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Everything posted by MrPancake

  1. I disagree with the way you conceptualize the entire thing. - Short-term traders don't exist. - So called "day traders" are gamblers not traders. (trying to figure out how trading algos are gonna play the market on a given day is BS - to not get reckned you best bet is to average. You buy once on opening. If the stock goes up you sell and you're done for the day. If the stock goes down you keep buying more and more. At some point during the session the stock will go back up and you will be able to exit). - A trader operates on weeks or months. - An investor holds for years if not decades. Anyways. Whatever floats your boat I guess :)
  2. Depends on what is on offer. I usually go for one of the flash deal Right now I have a 30 days 46Go package. I paid 220THB for it I think. I don't need more than 1.5Go per day and I don't really need a phone package. I always have 10 or 20THB left on my balance and pay 0.5THB per minute if I ever need to call.
  3. 1) Trading and gambling are two different things. 2) Trading usually involves dollar cost averaging. 3) A 10% drop is nothing on most stocks - it's an opportunity to buy more (see above) 4) Mathematics isn't the master of gamblers. Luck is. 5) Adhering to the 1% loss rule is illogical. The only rule is the more the stock goes down, the more I buy. 6) Leveraging is indeed pretty dumb. My 2 cents.
  4. Ok. Thought AN had been hacked or something. Thanks and good evening.
  5. What is going on ? Can't access squat tonight ?
  6. MrPancake

    Cheap gym

    Yeah and I want an helicopter. Fat chance, Arnold.
  7. How do you call them in Thai ? God bless.
  8. My method: 1) By True-M prepaid hello SIM in a 7-Eleven. 2) Download the True iservice app an Play store. 3) Make sure to modify login settings so you login with fingerprints. * 4) Use the app to buy any package you want, top up, buy validity, etc... ** 5) Enjoy * Make sure you choose the option that enables you to login with your fingerprints. Otherwise the system is gonna send you an SMS with a code and if you're abroad (not in Thailand) you might not get it. ** each time to top up you extend the validity of your card so buying validity might not even be something that you need to do. That said. 6 months validity would cost you... 14 THB.
  9. I like cheap.
  10. She's the best ! Not sure the best what. Yet have to figure that one out... But she is the best ! Wooooh !!!! THE BEST !!!!!!!
  11. The cadmium has been stolen by this guy. "Now we gonna mix some cadmium yellow with some alizarin crimson just like so. Don't worry nothing bad is gonna happen. Here we have only happy accidents." Happy accidents... Yeah right... Tell that to the Thais now, Bob. F*, man !
  12. Sure. Haggling ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hustling As you can see, the latter is smoother than the former. So it's all about the mood you wanna set. Gotta think about this before you attempt anything. And stretch beforehand !
  13. Just what I thought. Supervised exercise is recommended. Go see a doctor to structure a program that fits your needs and abilities. https://www.exerciseismedicine.org/assets/page_documents/EIM Rx series_COPD.pdf
  14. Sorry to hear that. I thought maybe light weights might have helped (a bit).
  15. 34°c in Pattaya. Nothing out of the ordinary considering we're in April. Just went for a little walk along the beach and the harbor towards Bali Hai lighthouse, then up Phra Tamnak hill and back down on the other side. A breeze as long as one has water in the backpack. Air quality is acceptable at 58 AQI.
  16. Do some weight lifting. Might help you with the strength issue. Better than nothing imo.
  17. A member of the Phineas Gage society ?
  18. Glad to hear it. I leave that one to you
  19. OP is probably dead by now 8 years. I'm pretty sure most people joining AN haven't 8 years left...
  20. 8 years of people talking about birds in their garden LOL
  21. 28.76% to be precise.
  22. It gives me hope for the future of Thailand's economy. You're a doer georgegeorgia ! A disruptor !!
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