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Everything posted by Georgealbert

  1. Your knowledge of the UK, is the same as most of your posts, based on your own limited view of everything. Why would someone from New Zealand even want to comment in a Thai forum on a UK issue. Life must be boring. Please feel free to add me to your pages of blocked users (your own previous posting), that way you only have to read anything that agrees with you opinions.
  2. I posted the data that is readily available. I informed you have data is collected and recorded. There is nothing I can do if those figures are not released. I only report facts. So the answer to your first question, is no there is no released data currently that gives the break down you want on EVs, that I have seen. Your second question about total vehicles, I would suggest google, as that does not interest me. This thread is about Luton car park fire and the diesel Range Rover that started it. I am well aware of the dangers if lithium batteries and have worked on safety procedures and operational response for over 25 years, but that has nothing to do with the OP, which seems, like many threads, to be hijacked by those shouting their own agendas..
  3. Ever time the fire service attends a incident, then details are recorded and entered onto a government (Home Office) data base. Below is a link to both that data base and dataset guidance of how the information is collected. https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/fire-statistics-incident-level-datasets/road-vehicle-fires-dataset-guidance https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1173188/fire-statistics-data-tables-fire0302-270723.xlsx These are the best government data I can access (I believe a reliable source). I hope the final year statistics will give a break down of what fuels were involved, as that information is collected by attending fire crews, in their fire reporting. Here is a report about electric vehicle from Honeywell, but this is a company involved in the industry.. https://www.energylivenews.com/2023/09/11/uk-ev-fires-double-in-a-year/# I have no idea about how many total vehicles on the roads, my knowledge and interest is mostly fire related and as my whole career was in England, most information I access in English. Hope that gives some info on what you asked.
  4. England has about 20000 vehicle fires a year, so you pick one incident to push your agenda. This from someone whose only experience comes from you tube. You can only guess from that poor quality picture. Do you really think that all firefighters, police, ambulance, airport staff, Chief Fire Officer, Police chief, fire investigators, scenes of crime, health and safety investigators that have attend Luton car park are in on the conspiracy! It was a diesel car. Follow these links for professional training in qualifications. https://gardinerassociates.com/ https://www.fireservicecollege.ac.uk/ When you have gained some basic knowledge, experience and skills, maybe can have a sensible conversation.
  5. So we should leave the ECHR, and isolate ourself further from the Council of Europe, because we had a decision you don't like? Did you know the Council of Europe was first suggested by Winston Churchill in 1943. I have provided 2 links about the organisations, please try not to let you hatred of the EU, blinker you view. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Council_of_Europe https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Court_of_Human_Rights
  6. Sorry I am used to using X. I should not have assumed everyone else could. If you click on their profile icon you get to read all their posts. There you will see what posts this response is to and their general views on Lithium batteries.
  7. Check “The Secret Firefighter UK” on X (formally twitter, if you don’t know). Their posts are very much raising the awareness and dangers of lithium batteries and EVs. But check what he sys about the Luton car park fire, the reason for this thread. Hope the links is not breaking the rules, if it is please delete. https://x.com/thesecretff999/status/1712367730345566228?s=68&t=Gb4KIKw5vbi2R87-_LDePA
  8. Here is the contact details for Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue. Maybe email them and ask why the chief is lying. Incident details are not released until the final investigation and report are completed. Standard in every incident. EVs and batteries are always under research to improve both reliability and safety, have posted some research earlier. In the thread. The real learning point from the Luton, Liverpool and Cork car park fires, is the basic fire safety measures required under current regulations. Sprinklers would have slowed or stopped fire spread to allow successful fire service intervention. Also contrary to general belief sprinklers are designed for fire containment, if it extinguishes the fire that is a bonus. Given the deregulation policy of the present and past UK governments, I am not holding my breath. https://www.bedsfire.gov.uk/contact-us
  9. English fire services attended 18914 road vehicles fires in 2022. So you cherry pick one incident to try to highlight! https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/fire-and-rescue-incident-statistics-england-year-ending-september-2022/fire-and-rescue-incident-statistics-england-year-ending-september-2022
  10. The first comment by the Chief Officer was made during the incident. The press release was made after the incident. Have you given a interview during an emergency incident? He will be following service guidelines and keeping any full details until later. The claim of half truths is defamation of Andrew Hopkinson, the Chief Officer, there is no big conspiracy. i give up trying to post facts, too many people posting on social media, and only following their own agendas. i am sorry the facts don’t meet you hopes to blame EVs.
