mail if you'd like), to keep from posting links to "history lessons." The population figures are in "thousands" Year Jews Christians Muslims Total 1922 84 71 589 752 1931 175 89 760 1,033 1947 630 143 1,181 1,970
  17. My remark was in response to your previous remark when you stated what you stated above. When do you believe some fact from the past qualifies as a "history lesson"? How far back do you think you could go without breaking the rules? Also, even if the Jewish population was 32% in whatever timeframe you're referencing, that means 65% of the population was non-Jewish, undoubtedly mostly Palestinians (Arab Muslims). There would have been some Christians, too, but not many. In any event, why would the UN create the state of Israel and give this land to the Jews? I know part of the answer to that is they wanted to somehow make up for the horrible events involving Jews in WW2, but giving them a state in which they make up only about 1/3 of the population doesn't make sense to me. And then, of course, there are all the events that happened since then which have resulted in the native people, Palestinians, pushed into two small areas, and the rest of the state filled up with Jewish immigrants from all over the world. Can you really blame the Palestinians for being angry?
  18. My remark was in response to your previous remark when you stated what you stated above. When do you believe some fact from the past qualifies as a "history lesson"? How far back do you think you could go without breaking the rules?
  19. I'm not deflecting. I'm helping everyone understand what "perfidy" means. If they would, they would then know why it could be classified as a war crime.
  20. Here, let me help in this complex situation... Perfidy Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
  21. He doesn't have to "demonstrate" anything. You don't "demonstrate" anything. All you do is (sometimes) cite other people's descriptions you've read on the Internet. He is drawing conclusions, and I see nothing wrong with that, even if I disagree with them, which in this case, I don't.
  22. Yes, when I say "the state now called Israel," I am referring to the land that used to be called Palestine, and before Isreal was made a state, the Jewish population was only about 10%. There are not lies. They are things I post and will continue to post. They are not unhinged ramblings, not from someone who is ignorant, and not from someone who is a hater. These are from someone who can see both sides of this horrible situation, instead of only one.
  23. I also believe acts like this are war crimes. I believe the indiscriminate bombing of Gaza is a war crime. And, just in case you think I'm overly biased, I also believe the Oct 7 by Hamas was a war crime. The history of the state of Israel is raft with war crimes on both sides. And now, it's just continuing... 🥹
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