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The Cyclist

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Everything posted by The Cyclist

  1. Scuffles broke out already between the Police and the peaceful demonstrators trying to reach the Cenotaph. Let loose the snarling dogs.
  2. In some instances this will not work. It will not change some mindsets. I tried, alongside my other half, to get her brother to ditch the rice growing and move into something else. Going as far as offering to pay initial costs. Not a chance, rice it always has been and rice it always will be.
  3. Because the information has been posted in 2 threads on multiple occassions.
  4. This is probably the closest you will get https://www.superguide.com.au/retirement-planning/retiring-overseas-implications-super-tax Compared with 2.6 million pensioners in Australia
  5. As they are currently updating the tax filing paperwork to include a Section for income covered by a DTA. In my opinion, there will be an announcement that we will have to file a tax return, even if we owe nothing.
  6. What is the main reason for this change occuring on the 01 Jan 2024 ? It is to close a loophole that has allowed, mainly rich thais, to avoid paying taxes. It will not only be rich Thais that are using loopholes to avoid paying tax, but foreigners residing in Thailand also. From the 01 Jan they will now have the option of paying tax in their home Country or paying tax in Thailand. That is not to say what they were doing was illegal, but the loophole they were using is going to be closed.
  7. Why ? The forms for filing a tax return are available in both Thai and English. They are currently ammending the forms to include an extra Section to list income that is covered by a DTA. Where people might need the services of a tax consultant is if they are having difficulty with certain aspects of the income that they remit to Thailand. I'll leave you to work out what those difficulties might be.
  8. No idea who these people are, but they do seem to confirm something that I have said all along. Anyone from a Country with a DTA with Thailand will probably not be hit with Thai tax when they remit income from that Country if it has already been taxed in that Country. Worse case scenario, I might have to go and get a TIN and file an annual Nil return, with DTA covered income filled in on the addition to the form that the Thais are currently working on. Sounds like a lot of work, I might have to flee Thailand instead ( The last sentence is sarcasm, for those that currently have a broken sarcasm meter )
  9. Do you include the UK in ' Sophisticated Western Nations ' ? A Nation that does not have a clue who is actually in the Nation and has a massive Black Economy. Sure, if you are PAYE in the Uk, you probably pay the appropriate taxes, for anyone else it is a different story. Hardly a Nation to be held as a model of anything.
  10. How some of them can crawl out of their safe spaces and let go of their comfort blankets long enough to type unadulterated nonsense is beyond me.
  11. I asked you 3 days ago what facts that you know that have escaped other people ? The sound of silence from you was deafening. Yet you manage to come up with another comment that adds nothing to peoples understanding of the facts , certainly the facts that you appear to be aware of, but seem unwilling to share them. You carry on being a Doomer & Gloomer if that is what floats your boat.
  12. Perhaps it will be, I have no idea of the numbers involved. Neither will I have much sympathy for those involved.
  13. Yes It is amazing the different sources of information that are available, yet another day dawns and another round of the same absolute crap begins. Quite bizarre, how the same Doomers & Gloomers manage to miss all the information posted. See the headline and go into total meltdown, inventing scenarios that will make them flee Thailand Not only is it quite bizarre, it is hilarious.
  14. Must be fake noos, some moonhowler has already been shouting about auditing covering the past 10 years
  15. Why does filing a tax return concern you, if you are a tax Resident in Thailand ? I've never filed one, but have no issues filing one if it becomes necessary. It's not as if I am busting a gut a work and will struggle to find the time.
  16. AND anyone lodging a DTA exemption will probably have to do it in Thai and though a Thai certified accountant/lawyer. On the other thread, Someone very helpfully provided a link to the forms for submitting a tax return, Forms supplied in both English and Thai. That person also ( and I read it elsewhere ) that the RD is currently ammending the forms to include a Section where you declare income covered by a DTA. Therefore, should the need arise ( Awaiting clarification ) it will not be difficult to fill in the English version and have a Thai transcribe to the Thai version and deposit both versions with the RD.
  17. I suggest some people read this https://mahanakornpartners.com/the-revenue-department-closes-loopholes-tightening-tax-collection-on-foreign-income/ Here are the pertinent parts Why is Thailand doing ths The only Doomers & Gloomers that need to be concerned are the Doomers & Gloomers that have been flying below the radar and not paying the appropriate taxes.
  18. Is it beyond you to understand that what they might read and what they actually do might be 2 different things ? Which is why have to keep reminding you and others, wait for the details to come from the Thai Gov / RD. By the time I mature enough to claim the State Pension, the UK will have raised the age limit again, I will already be dead, or Thailand will have issued clear direction. So keep posting doom & gloom about the State Pension, I am not old enough to care about it, far less worry about it.
  19. Ah, someone stole your R
  20. 2 words Wait out ( For further clarification ) 2 words Most likely.
  21. Typo ?
  22. If Thailand is making changes on 01 Jan 2024 in order to Kinda blows your take on it right out the water. Just like most ( if not all ) the previous Doom & Gloom, across multiple threads, will be blown right out the water.
  23. I'll just leave this here https://mahanakornpartners.com/the-revenue-department-closes-loopholes-tightening-tax-collection-on-foreign-income/
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