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The Cyclist

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Everything posted by The Cyclist

  1. I think that is reserved for the illegal immigrants and they do not have much effect on house prices either. This is what puts pressure on everything, and provides the supply and demand that drives up house prices. https://www.statista.com/statistics/283287/net-migration-figures-of-the-united-kingdom-y-on-y/
  2. Not a Police matter. Think Horizon Inquiry. Judge led, barristers and KC's, compelled to attend, Jail time for the guilty. Swore in under Oath, with a quick warning that silence will be construed as guilt. Get them wriggling and panicking right from the off. It would take them long to start singing their black hearts out and pointing fingers.
  3. Yes, see Section 40, Para ( 1 ) where it says Pensions. The various pensions mentioned in DTA' will 1. exempt your pension from Thai taxation.This does not exempt said pensions to filing, if you are a thai tax resident, it means they are exempt from thai tax. 2. TEDA's may mean that your pension is below the threshold for paying tax. 3. A combination of TEDA's and Tax credits, may also mean that you have no income tax to pay So Assessable income is Pensions ( As Per Section 40, Para 1 ) of the RD and the threshold for tax filing is above the 120k / 220k Baht a year. Others are free to cherry pick between the revenue Code and DTA's to come up with answer that suits them
  4. The recommendations from the previous inquiry should be implemented tout suite. A second Royal Commission / Statutory Inquiry should also be set up tout suite, to identify, every single person, dead or alive, that turned a blind eye, was involved in a cover up, or in a position of authority and sat back and did nothing, with the remit of bringing them to Justice. Labour will go to any length to try and block such a Commission / Inquiry, because to many Labourites from local authorities, right up to members of the current Government are neck deep in it. Including Keir ( Nothing came across my desk ) Starmer.
  5. Odd, 13 years my pension has been paid direct to Thailand and never filed a tax return, or even considered filing a tax return. Neither have I ever heard of a retiree expat filing a tax return over the last 15 years or so. Previously nobody gave a sh*t. That is changing. What has changed, for me anyway, and probably most others is the push on the 180 day tax residency.
  6. What has CRS got to do with Or are you trying to deny that is what the Revenue code states ? You can read and comprehend the above paragraph on assessable income, yes ? You can see the word Pension that I have put in bold, yes ? So pensions are in fact assessable income that should be tax filed if they exceed 120k / 220k Baht a year, and you are a tax resident of Thailand. Thai taxation with regards to those Pension payments follows 2 paths. 1. Exempt Taxation, by dint of a DTA. 2. Taxable, or below taxation levels by dint of TEDA's and Tax credits. You don't get to pick the parts from the Revenue Code and DTA's that you think best suit your own personal circumstances, on getting around paying tax.
  7. I have a cunning plan Offshore the prisons to Nigeria 😀😀
  8. 😂😂😂 This is the bit, where the current Government, finds out what it is like to be on the wrong side of Lawfare. Karma, as they say, really will be a bitch.
  9. I had a mate that was in the prison Service in the late 90's. He said it was great job, his rota meant that he had 4 days on and 4 days working his landscape gardening business. His prison service mate had a taxi. Sometime after that they changed his terms and conditions and he went full time on his Landscape Gardening business. I think like most jobs of that ilk, Prison, Police, terms and conditions have been eroded to such an extent, that it is just not worth it.
  10. Since when did Governments build houses ? Do you mean Local authorities / councils ? Like these It's from that well known Right Wing Rag, AKA the Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/society/2025/jan/19/quarter-of-english-councils-may-have-to-sell-homes-to-balance-books-study-finds How is that 1.5 million new homes promise going ? Have we been building the 850 a day needed to meet the target, or are we already 7 months behind schedule ?
  11. Try looking at it this way How many foreigners going back decades have never filed a Thai tax return, even though it is possible that they had income that should have been taxed. I got the same story when I first came here over 15 years ago. No work in Thailand, no pay taxes. Done and dusted. The World has moved on and what happened in the past is no indication of what will happen in the future.
  12. Why would anyone be surprised ? Without a reporting and oversight mechanism, you have nothing. As anyone who has held a senior management position knows only too well. Easiest thing in the world, and kill multiple birds with one stone. Foreign tax residents file this form. * List Your income. * List your taxes paid elsewhere. * List any DTA that you wish to utilise. Why go to the hassle of changing PND 90 & 91, which is for employed people. When you can issue a separate form for foreign tax residents, who are not employed within Thailand. So simple, I would be amazed if the RD has not already thought of it.
