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Everything posted by Prubangboy

  1. A poly person in a happy poly relationship is even more diff from this guy than I am. You're living the dream of millions. How common is your situation here?
  2. Stay on a soi off of Suk Road, eat in a bunch of good restaurants near it. If I go to BKK and don't get in a cab more than twice, that's a great trip.
  3. Yeah, due to my nutty relative (gotta be discrete with the relative-dodge), it was a truly hilarious rabbit hole to fall down. I def googled and snarked on all of the daddies. 2 got in, 4 got rinsed, including Mr Fendi purse (since divorced from his home-schooling, lord-lovin' wife). I had a female friend who was a size larger than Jabba The Hut. She went on an adultery site with real pics. She got a hundred hits a day. Someone took her to Paris. No joke, he paid for 2 seats for her. That's what you're up against. That you caved in 20 hours from "I want a dewey debutante" to "Crack Ho at a Karaoke Bar?, Tell me more" means that I seriously hope you will continue to reach out to us here.
  4. On the sugar dating website I saw my relative on, about 50% of the women were saying they only wanted platonic. Then there would be dozens of topics on the forum about, "why is my platonic ad getting no hits?". Often from really unattractive women. They saw themselves as Arm Candy. Men saw them as "Had Too Much Candy Already".
  5. Agreed, as a boomer, the young hate me for being boring, lecturing, and rightfully hating Rap. Fascism? It never gets that intellectual.
  6. He's not ALLOWED to say where he's going, this may well be a witness protection scenario. When pressed, he said: Lol.
  7. I feel like those luggage tags are absolutely begging airport staff to manhandle my bags at Don Mueng.
  8. Yeah, but you SOUND English. You have to live with that. Lol.
  9. Well, considering all of the English who'd love to live somewhere else but shot themselves in the foot with Brexit, the concept of "can't be too bad" demands a recount.
  10. Soon you'll be paying $6 for orange juice again. And taking out a loan to pay for a cab ride. How f up is that?
  11. -But 4 more just got off the plane.
  12. Back to England then? 'Hope at least it aint up Norf.
  13. ....So you're still wailing about the most minor of disses from 4-8 years ago? And someone ELSE is a grumpy old man? Like your posts, but why not just eff off and be done with it? What gives with the drama queen flounce?
  14. I'd go more with driven mad by a dead marriage. And now blindly, crazily hoping for an unstable third party to make you right. Let's review: -can't look on the internet -hopefully nixed the library-approach idea -don't have endless hours to hang out in coffee bars on an off chance -don't have a lot of money, nor exactly a winning personality. Luckily, there is a poster here who pops over to Thailand regularly, rents a motorcycle, and on the sheer verve of his personality, gets many women to drop what they're doing, hop on the back of his bike, AND then sexually satisfy him for his trip duration, in exchange for a few meals and the odd non-chain shop coffee, size small. Find him here, study at his feet. He's already living your dream.
  15. I think happily back on the various no-hopers who dreamed of mentoring my BPD relative in return for kinky sex. One was a Christian minister who had a Christian big band. I followed his Youtube channel, the only one I ever subscribed to. He told movingly about how his kid had given up the pittance she saved for a bike to support the Christian big band. And the kid was showing off a new Fendi bag a week later. Sad ending: She blackmailed him, took $5k off of him. To my great regret, afterwards the Christian big band soon broke up. Did he ever even get in? No.
  16. This one hour/sex thing seems to be the major sticking point, now that my soup with hookers gambit has been airily waved away. How much time do you want to spend with this person? What non-sex activities do you seek? Why, rationally-speaking would they want to do them with you? Do you see yourself perhaps releasing doves from a cage at a temple? Because I want you to have very special moments like that. What else in on the good times agenda that doesn't involve condoms?
  17. I am trying to book Bhutan and everyone is still quoting $200. When I ask why, they don't answer.
  18. What about going to the same hooker several times, or even regularly on an on-going basis? You know, getting to know her, taking her out for big bowls of soup like they like? Pros: Easy to implement, they're mostly nice people, soup is cheap. Cons: They are flat out hookers, not grey area hookers like you prefer.
  19. You always hear about 'Islam, but wha' about 'er lamb? (Bernard Manning was a comedy god).
  20. -And yet, and yet, hanging around in coffee shops, disco's and approaching little hotties at the mall can some how be done invisibly? The best trolls on this thread were the wits who urged you to skulk around in college libraries: "Mistah, why you no can find book"? Are you in a dead bedroom situation? My sympathy, been there, done that. But many are as well, and are seeking your kind of relationship. I don't think the sugar lifestyle forum is wrong; it exactly replicates the ups and downs of these relationships as I observed them with my relative and her friends. You sound like my friend who was trapped in a bad marriage and wanted a long-term female hook up. I said, "walk me through this, who is this woman who's attractive and sexual, but finds married-you to be her best option out of many?" He said: "Maybe someone who's husband is dying of cancer". I said; "God just did not make enough of them to go around. And a lot of them will be fatties. Plus, a lot mopey whining about the cancer". His plan made more sense than your's. Who is this woman who wants to sit on your old (but fit) face, when so many other better and less complicated faces beckon? What's your monthly budget for said face-sitting?
  21. It's hilarious that he don't use the brains that God gave him and just go to an internet Sugar dating site. But noooo, he wants to meet his little nymph in the wild, at a coffee bar perhaps. Why won't anyone tell him where this magic coffee bar is? He's asking outright: where is the coffee bar? Is this moribund website only fit for dentist recco's and solar panel discussions? He looks late 30's and is fit. He's done his part . The women are waiting. At the coffee bar. Why won't you c-blockers tell him where it is?
  22. Think about Pot Bars. These are venues where the old, the young, and the implausible 'I look late-30' and fit"-types commingle freely, hopefully non-creepily. I have seen it happen. But you have to love smoking a lot of pot. And buying a lot of pot that you'll see young Thai guys sucking down too. You might come up empty. That's why loving smoking a lot of pot is essential to this plan.
  23. The only really funny Buddhist joke: Wherever you go, there you are. Re-invent away, it's still crazy old you.
  24. The Chiang Mai one above is well-regarded. They have a 2 day package with river rafting and wearing hill tribe clothes for a cooking class, so a total all-rounder. 2 rave reviews from people who did it. I'd rather poke my own eye with a stick. This topic is beaten to death on other forums, so do a search.
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