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Everything posted by Georgealbert

  1. The car park should have CCTV, which hopefully allow the investigators to establish the facts leading to the fire. UK fire and building regulations are based first on life safety, hence no sprinklers and only minimum 15 minutes fire protection in car parks of this height. It is expected that allows fire service intervention before the fire spreads, which failed this time and a few times before. Sprinklers, fire pumps, water supplies and their maintenance just adds costs, which developers don’t want. Many years ago, many large UK DIY stores and supermarkets burnt down. These had no sprinklers and often no fire insurance. Sprinklers only were installed after the companies could no longer continue to write off the costs and then they had to get insurance. The insurance companies then required sprinklers to reduce the risk of money losses. Balance between life safety (fire/building regs) and property protection (insurance), cost making the final decision.
  2. The fires are difficult, not impossible. So are many fires. You cannot look at one picture, which you did above and then state how right you are. Knowledge comes from experience and research, not from finding a youtube view that meets you one sided agenda. This is from the Liverpool link I posted, research a few.
  3. All fire services adapt procedures to deal with any new risks, vehicles, building, construction material, etc. Read this from my professional body, that is why I can use FIFireE after my name. https://www.ife.org.uk/ife-blog/tackling-fires-in-electric-vehicles- Information from experts, not someone in a youtube video that meets your own agenda.
  4. I do not need to lie, i know what i am talking about, unlike mny. After looking through your posts, you need to google Dunning Kruger. Life is better if you get off that bar stool you seem to like to lecture from.
  5. As a recent retired senior fire officer, with just under 40 years experience, and over 1000 fire investigations, it is nice to be lectured by a bar stool expert.
  6. Another post, with no idea what they are talking about. Do you believe there were no car fires before EVs? You display you have zero knowledge of fire. Attached below is the report of the Liverpool car park fire, 2017, shows similar problems. https://www.merseyfire.gov.uk/media/1592/kings-dock-car-park-fire-sir.pdf Maybe best not post you own opinions, based on your own agenda, and keep to the facts.
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