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The Cyclist

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Everything posted by The Cyclist

  1. I posted a draft copy she pencilled in for me. But I have not filed yet and I am awaiting the updated paperwork, that is meant to be coming.
  2. Shift change ? You should have checked what your predecessor posted before rattling the keyboard What is the good news for the UK in the FTSE 100 hitting a record high. When the index that matters for the UK is the FTSE 250 Get a grip of your handler, his / her handover briefings are a shambles.
  3. In fairness, it's a bit of both. The Government cannot solve the UK's economic woes, it can put in place policies to drive growth, and take steps to get a great big grip on Public Finances. The problem that no Government wants to face, is that great big grip is not going to be pretty, it is not going to be nice and it is not going to be a vote winner, in the short term. So the answer is kick the can down road and tread water, or slowly decline, whilst shouting soundbites. Because they are unwilling to deal with the above, they cannot cut taxes to help deliver growth. They, Both Labour and the Tories have created a self licking lollipop of managed decline, because non of them want to make / take the decisions that are actually needed.
  4. This is my understanding POR 161 / 162 is an Interdepartmental memorandum. Royal Decree for LTR Visa, I have no idea. DTA's are International Agreements. rather than Ministerial Regulations. I already covered Pensions when I wrote Which is probably why the girl at the RD told me I had to file my UK Government Pension, even though it is only taxable in the UK.
  5. Given that you did not know the difference between the FTSE 100 and the FTSE 250 Here it is again How is that FTSE 250 over the last 6 months ? Keep swinging like a Friday night drunk.
  6. Thai Tax Attorney At around the 10 minute mark she lays out the criteria for filing. 1. In Thailand 180 days or over 2. Income earned and remitted in 2024 3. File a tax return. Section 40 ( 1 ) says : Assessable income is income of the following categories That reads to me that if you remit a Pension in 2024 then you need to file a tax return. A DTA will then determine if Thailand has any taxation rights. TEDA's and Pension Credits will determine whether you actually have any tax to pay. You will need to watch the whole video to see what it says about other types of income.
  7. Well, here is Cardens response Whatever the issue is between them, I do not know. But the female Thai Tax person is quite specific at around the 10 minute mark, with the 3 levels 1. In Thailand for 180 days or more. 2. Remit income in 2024, which was earned in 2024, 3. File a tax return. Section 40 ( 1 ) says : Assessable income is income of the following categories That seems quite clear to me. Pensions need to be filed. DTA's will then determine whether they are subject to Thai Tax or only taxable in home Country. TEDA's and pension Credits will determine whether you have any tax to pay. Peeps will need to watch the rest of the video to see what it says about other types of income.
  8. A Chief Political Commentator's take on it Andrew Rawnsley is the Chief Political Commentator of the Observer https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2025/jan/19/keir-starmer-rachel-reeves-economy
  9. I believe that that the did in the Past, then the locals got a bit antsy and demanded independence. And Zimbabwe went from the bread basket of Africa, to the Basket Case of Africa, as but one example. But I dont really expect you to know any of that, so lets get back to the thread. FTSE 250 Not the FTSE 100 Chomper, the FTSE 250 for the UK. How is that doing over the last 6 months ? Does pretty flat, with a downward trend ( About 500 points ) sound about right to you ? Come back when you have half a clue about what you are trying to talk about.
  10. I thought everyone with a UK Government Pension knew the significance of Septembers reading, and Liz Truss doesn't come into it.
  11. Sure she has, because the wealth creators are fleeing the UK Is this your definition of " Good News " That would be mentalism at its finest. Own it.
  12. So it shot up from 2% in June to 2.7% under Labour, but a reduction to 2.5% is apparently something to crow about. Do you know why it dropped suddenly to 1.7% in September ?
  13. International Companies Chomper, International Companies. FTSE 250 is where its at at for a better overview of the UK. Try getting the basics correct.
  14. It took you an hour to come up with that ? If its all a lie, wealth has never trickled down and never will do, square this circle for me How can you reverse something that is a lie, does not exist and never has existed ? Stiff talking needed with your handler, as clueless as you.
  15. In 2024, were May and June figures not 2%, Septembers figure being 1.7%, yet according to the above, Inflation has moderated and declined to 2.5% Amazing Which will get slashed when Q1 figures are released. Borrowing will rise, to compensate for the loss of the millionaires fleeing the UK, the tax take weakens, unemployment starts to rise. Government bonds / Gilt prices will shoot through the roof as Government desperation sets in. Then the IMF will be called in.
  16. Here is the next allegations and resignation 😀😀 * 2 Cabinet ministers gone * The AG neck deep in scandal * The Chancellor hanging on by her knicker elastic. * The Runcorn thug to be sentenced on 24 Feb. * Ricky " Cut their throats " Jones up in Court on the 20 Jan. If it wasn't so serious, it would be laughable.
  17. If she doesn't pull her head out of knickers PDQ, we wont have to worry about trickle down economics. There will be nothing to trickle down, it will all have got up and left. I don't think you have grasped the concept of trickle down economics and what is left if it is reversed. Of course, that would be a Socialist Utopia, everyone working for the State.
  18. I don't pay much attention to right wing press, you're all out of luck with that one. So what is she doing right ? Lets hear it from you, not right wing press, left wing press, or any other gutter press. Stick your neck out and tell the forum what you think she is getting right. Not convinced that the Times can be considered Right Wing, although I will accept it leans to the right of centre. Perhaps they are lying about this Another black hole for Rachel from Customer Complaints to moan about.
  19. Where is the Cavalry, with rallying cries of Reeves is doing a great job 😀😀 Conspicuous by their absence.
  20. Inquiry into Marsden Immigration Centre has now been upgraded to a full Statutory Inquiry. Illegal Channel hoppers getting, what raped and abused British Children cannot get. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2025/jan/18/home-office-upgrades-inquiry-into-kent-immigration-centre-after-legal-challenge Broken Britain at its finest. utterly goosed.
  21. Mr Hart's latest video Are the IRS Agents that he mentions, here at the invitation of the Thai Government ? I have no doubts that there is agents of the OECD here in Thailand, advising and directing at the top levels. But honestly folks, its all fake news, scaremongering, and people posting on forums, apparently pushing agendas, and nothing will be changing in Thailand.
  22. Bingo. and another thought before I head off to the Hospital. Did the New interpretation of the rules, the issuance of POR 161 / 162, not move Thailand to a defacto worldwide taxation policy, albiet, still with some exemptions?
  23. OK, lets try this. Taxing and Reporting / Declaring are 2 different things. I could report / declare my annual remittance into Thailand every year until the day I die, and not pay a penny in tax to Thailand. Does that help you understand the difference.
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