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Posts posted by Prubangboy

  1. 5 hours ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

    So now you pay twice the utilities every month, 2 x rents, 2 x electric bills, 2 x water bills etc. every month?



    Yeah. We live in Cheapskate paradise. It's like $450 extra month.


    And like I said, I'm not unhappy having a whole other apartment to relax in.


    And I'm finally getting laid again (like, every 10 days).


    She's recuperating from some big health hits and is depressed. I have no resentment.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. 13 hours ago, Hanaguma said:

    Having a "man cave" is great for this. Women can have their space too of course. 



    We had this back in the states. I had an office (no actual work was ever knowingly done in it) and she had a crafts room (a very messy crafts room that I strove never to open the door of).


    We would never knock before entering each other's spaces, but I can see that as an act of boundary-respecting love.


    The psychological boost of having lockable doors and separate food has been very uplifting. Not that those doors ever get locked much (and we have keys). And I still eat 80% of my meals at her place.


    It's a concrete committment to not taking each other for granted, particularly romantically.


    Introverted people really need a lot solo down time to recharge. I never saw her as particularly introverted, given her job and extreme sociability, but I see now that she's been wanting this her whole life.


    When I moved out, I left the subpar toaster behind and got a Kitchen Aid one. I saw the old one in the bin and didn't say anything. She's popped over once to toast a bagel in mine that has the proper wide slot. She called first.


    I told her to buy a proper toaster, but she says she only wants to toast a bagel maybe once a month and she loves having the free'd up counterspace. Same with the blender, which she actually said "good riddance" about.


    Meanwhile, my bathroom no longer looks like the world's biggest handbag interior due to her many, many skin care and beautification needs -now residing on the other side of our shared wall. I had to move large bluetooth speaker from against said wall, like a good neighbor would.

    • Like 1
  3. Some additional thoughts -should you ever find yourself next door-bound:


    -Like divorce, Living Apart Together is almost always initiated by the woman (often due to exhaustion over unequal home and family labor). 80% of separations end in divorce.


    -Covid really blew up this trend. A lot of oldie couple stuck together by themeselves for too long hit the wall in record numbers


    -Introvert-types are 75% more likely to want to a separate space.

  4. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I doubt any of the "young" even know what Straw Dogs refers to. Apparently they like Barbie movies.



    This proves my point that Straw Dogs is bound for the cultural slag heap. Barbie may have a longer shelf life.


    The young all still dip into Scarface and Wolf of Wall Street, but alot of what I loved when young has been wholesale forgotten.


    Tom Robbins had a joke: Time, the ultimate diet pill. 

    • Haha 1
  5. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Nah. The wild Bunch made Peckinpah and was the best one he made. 

    Agreed. He made a handful of thoughtful westerns, just a westerns were fading into oblivion under pressure from the new indie film taste emerging. The Wild Bunch is the last great western. Dances With Wolves was admirable, but a bit of a slog.


    Until I saw Mean Streets (like pages out of my youthful diary) I rated WB as the best film of all time.


    Mean Streets remains my #1 film. GoodFella's overtook it for a decade or two, but Mean Streets was looser and more true to life. Nothing is glamorized; everything is ugly. You don't really want to be the De Niro character at all, whereas in Taxi Driver and Raging Bull, he was some variety of heroic.


    Back in the day, great films were usually under 90 minutes -certainly all of the euro art films were. People rating stuff like Barry Lyndon highly have to overlook a lot of bloat. Most Kubrick films would benefit from a half hour trim.


    Citing Saw and I Spit on Your Grave as proof of an audience hunger for brutality forgets that these are pretty old films. You can not show a woman or a minority being seriously humiliated these days, even if a vengeful, killing rampage eventually settles the score. Even Tarantino has "gone soft".


    Like I said, I look at this neutrally, as the simple passing of time and taste. I don't have a dog in this fight either way. I def agree with TBL that old films should not be altered to suit the tastes of the moment.


    In his Playboy interview, Peckinpah took great pains to explain that the rape scene in Straw Dogs was not an anal rape scene. This never occurred to me, even after re-watching it after reading the interview. It shows that it was considered over the top even in those more licentious days. Impossible to shoot a scene like that today.

  6. 1 hour ago, GammaGlobulin said:


    Then, I just install an intercom system between the big house and the slave quarters,


    This would be the perfect setup for me....A "big house" with slave quarters on the same property.





    Must viewing for Gamma (and anyone who loves exploitation trash like he does):



    Yes, Mandingo. Yes, the story of a man and his dingo.


    *Astonishing trivia: Soundtrack featuring Blues God, Muddy Waters.

  7. 31 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:



    This film is not for the more modern brainwashed generations, the very ones who tend to see the world in back and white.

    These recent generations are almost incapable of seeing see their world in nuanced ways; this is due to their failure to read widely, presumably, and changing politics, and PC, and their hypocrisy.


    This is an important point, but one I view very different from you, my old cineaste friend.


    Ultimately, the young get to decide what staggers on into history. And it probably won't be Straw Dogs.


    It would be impossible to film a scene like the rape scene in that film today. The talent wouldn't do it and the wider audience wouldn't sit through it. A lot of stuff from that era just seems cruel for no purpose. The mindless harassment of HotLips Houlihan in MASH is another example. I laughed hard at it back then, now it's def cringeworthy.


    Changing tastes, changing morals should not be regarded as inferior; they are just a fact of life. Please get out of the way if you can't lend a hand, because The Times, They Are a Changing.


