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Posts posted by Prubangboy

  1. 30,000 baht extra to do it as two round trips (BKK-Dubai/Dubai/São Paulo) instead of 2 miserable long hauls in premium economy.


    Call it 7-8,000 baht a day on the ground, so call it 60,000 baht for the seven day of layovers, coming and going.


    90K baht buys a better week in BKK. Or more than all of my land costs in São Paulo.


    Dubai is Euro-prices for a sub-par Las Vegas experience, a Vegas with no gambling and $15 beers.

  2. 38 minutes ago, susanlea said:

    What's wrong with walking around and talking to women? Why are men so incapable of finding a girlfriend? 

    Hard to move from, "nice shoes", to "'time for a coffee?", to "lay down".


    Generally, you need to be in a setting where you see each other casually a few times.


    "Walking around" has a very low success rate.


    -Partic for the older and average-looking.

    • Agree 1
  3. 54 minutes ago, ravip said:



    Nothing comes cheap there!

    A hundred bucks for a cheap room.


    And yeah, it's too hot. It's too hot to wait outside for an Uber.


    Call it a day to travel. BKK flight leaves at 9:30 AM, gets in at 7:30 PM. Two days to mall-walk and visit some souks when it cools off. Another day to go to the so-so semi-Louvre. And the big mosque. On average, I'm good for about 10 minutes -if it's a major mosque.


    On the way back, maybe I'd book a two nights at the beach. But at quadruple Thai rates for a much less good beach experience.


    15 hours to São Paulo, Brazil, BTW. 6 hours further to BKK. Flying from BKK to SP with a short stop over in Dubai is only 24 hours, so I'm rethinking if the juice of laying over is worth the boring-mall squeeze and paying triple for hummus.


    The diff between a 15 hour flight and a 24 hour one is basically 1 extra mg of Xanax.


    Dating fun facts: 3-5 men for every single woman in Dubai. Mostly, you'll be hooking up with Filipina's. Strong gold digging vibe (per Reddit). The Arab local women bring you into honor-killing territory. I am psyched that I'm not looking.


    São Paulo, Brazil is a mecca of big-bottomed, very intellectual women (per my friend). Downside: little English spoken, you must speak Portuguese. 



  4. When I went to Oman, I dealt almost entirely with Bangladeshi's, the Omanis being too posh to work. I expect Dubai will be the same.


    ME food is my fave, but I can hop on one foot to decent hummus in Chiang Mai. I have experienced the endless sand dune thing twice this year. Call it 4 days, including a day tour to see The Louvre, which won't be great like the real Louvre.


    The only rational layover places between here and Brazil are Istanbul (been 3 times, it's OK) and Addis Abba (curious, but there's the getting hit over the head-factor there).


    Google tells me that escorts are $300 for short time, and that's the low end. You can go African for $200, and Russian (or someone pretending to be Russian) for $500.

    • Haha 1
  5. On 6/20/2024 at 3:04 PM, Conan The Barbarian said:

    Apple was in her mid-thirties, stunningly beautiful, and unexpectedly caring. In her company, I felt valued and alive in ways I hadn't in years.


    Sounds like Apple was rode hard and put away wet.


    What's in it for Apple to be so agreeable to saddo time wasters?




    Can you share the bar name where I can go and look in on Apple?

  6. Will have a stopover there en route to Brazil for a vacation. It's the only way to fly premium-economy to Brazil.


    Have you been, would you go? It never pops up in retirement alternative destination discussions here.


    'Doesn't look like there's much there to interest me. Two small old areas with some souks, a mall or two, some fake beaches.


    I was surprised that Abu Dhabi, the nicer part of Dubai with a Louvre branch is 3 hours away from the main airport. 

    • Confused 1
  7. On 6/20/2024 at 11:50 PM, Alpha84 said:

    what are my chances of meeting a real woman who is truly interested in having a real romantic relationship with a foreigner an not solely just for his money?


    It would be a million times better for your head (and your chances) if you were coming to Thailand for any other reason than seeking a romantic partner. 


    Who are the woman here who "truly interested" above all else?


    Those would be pretty needy women, like yourself. Not a recipe for fun, romance, or a long run. They'd also very likely be strongly needy in the $$$$ department.


    Build a life here, meet positive people, take your time. Just like back home. You'll still be you, so work on that too.



    • Love It 1
  8. I eat vegan about twice a week. A lot of food I like just turns out to be very vegan: Middle Eastern, Burmese, SomTam. I'm good for about 2 servings of red meat a week, usually a burger or a something and rice dish. More than that feels gross.


    People who complain about vegans usually have the palate of a child. It's very rare that I am in a 4* or above restaurant and the heavy meat option even makes into my top 3 choices.


    About the only expensive meat thing I ever eat is a $20+ fake waygu beef burger. Had a good one at Gaucho Steakhouse in BKK last week. Followed up with vegan eggplant lasagna at Vegetaranie.


    The Soyboy Denouncer above cites Chiang Mai as a vegan paradise. True enough, due to my wife, I have been to every single vegan place. We had Japanese fermentation food last week, very light and biome-ish.


    Vegan food is a relatively new, cheffy kind of cuisine and we like eating new food. Meat and two veg is like a boredom death sentence. Basically, Californian Asian-fusion is the food I could eat for the rest of my life.

  9. 28 minutes ago, susanlea said:

    So you are dating a 67yo woman then? Sorry if I was wrong. You are the only one.

    Again, this baffling over-investment into judging the unknowable motives and actions of others.


    I don't know if the couples I see are happy or not; or money-motivated or suitably altruistic to my taste. Pretending I do is just waste of time. Whatever they're doing is fine by me, partic if it has some entertainment value.


    I like this place because we see the full spectrum of Thai/Western relationships, from transactional monger to late age happy dad. I take their stories at face value and I am grateful to those that share them. There is no place else on earth where you lhear about happy Asian/Western relationships.


    Meanwhile, Sparktrader is hot to judge, but shy to share about his own relationship. So really the most useless and parasitical kind of poster. His recent leg-humping about my own happy relationship is par for his usual  course. He's probably a selfish lover too.

  10. My life is pretty great, enhanced by making fun of low education types who say stuff like pseudo-intellectual. Just a total low class retard. Love it. Great to thump you on your dimwit nose whenever the urge strikes.


    And really, I just mostly make fun of you here -and your new lover, "the cleaner". 


    Otherwise, I'm a pretty high information poster here.


    Unlike you:


    Hua Hin . Nice Gyms. I love Hua Hin. Nice gyms.

  11. 4 minutes ago, susanlea said:

    Radical American liberals 

    More he-man, wet-dream fantasy.


    I lived in Greenwich Village, Manhattan for decades. I met maybe a couple of dozen far-left types. 


    You fear something that doesn't really exist. Just like you know your Thai girlfriend isn't really that into you. 


    Your whole existence is just a disinformed tangle of misapprehensions.

    • Haha 1
  12. 1 hour ago, susanlea said:

    IJust pointing out the irony of being pro union but then choosing SEA to spend money in

    This is mad logic:


    "I was in a union. Therefore, every waking moment and action I ever undertake again must be completely filtered through that lens. And I better tip. A lot. Because I was in a union".


    You have no argument, you're not even mad at people who were in a union. You just want attention,

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