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The Cyclist

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Everything posted by The Cyclist

  1. Agreed as both those sources are covered by DTA's I have stopped 1 source of income as I am not convinced it is covered by a DTA ( Private pension ) working on the assumption that it is better to be safe than sorry, and end up double taxed. My Government Pension will continue as normal, directly remitted to Thailand ( Covered by DTA ) Other than that, I can see absolutely no reason to be getting excited at this point in time. Still have the 1st 5 months of 2024 to await clarification and decide if a course of action is neccessary.
  2. Limit or cease to remit into Thailand after the 01 Jan and wait until the muddy waters clear.
  3. I'm sure that people in Thailand who the above applies to will take note and act accordingly. It is of no concern to those that it does not apply to.
  4. Hate to be the bearer of bad news. But a DTA will not cover as you are not paying tax in another Country. This is exactly what is getting closed down and not just in Thailand.
  5. The only people who are preaching are the doom - Mongers. Assessable income, as per the new rules starting on 01 Jan 2024 appear to be * Earnings from occupation * Earnings from Business, * Wealth located abroad Remitted to Thailand. Not a single mention of DTA's that cover other sources of income. The doom-mongers have managed to extrapolate the above into immigration, fines at the airport and all manner of crap. Assess the facts - Formulate a plan - Enact the plan. There is no planning to be done ( as yet ) on the crap that has came out of the initial RD order or the piles of horse manure spouted by various doom - mongers Jesus H Christ, some people need to get a grip of their Y - Fronts.
  6. I would have thought it would be far more sensible to await further clarification from the RD before getting too excited about what they might, or might not do. I might get hit on the head tomorrow by a stray golf ball and killed, should I cancel the round of golf ? Or perhaps get smashed into by a lunatic driver on the way to the golf course, perhaps I should just stay and bed and ruin my life by worrying about things that might, or might not happen.
  7. That will depend on where that 65k comes from and if it is covered by a DTA. Someone above posted that this amount would incur Thai Tax of around Baht 10k a year. As yet, nothing has been confirmed and people will pay different amounts of tax depending on their personal circumstances.
  8. What is worrying about it ? That newsletter refers specifically to " Taxation on Foreign Dividends " Tax paid in another Country will be offset against any tax liability in Thailand. Part 3, sub section B. That newsletter really only affects people who might be transferring Dividends into Thailand and not paying the appropriate taxes where they should be paying them. If you are paying the appropriate taxes the "Meh"
  9. Indeed
  10. That comment Sir, whilst bang on the money, will give the doom-mongers heart palpitations.
  11. I'll just leave this here. The doom-mongers appear to have either missed it, or couldn't understand it. Keep up the doom-mongering. How some of you manage to let go of your comfort blanket long enough to type on a keyboard is one of lifes great mysteries.
  12. Another wild @$$ assumption you got wrong. Who tries to make friends with anonymous internet pixels ? I'm still waiting on your expert* opinion on how I have misunderstood the UK / Thai DTA with regards to my 2 pensions. As you appear to be avoiding the issue like the plague, I will deduce that you are not an expert and have nothing better to do than post hundreds of posts that appear to come straight out your hoop. * The so called experts that I met in my early days of coming to Thailand, were so good that the were living in bedsits and riding Honda Waves and the only thing they seemed to be experts in was ducking and diving and trying to cadge free beer.
  13. Wow If I want important information, it wont come from anonymous internet pixels Adios Amigo.
  14. I never admitted anything. You made an assumption. Yes, I believe I have on the wording of the DTA Yet again. I will ask you to show me where I have made a misunderstanding.
  15. That is how I read the situation, and cancelled my Private pension to Thailand. Few years to go yet to claim the State Pension.
  16. As you seem to take great delight in examining my posts, you should have seen the that my Government Pension, is a Forces Pension and that I am not old enough to claim the State Pension. My Private pension could very well fall under the Thai tax system, which is why it will no longer be paid to Thailand after the 01 Jan. I do not need you to post things for me to read. I asked to explain where my understanding of the UK / Thai DTA was wrong.
  17. I provided the answer above, with regards to my pensions and the UK / Thai DTA I asked you to clarify where I had the answer wrong. The above quote speaks volumes.
  18. I asked you to explain where I didn't understand the UK /. Thai DTA in respect to the 2 pensions I currently have paid direct to Thailand. Pension 1 Government, covered by DTA ( No tax in Thailand ) Pension 2 Private, liable to tax in Thailand and will no longer be paid direct to Thailand. Where did I get the DTA wrong ?
  19. It was a loophole that is being closed from 01 Jan 2024. Loopholes are generally used ( in the tax sense ) to dodge paying tax, under most tax jurisdictions, not just Thailand. Perhaps you could point out what I have not understood about the UK - Thai DTA ? I think I understand it enough to stop my Private pension being sent direct to Thailand and allowing my Government pension to continue being sent direct to Thailand. How sad are you that you counted my posts.
  20. My understanding of the UK DTA also. Which is why my Private pension ( Taxed in the UK ) last payment to Thailand will be on the 15 Dec, then paid to my UK account. My Government pension ( Taxed in the UK ) and covered by the DTA will continue coming into Thailand on a monthly basis. I will draw down my $ account to make up the shortfall if needed, until such times as the RD provides clarity.
  21. What is the purpose of DTA's ? If the answer is to ensure that people are not double taxed on the same income, most people will be fine. If the alternative answer is, that they were made up by bored bureaucrats and not worth the paper they are written on, then we will all have problems. If you are a tax dodger, your dodging days are coming to end, certainly in Thailand.
  22. That might be true. I believe that at this point in time we do not have clarification on what is " Assessable income " The whole point of having DTA's is to ensure that the same monies are not taxed twice in different Countries.
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