    The Wild Bunch derives heavily from the work and atmosphere of the great, great adventure writer, B.Traven. Like Cross of Iron (another under-rated book), Peckinpah was generally only as good as his source material. The book that Straw Dogs was based on was very thin, . the film is much better.


    The drunken, mysogenist genius was trope of our era that is fading fast. See also: Henry Miller, Charles Bukowski, Jack Kerouac, Norman Mailer.


    The  cultural context moves on, and then soon after, the art born out of that context disappears.













    31 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:


    Here is a little news story I found in Cornwall-LIVE....

    Very nice, I think...




    Each to his own, but this film is far more memorable than any of Peckinpaugh's other films.

    It's above the rest.

    The Wild Bunch is a thing of the past, and no longer that interesting (at least to me).....


    Just an opinion and a feeling, and...I am probably mistaken, as usual.








  8. 10 minutes ago, impulse said:


    Absence does make the heart grow fonder.  








    Esther Perel wrote a good relationship book called Mating In Captivity, about how over-familiarity kills the erotic spark for long term couples. I agree. I don't communicate with her for 7-9 hours at a time. It's like being in a pre-Iphone relationship.


    When she "comes over" to my space, it's assumed that some kind of romance-stuff is probably going to be in the mix. It may be heavy, it may just be resting together on the bed.


    A little distance lets a little demand pent itself up. If she's not feeling it, she might invite me over to her place instead. So far that hasn't happened. We read each other pretty well. She likes that me-invites aren't every day.


    Dave Chappelle said that if he saw a woman taking a poop, he sort of had to be done with her. I can see his point a bit. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. 31 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:


    What if he or she decides that someone else shares their bed.



    Life is indeed full of surprises, but if she's got to work on it a bit getting to a four, interest-wise, for me, her chances of her looking for a little strange are less likely than her being hit by a comet.


    The Thai Man -like for most white women, not much interest.


    The typical expat guy here: She loves to hear their tales, but those tales typically disqualify them from nudity consideration.

  10. On 4/18/2024 at 6:33 AM, Denim said:



    I stayed at a 2 bedroomed cottage in Port Merion

    Me too. The set of The Prisoner was tiny, but properly weird. A lot of stores selling victorian-style dishes in a style that Fornesecca clearly borrowed from. I have English relatives still in Pompton Fryth. And yeah, they're still a bit of outcasts even after half a century there.


    For me, The Prisoner was the first intellectual English thing that I ever enjoyed (early teens). Without it, I would not have gotten into Harold Pinter or Martin Amis. No one does alienated detachment like the brits. That flavor goes all the way to Oasis for me.


    Must part company on Straw Dogs. It has not aged well. The Susan George character is a mysogenistic male fantasy: the feral child-woman. Dustin Hoffman goes from nerd to psycho-killer a little too easily to be believed. Actually, no character at all in that film remotely makes sense.


    Peckinpah was better when his films were male-bonding epic poems like the genius-laden Wild Bunch. Again, only Madonna's and whores need apply for female representation. The Iron Cross was another great one in that vein.

    • Agree 1
  11. 3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    If nothing else, this thread is an example of why anti Trumpers have no sense of humour.

    I'll bite. WHY do anti-trumpets have no sense of humor? Does liberalism kill their souls?  Or was my joke just not up to snuff?


    "Orange Man Bad" -over and over again. Where is the pro-Trump humor? Can you cite a single example?

    • Thumbs Up 2
  12. 15 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    I've found generally men are less 'users' than women.





    Tales of HomePro blind-hoping:


    When I lived in Bible-land, USA, During the tortuous courting of some godly fattie, guys would be expected to do stuff like change the oil in their car, or cut down trees. This, for someone they barely knew. They were trying to show their Christian Leadership bona fides, but I believe the correct description would be: Chump.


    My wife's ex-husband went over to "help" paint a hottie's den, only to find himself painting alone after she painted about a foot and a half of trim and wandered off to text to her friends. Another friend of mine drove a minor rock singer around town and painted her toe nails. And he wasn't even a fetishist, which I could totally respect. He was just a chump.


    I recall a Youtube where a cute woman went on Facebook (or whatever it was) and said she needed her car dug out from the snow after a blizzard. She got multiple offers, and one lucky chump showed up and did it for her. Fair play tho, she did provide him with a coffee from the gas station and a donut. When he was done. Hug? No.


    Meanwhile, plenty of tik toks about women going to a HomePro in search of a REAL man, only to whimsically come up empty. There is this believe that men are just hanging around like noble knights, looking for a M'Lady to serve.


    I have a female friend who complained that no man was leaping up from his airplane seat to help her put her carry-on in the overhead compartment. What kind of infant can't do this? What was in her carry-on, an anvil?


    It's completely acceptable to view men as drone-utilities. A lot of blather on Reddit about "high value men".


    It's not OK to view women as sex-givers.  But sometimes, f they didn't have sex to offer, they'd have nothing. 

    • Sad 2
  13. On 4/16/2024 at 4:01 PM, Drumbuie said:

    hormonal, Lynx-drenched teen boys. .


    Lynx-drenched; Englishness giveaway or what? It took over the crown from Jovan, Musk for Men.


    I like that passive aggressive saddo going "Lynch-drenched? Wha? I.....I donnnn' unnnerstan....?"  Like he couldn't just get it from the context. Just another leg-humping dimwit dinosaur.


    My American wife looks in here a bit. She too is a ThaiBeachLover/BritManToo fan. She's met someone from here, and hopes to someday shake the hand of StickyRiceBall, assuming it's not sticky at the time.


    Mostly, she thinks of it as a Boomer toilet swirl. Testosterone fading into the sunset, is how she put it. 

    • Sad 2
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