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Posts posted by Prubangboy

  1. 2 hours ago, bob smith said:

    wanted to to get help the other day so went to a doctor who claimed he treats alcoholics.





    Yeah, that was a well-spent half a mil on medical school to end up in Pattaya milking the likes of Bob for nickels and dimes.


    Who has lower self-esteem? Bob or the imaginary doctor?

  2. 1 minute ago, BritManToo said:


    Shakira at 48 (and with $200M  US net worth) might still have a chance with me though.

    I def like that we're both members of The Red Pill Church. I'm light-pink, you're fire engine-red. My wife is actually redder than me.


    Really? You'd prefer Shakira to Jane?


    In later news, BritManToo revealed that water is wet.

  3. On 3/19/2024 at 2:30 PM, FruitPudding said:




    If she loses attraction to you, it's not cos of what you look like, its cos of what you have done (or not done) or how you carry yourself. 


    For this reason men can actually age like wine, whereas women cannot.

    Gotta disagree. Across all ages, women swipe right on only the top 20% of men. That means the top 20% of looks, mostly.


    A good bank book and confident demeanor can only shift your odds a bit, maybe 15%. 


    Just like there is a looks-threshold below which most men won't go, no matter how kinky or sweet she is, so too do men run out of options if they don't meet most women's looks threshold.


    The wall is a pathetic revenge fantasy. Jane Fonda can still pull if she wants to. 

  4. Is half your age, plus seven still a thing? I was entertaining my fellow group tour members in Morocco with this durable trope. None of the old married guys weren't doing the math.


    Problem with going too young:


    The ball sack problem. How long can they look at that low-hanging wrinkled mess and talk themselves out of being yucked? My guess: about 6 months. No wait, really more like 3.


    Possible solution:


    Blindfold them when they're down there; maybe dress it up with a bit of 50 Shades of Grey-nonsense. Or get a ball sack nip and tuck.


    A fellow oldie? She has no choice but to be grateful for that saggy prune stuffed with 2 raisins. Still no day at the beach for her, tho.


    My (American) wife is 11 years younger. A few years ago, I was looking at Long Term Care Insurance. She said:


    "Honey, I'M your long term care insurance".


    Once you go much younger than that, that promise tends to be much less reliable.

  5. You just callll up the Russians when you need a hand

    We all need some-body to lien on


    They might want a secret

    That you've got on hand

    We all neeeeed some-body to lien on


    Lien on me -when you're dead wrong

    And I'll be your friend

    I'll help you post bond


    But don't take too long

    Leticia's gonna need some assets to seize on.


    • Thumbs Up 1
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  6. 10 minutes ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

    Same in fact things I always wanted and  bought sit  doing nothing, which made me decide to buy nothing else a long  time  ago.

    5* restaurants can be helpful here. I have only 11 left on my BKK list, but thank god one or two are opening every month.


    But not every one gets on my list. Sushi offers ever-diminishing returns and Omakase is just too much food. Chinese 5*'s are about premium ingredients that seem to be premium just because they say so. Surhing is a brilliant (and expensive) take on German food, but will I ever go again? No. But it's always in the top 5 listings. Follow your stomach and your heart.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

    the name kind  of puts me off, religious connotations

    Wiki's your friend, it's not that kind of cross.


    in Thailand, I have given some cash to the preservation of krill, an essential food chain element in the coastal area's. There are easily google-able lists of Thai charities. My fave poster here, ThaiBeachLover, is a fan of the orphanage in Pattaya, and so am I.

  8. 51 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Perhaps I've been alone so much of my life that I'm happy enough on my own, so I don't need other people to fulfill me.


    Getting older means being more alone, for most people. The non-alone are usually surrounded by family, which is a mixed bag at best.


    Developing resiliency for that can start at any age.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. 6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Karma doesn't earn good points towards entry to heaven. Only the penitent get there. Didn't you read the Gospels?


    I'm not (necessarily) advocating nun-killing with sharp-pointed objects.


    But if I feel the need, I'll hit 'em in the temple clean and hard so they go down fast.


    Really, for my 3 hard marriages alone, it's the least I deserve.

  10. On 3/21/2024 at 1:26 AM, Rampant Rabbit said:

    Thai charities and western ones  seems to spend  inordinate amounts on "management"

    Open to suggestions................erm not the obvious, must be NON religious  based prefer education inc anti religion

    'Can't touch The Red Cross for their efficiency of using donations and the work they do.


    I have a strong personal affinity/relationship with The International Rescue Committee, which helps refugees world-wide, and will def be leaving them some cash.



  11. 18 hours ago, 1FinickyOne said:

    not only do I have simple tastes and am not a drinker or big spender, it is uncomfortable to spend more than I make or draw down savings...  



    Same here.


    Plus, my wife's Christmas tree farm back home seems to be shooting up 15% year on year, seemingly indefinitely. I reallocated to more muni-bonds recently, it means less income, but no diff in our standard of living.


    This, combined with cutting our living expenses 70% by moving to Chiang Mai, has our cash just piling up -no matter how many mouth frothing-inducing 200 baht Pad Thai's we consume. 


    When I was a financial planner, over-saving among the 72+ crowd was the norm. ScubaSteve is right about needing money for end of life healthcare, but there's also an opportunity cost. At 71, this is my last decade to travel the world.


    I'm currently brunching on a stupendous beach in Oman. There would be zero impact on my material life if I dutifully wasn't. My wife is wine-touring in Portugal. Her mobility isn't great. It's literally now or never.


    Remember, the words of Howard Hughes's butler when asked how much Howard left:


    "Well, he left all of it, didn't he?"

    • Haha 1
  12. Skipping to the end -as I increasingly do in this loser-autism-fest- to point out that a street-side FX booth is a very shoe-string operation. Expecting them to have much beyond dollars, euro's, and yuan may be unrealistic.


    I'm In Oman at the moment. I tried to exchange some baht at the airport. They don't see or need a lot of baht here. They directed me to a bank. And this being super-solicitous Oman, had a printed list of banks to give me.

  13. Also:


    If your credit card is refused, don't keep trying to use it. Call them immediately.


    If they close the account due to expected fraud, it's about 12-14 days to get a new card sent to you in Thailand. 'Has happened to me twice in 18 months.


    If you don't have a secure place for the FedEx to be delivered to, such as a condo office, ask that it be held at FedEx.

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