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Everything posted by parallelman

  1. I doubt that Pres. Trump could achieve Dictator status.He would need the the whole of the military behind him as well as the SS, FBI etc. and he hasn't got that. In addition the Senate and the House would probably arrange his removal and imprisonment by some political method. If he was much younger then he might have time to build up domestic allies but I think he is just too old to do that now. Let's hope the moderates on both sides are strong enough and can guide the US through this difficult time.
  2. I read yesterday, that 5 of 6 thrusters were now operational along with a back up procedure should the 6th fail. Apparently the Helium leaks need more attention.
  3. I think people are being too dramatic over the issue. Surely if any US president did try to assassinate his opponents his own party might have a lot to say about it. And the same with the voters. I cannot imagine all voters are agreeable to assassination because they know it is not answer. Any president who has the backing of his voters, government representatives and the military to assassinate at will, know that the democracy has failed. The party that does proceed with assassination would then be known as the 'assassination party' or something similar, and I don't think the ordinary voter in the street would want that label. In my opinion, if Fmr. Pres. Trump was reelected and tried it, he would lose a lot of voters and no doubt the Republican party want to distant themselves by impeaching him. Also, imho, the moderate left would feel the same if Pres. Biden agreed to such as action. If am wrong and all democratic voters want Fmr. Pres. Trump dead (and vice versa) then the USA is a nation sinking fast into barbarism. Assassination is just another word for murder.
  4. No what you said is that you want 4 more in the SC and all liberal. You want to change from 9 to 13 but I did not make any remarks regarding your political opinion...maybe you have some affinity for the number 13 but not 9. Is it that 13 is a prime and 9 isn't?
  5. All you are saying is that you want the majority to be liberals and not conservative.
  6. I was not commenting on any persons involved but the official standard procedure. Aren't 'cabinet meetings' recorded? I thought such things were standard procedure. Isn't it the case that committees often want to see the records of this & that and to find out who said what, who voted against etc.
  7. Not quite how I read this SC decision. Wouldn't 'official acts' have to be duly noted, discussed with relevant personnel, recorded in the official / executive records etc.? That is to say in an extreme case scenario, that any president wanting to assassinate anyone the action would have to be discussed and recorded as an official pert of the president's daily/weekly routine. If the official procedure is not followed then the act would then be 'unofficial' and thereby open to prosecution. For example, I am sure the 'assassination' of terrorists leaders would be discussed by the president with the appropriate military dept. and recorded. In the case of eliminating one's political opponents I don't think a leader in any country would want it officially known.
  8. Give credit where it's due...at least the packages were secured...😀
  9. I don't condone what she advocates on such a sensitive issue but, I mean. at 94 it's probably the only excitement she'll get.
  10. Geez, how can such a small country have such gigantic problems? @#$%^& politicians.
  11. I think what Chris Cuomo said to his two companions when analysing the debate, was probably what a lot of Democrats were thinking; 'If you two were those in the debate you'd both be out of of job right now' (or words to that effect.) Joy Reid spoke of Pres. Biden not delivering the confidence that Democrats wanted to see and that, in fact, '...he did the opposite...' She also said that the Democrat campaign members where she was were '...approaching panic...' Maybe if Pr. JB steps down Fr.Pr. Trump will too and make way for some younger challengers.
  12. Well, if Thaksin does get elevated, those people might get the opportunity to complain again.
  13. It looks like most of the spray went into the atmosphere...really good for the local environment...
  14. Sounds like a revamp of the 'flower power' days. At least they had a Scott McKenzie song to help swing along...don't hear same from today's lot.
  15. I think the Chinese want a Moon Military mission asap.
  16. Another smack in the face Buddha's teachings..though I suppose a small shrine will be built on the properties which monks can regularly visit.
  17. I feel sure that other members here would have watched THT yesterday. He also mentioned that later this year the list of Visa types were going to be shortened but there were no precise details. Wonder what that will mean?
  18. In my opinion, the whole situation has been hijacked. Heterosexuals don't usually go around waving and shouting about their preferences and there are gay people and bisexuals who feel the same. They would prefer to keep their sexual side of life just as private. I have met a few during my life and in the main they were just people trying to have a decent life like anyone else. However, there were some who were ambitious and jealous of others who had attained positions through study and hard work. The 'bad apples' decided to get together and launch campaigns and demanded that certain days of the week some general meeting venues (such as sports meetings, public swimming pools) should be 'gay' only. And so it went on from there. But the sad part was that those who had worked hard for a living got persecuted from both sides. Today, of course, there is social media, internet etc. where activists know they will get coverage quickly and worldwide. The primitive nature of human beings bursts out uncontrolled and when that happens chaos is the result
  19. Is 'give us a break' on your list?
  20. Well I have to admit that I don't understand why people want to use marijuana for recreational purposes in the first place. The food that we need to eat has this and that added to it which can harm us in one way or another yet people want to voluntarily ingest extra substances that could/can increase the risk of having health issues.
  21. Thank you. Not the first time I have made that typo.
  22. Paul Anka wrote the song.
  23. 'I did it my way', Paul Anka comes to mind.
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