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The Cyclist

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Everything posted by The Cyclist

  1. Speculation on your part. I bring in via 2 x pensions between baht 115k - 200k a month. No idea how much tax I will have to pay ( if any ) until the powers that be clarify things. So I wont be upping that to baht 2.odd million, I will be reducing it before the 01 Jan ( paperwork already done ) until such times as clarity is gained. Not really rocket science, with the added bous of not having to trawl the internet hunting for cheap travel or fretting about making plans that are a waste of time and effort until clarity is gained.
  2. Nah I was meaning the $$$ 7 digit income people who trawl sites like # cheapflights.com and slum it in cattle class trying to save a few $$$ in tax. Must be fahsands and fahsands of them🤣🤣
  3. Sure Do you really think $$$ 7 digit income people spend $5000 annually travelling to avoid a bit of a tax ? BKK - London 1st class return on Emirates is $5000 in itself, then add on the extras. Now, low $$$ double digit people I could understand slumming it to save a bit on tax.
  4. I think you will find it is pretty normal. I told you, in 15 years here, I have never had a bill less than 1000 Baht, except when I was offshore. Never use aircon during the day, an hour or so at night before hitting the sack in the hotter months. In the colder months none at all. The LHG's family home is the same, 4 hour drive, different Province, anywhere between 2500 - 3500 Baht a month, just the 2 oldies and no a/c whatsoever.
  5. No idea. And the condo block may have had its own tariff. I dont remember as it was about 15 years ago. Latest bill No real change to monthly usage. The spikes into the 700 units was due to visitors. I suspect anyone who is in a house with a 500 baht monthly leccy bill might just be getting skelped with a rather large bill at some stage.
  6. Vietnamese Dong ? Seriously ? US $ 5000 a year travelling. What are they travelling on, an elephant ? A good 2 week holiday including spending money will cost you close to $ 5000 for 2 people.
  7. Between pump to house I also installed a whole house RO filter. Wasn't cheap tho. Probably went overboard and still wouldn't drink the tap water.
  8. An empty condo does not need a/c and leccy was still around 800 baht a month. Fridge freezer left plugged in and probably left the balcony light on. You not have a fridge/freezer, washing machine, kettle / coffee machine / electric showers / fans, other electrical items ? Fair play to you if you built a tree-house and are happy.
  9. I think that when the muddy waters are cleared, there will be no difference between Malaysia and Thailand regarding the above. DTA Country and income taxed in that Country will not be subject to Thai tax.
  10. No idea, I thiought you would be able to tell me 😂😂 I have never had a leccy bill in the region of yours Except the months I was offshore and the condo was empty.
  11. Agreed Day to day windows and doors are always open, even when I go out. Somebody wants to come in to rob you they will do so, even if the windows and doors are locked.
  12. What can I say, other than I have never had an electric bill of less than 700 baht, even when I first came here and rented a condo on a year long lease, and that was nearly 15 years ago. I think the monthly bill back then when I was offshore was about 800 or 900 baht. I just checked my last bill and 200 baht alone was standing charge and VAT and I would think my monthly showers alone would cost more than another 200 baht. So whatever you are doing to have a monthly leccy bill of around 400 baht is good going 😀😀
  13. For sure, that is why I said each to their own. I am happy tinkering and if you keep on top of it, it really isn't a hardship. As for bigger bills, mine fluctuates being 2500 - 4000 a month across the year for a 3 bedroom house, which I don't deem to be expensive. I must be lucky, especially the week I went away and left the door unlocked 😀😀 Not much crime out this way, severe lack of people. Nothing wrong with that.
  14. You have my deepest sympathies 😀😀 On a serious note, each to their own, it just wouldn't be me. Hobbies, cycle rides, gym 3 times a week, visit places ( diesel / petrol is sooooo expensive here ) Just get off your backside and do something.
  15. So in effect it is your money being taxed, with the tax being deducted at source and paid on your behalf. I was really asking if this money is reclaimable if you are a non-dom for tax purposes. In the UK, there are ( or was ) 2 different types of non-dom status. Type 1. Basically no more than 90 days in the UK or overseas income becomes taxable in the UK. Any income derived in the UK is still subject to UK tax. Type 2. A fixed amount of tax ( based on various factors ) agreed by / with HMRC on overseas income and the 90 day in the UK rule does not apply. Ncome derived in the UK is still subject to normal UK taxation. That is the basics, unless you can afford £5000 an hour tax magicians.
  16. No dog in this fight between 2 Aussies, but does the above not contradict the following ? Taxes are still being paid. Or is that tax reclaimable if you have Aussie non-dom status ?
  17. I dont think I would last a week in a ' Studio ' so fair play to the guy lasting a year. Not really sure how one becomes bored in Thailand, unless you cannot make the effort to get off your ( deleted ) and go do things.
  18. Another fun thread 😀😀 Lets add to the hilarity and add In addition, the following penalties will also apply * 200 years in the Bangkok Hilton If you survive that * 200 years hard labour in rice paddies of your choice. Should you miraculously survive that. * Automatic deportation and a 200 year ban from entering Thailand Or you could ignore the doom & gloom and await Official clarification before making plans to sign up for the Pattaya balcony diving club.
  19. Perhaps the OP has a hairy face and has no need for such items As for shaving in Thailand. Face soaped up with Dettol soap at around Baht 30 a bar Face scrapped with Gillette Blue 3 Comfort at less than Baht 150. You couldn' heat the water for a months shaving in the UK for the equivalent of Baht 180.
  20. In all my travels around the globe, the only everyday items I have carried are a toothbrush and toothpaste, soap and deoderant ( Travelling essentials ) Everything else you can get elsewhere, usually cheaper than the UK. Its not called rip off Britain for nothing.
  21. Thanks, I had no idea as I have never looked into in Thailand
  22. Sorry, no recommendations for Thailand, but they must be available. Try asking at the bank you normally bank at. Personally, I have this setup through a UK Company and I use them as I was more than happy with the 15 plan they had provided for me previously. Currently, 7 years into a 15 year plan that should set the LHG up nicely when I fall off the perch.
  23. Because the thread headline says So feathers got ruffled and knickers got twisted into all sorts of tangents because people read the headline and got more excited than a big bag of excitable things..
  24. Stick the cash into a high interest fund, to be converted to a lifetime annuity for your wife after 5 years or upon your death. Monthly income for life, no large cash windfall for others to get their claws into, or fight over.
  25. In the UK it is provided by way of an annual P60, which shows the amount of earnings and the amount of tax paid. Certainly for income through employment and pensions. 2 x Pensions ( different providers ) 2 x P 60's.
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