  13. Nope, and if you go back here I also said that a blanket statement from the RD along the lines of " All pensions / income already taxed " will be exempt, is all that is needed to shut this crap up, which would have been in the Ocr - Dec 2023 period. The silence from the RD, tells me something different is about to land 😀😀
  14. Sure, that is perfectly feasible, but the point that many are refusing to see or believe, is that change is coming.
  15. I didn't mention a tax form in the that entire comment. I stated what the Revenue Code, Section 40 and Part ( 1 ) says I also mused, that if Pensions were not assessable income in Thailand, why are they even covered in DTA's, no need apparently, as Pensions are supposedly non assessable for tax purposes in Thailand. I have also said on numerous occasions, I will await the updated paperwork from the RD before I make a decision on whether to file or not. I have also said on numerous occasions, that I would not be surprised to see something like a PND 192 Foreign Income Form, make an appearance when the updated paperwork is issued and uploaded to the RD website. Well that would be fairly simple to explain. Things only changed as of the 01 Jan 2024, and will continue to evolve on an annual basis.
  16. Nothing. RD Code Section 40 : Assessable income RD Code Section 40 Part ( 1 ) States Pensions. Got that ? Do you need to go and read it for yourself ? Right, now that you agree. If Pensions were not assessable in Thailand for tax purposes. Why would you even put them in a DTA ? But we do know, that due to DTA's ( Not the Revenue Code ) that Pensions fall mainly into 2 Categories. 1 Pensions that are exempt Thai Taxation, and only taxable in issuing Country. 2. Pensions that are subject to Primary / Secondary taxation rights, which may be taxed in thailand. The Revenue Code states that pensions are assessable income DTA's dictate whether that Pension is taxable in Thailand. DTA's do not change the fact that according to Revenue Code, Section 40, Part ( 1 ) Pensions are assessable income. So if your remitted Pension is above the 120k / 220k baht filing threshold, you should be filing a tax return. What happened in the past, is no guarantee that the same will happen in the future.
  17. Sure, Section 40 says assessable income, Part ( 1 ) says Pensions Subject to Thai taxation. The Revenue Code was written in Gawd knows what year, but long before 1980. In the 80's along came DTA's ( International Agreements.) which detailed Pensions as 1. Only taxable in Source Country 2. Country A has primary or secondary taxation rights 3. Country B has primary or secondary taxation rights. And if some pensions are taxable, and some pensions are not taxable, ( Due to DTA's and not the Revenue Code ) then they would need to be declared on a tax filing to ensure that people were not lying about the source of their pension, and engaging in tax evasion. It's a straightforward concept. Thailand is changing, whether we like it or not, and the good old days of having it easy are fading fast.
  18. Was Charlie Mullins a non-domiciled tax dodger ? I think the above sentence would need clarification When I were lad, London Property prices were out of kilter with the rest of the Country, Rich people, including non-doms, in the main, do not price normal people out of the housing market. For normal people, the inflationary impact comes from too much immigration. Basic Supply and demand.
  19. I am unsure if you truly are stupid beyond imagination or you think you are being funny. Either way, this is what happens when the tax the rich mantra gets trotted out They bug out, taking their money with them, and idiots then scratch their heads in disbelief that the tax take shrinks and there is no money to spend on Public Services.
  20. Then you will have no dramas posting where it says they are non- assessable Don't confuse only taxable in XYZ, as being non assessable. Pensions according to the revenue code Section 40 Assessable income is income of the following categories You can see the word assessable ? You can see the word Pension ?
  21. Nope, I am awaiting the updated paperwork, that the RD said would be forthcoming. I have said it at least a dozen times, there must be a very good reason why the 2024 filing forms have not been uploaded here Seems strange that there is forms from 2017 - 23, yet no forms for 2024. https://www.rd.go.th/english/65308.html I have also said on numerous occasions, I would not be surprised to see something like PND 92 Foreign Income Making an appearance, speculation of course, but not beyond the realms of possibility Actually it makes sense, rather than change the current PND 90 / 91.
  22. Perhaps you could show your workings from the Revenue Code or a DTA that backs up point 4.
  23. That was the only question I had last year. Not through the Forum I got an answer that I thought was correct. Not taxable in Thailand, no need to file. I have changed my mind on this, and believe that Pensions ( at least ) will have to be filed. Other incomes I have avoided as they do not concern me.
  24. What part of this are you having difficulty in understanding ? Section 40 Assessable income is income of the following categories 1. Tax Resident - Check. 2. Remit a Pension - Check 3. File tax return - Check There is no Assessable or Exempt contained in DTA's, they detail primary and secondary taxing rights. But they do in the Revenue Code. Which has been pointed out to you on numerous occasions.
  25. I'm not in any rush, I am close to the small RD Office, probably 3 times a week, and there is still plenty of tome for the updated paperwork to appear and go and file, or not bother, as the case me be. All my paperwork is already filed in an A4 envelope, it will either get filed in a drawer at home, or transferred onto official paperwork and handed in to the RD office. Couldn't really care either way. Whichever way I go, they wont be getting any tax off me 😀😀
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