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Everything posted by parallelman

  1. Whatever Trump (or Biden) might be, they are good for ramping up the number of pages on forums. 'Trump stands for [whatever you like]' 'Biden stands for...' Biden needs help in standing.? Just a walk on the bright side.
  2. My condolences and I hope the injured recover. One shakes one's head in sorrow...words just don't seem enough.
  3. 'Not enough people having accidents on the roads...let's 'up it' and see if we can break previous records.'
  4. How much angry...enough to kill the neighbour?
  5. You don't have to get involved with any 'spirit' but your own. Try soft Tai Chi, learn the slow movements that will enable calm and a clear head as well as improving your general well being. There is also some meditation where you will be helped to look deep into your self and clear the 'cobwebs' away, so to speak. Depends on the school of course, but animals generally represent different attributes. the movement of stroking the horse's mane for calm and slowly pushing the mischievous monkey (representing ego, stress and the like). The advantage here is that you can do it by yourself anytime anywhere.
  6. My thoughts too...10 cm long, that's nasty. Probably a few injections/pills to avoid infections.
  7. I was originally on married extension but when I changed to retirement it was a lot less paperwork and no photos in this or that room. Unfortunately, a couple years after I got divorced but that did not affect the yearly extension. On a marriage extension then divorce what happens? I assume one has to change.
  8. I thought Russia (USSR) was anti-homosexual from way back, 'golden boys' to Siberia etc. I guess just ruling on LBGT is an extension or update. No surprises though.
  9. Actually my reference was to try and balance the equation...Oh well
  10. Not according to 'Diversity is NOT a Strength. It WEAKENS Society, Research Clearly Shows' Rafe Heydel-Mankoo on youtube.
  11. Why all the political anti? Whether it's Biden, Trump or any other 'super-duper-cooperman' there is no handling of the Middle East, period. There might a quiet here and there, then it all flares up again.
  12. Well it hasn't worried the Chinese beggars...anyone know if they were mentioned in the movie?
  13. Well maybe the crystal ball these guys have can tell other things too. It isn't only 'pandemic' issues that are important. Unless these experts have 'seen' the end to the Ukraine/Russia situation, that of the Middle East and the present world economical downtrend then I don't think anyone is counting on so called pre-pandemic levels returning next year. Britain could find themselves in military conflict with the New Argentinian Gov. over the Falkland/Malvinas Islands further stretching its already economy problems and hence reflect on tourism. The EU has its own problems too, finance-wise. and if the present health problems in China further decrease their population then that will reflect on Chinese tourists coming to Thailand. And if China invades Taiwan...Global Warming anyone? Gee, I must be having a bad day.
  14. I always thought that the DLT office was nationwide providing one had proof of address.
  15. A few minutes ago I read this from an article in The Conversation. But as C Raina MacIntyre and her colleagues from UNSW Sydney explain, this isn’t cause for alarm. Rather than a single unknown pathogen, the outbreak appears to be due to a number of known respiratory pathogens, including the bacteria mycoplasma, RSV, influenza and adenovirus. Although there is no indication that the current situation in China is a new pandemic, we should always pay attention to, and work to identify, undiagnosed pneumonia clusters. According to MacIntyre and her team, early warning systems give us the best chance of preventing the next pandemic. Phoebe Roth Deputy Health Editor, Melbourne But I bet some of the media will run this like it's the end of humankind...again.
  16. What can I say that has not been said already. Mass murder as far as I'm concerned. Perhaps someone might correct me on this but terrorists in the south of Thailand don't achieve that level. My condolences to the families of the victims.
  17. Surprise visit? Might be for the locals but probably planned a while back. Looking for those '...lost drunken men who no longer care where they find themselves each morning' (Han, Enter the Dragon)
  18. Just let the beggars in and demand will shoot up
  19. Sad. I know a couple of shop proprietors that have got a problems similar to this. Some time ago I saw two guys coming out of one shop, one was tall and well-built who shouted something about '...พร่งนี้...' ('...tomorrow...) and waving something in his hand (couldn't see what it was). They both got on a large m/b and sped off.
  20. Pray tell, why this is on the forum...sounds like the OP is on an ego trip.
  21. The Thai Gov. would have to deny it anyway because if Hamas thought it might true, that would make more difficult for Thai hostages.
  22. Maybe she was expecting to play Scrabble.
  23. Hey not so quick. He might end up being an hostage and then use his military knowledge to perform 'a great escape'
  24. Oh, come on chaps...why stop there. Just make it all provinces 24/7...but you have to recruit more police.
  25. The only thing that surprises me is that the foreigner didn't get the blame...
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