  11. Here is a similar incident from Cork 2019. Opel Zafira B https://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/cork-shopping-centre-reopens-after-30m-fire-damage-1.4406760 https://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/up-to-60-cars-scorched-in-accidental-cork-car-park-blaze-1.4004015 Pictures of start of the fire ( note the lack of thick black smoke, because it is not the fuel burning at this stage) and picture of the damage.
  12. If anyone is really interested in facts, here are some links to research, procedures, and information about some of the issues. These are from validated., professional and reliable sources. This shows that continued assessment, research and guidelines are ongoing for EVs, just like every other type of fire and accident risk. There is no big conspiracy to hid the truth. https://irescue.jp/PDF/EVFG-15-PDF.pdf https://www.nfpa.org/Training-and-Events/By-topic/Alternative-Fuel-Vehicle-Safety-Training/Emergency-Response-Guides https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1168956/covered-car-parks-fire-safety-guidance-for-electric-vehicles.pdf https://nfcc.org.uk/our-services/position-statements/operations-committee/emergency-responders-guide-for-alternatively-fuelled-vehicles/ http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1744882/FULLTEXT01.pdf
  13. Sorry, here is the press release from Bedfordshire fire service. https://www.bedsfire.gov.uk/news/london-luton-airport-car-park-fire There is no big conspiracy going on.
  14. Sorry, you both fail to understand, it is not the diesel burning at the start of the fire started under the bonnet. if you have attended any car fires you would understand that many times the fuel tank remain unaffected. English car fire statistics, facts, not made up from youtube. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1173188/fire-statistics-data-tables-fire0302-270723.xlsx You show your lack of knowledge when posting. Both reported for posting false information.
  15. Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue press release. https://www.bedsfire.gov.uk/news/london-luton-airport-car-park-fire
  16. Thanks. Lithium batteries have posed some new risks, same as when LPG/NGV vehicles first appeared. Firefighting techniques have also developed and been adapted. The Luton car park fire final report, I am sure, will find many factors that lead to the reason why this fire grew and did such damage That report will be based on real facts, not on any preconceived agenda. Hopefully any lessons learnt will be acted on, but I doubt it. Safety requires extra costs, and profit is normally the first priority.
  17. It is good to have a sensible, open debate, with someone who can express serious views. Just a shame we all have to suffer some of the others posters.
  18. Very good question. The images and videos I have been able to find online, shows a fairly standard under the bonnet fire. There are a number of reasons that could cause such as fire, electrical, combustibles left under the bonnet, brake fluid leak. I do not believe it was ignition of the diesel that started the fire. Range Rover also has a history of vehicle recalls, as many manufacturers do. i would hope the investigators have access to better, clearer CCTV of the car entering the car park to the fire development. They will also have witness statements from the car owners and people in the area at the time. Also observations from the first attending fire crews. Yes diesel will produce a lot of black smoke, which is because of incomplete combustion. EV thermal runaway would often display a jet of flame. So without the full information, I would never attempt to make what would be a guess as to why this fire developed this way. But details from the Liverpool car park fire, I posted earlier, seems to offer many similarities. Like most major fires and accidents, it is a series of events that lead to the final outcome. Such as, what caused the car fire, the space it parked in, proximity of other cars, weather and wind condition, car park construction and fire resistance, height of car park, lack of sprinklers, english building regulations requirements, time to first fire intervention, availability of fire extinguishers, did anyone attempt to use an extinguisher or just video it, time of attendance of first fire crew, access to the car on fire, did the airport fire crew attend, Bedfordshire Fire Service operational procedures. So without full information it would be unprofessional to offer a guess of what went wrong, i will reserve final judgement to the full fire report is issued.
  19. You obviously do not know any firefighters then. All fire services have operational procedures, incident command and safety equipment to deal with incidents. EV fires offer some difficulties, not are nothing compared to the risks posed by many other hazards,
  20. 5555, was a long time ago i got dirt putting a fire out, officers just tell others what to do. Fatal fire investigations always took more time and effort than the fire itself. It was a enjoyable career, hard work at times, would never make you rich but allows a comfortable retirement. Sometimes i think if i could do it again, next time I would just stay sat on a fire engine, forget promotion, as that just means far less stress and responsibility.
  21. Yes agree, maybe a new term in general use. When I did my first courses at the UK Fire Service College, Moreton in Marsh, 80s, it was the term used for fire science.
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